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束鹏邺 1955年生于南京。 1969年底尚未成年即与父母一赵被“上山下乡”的洪流裹入“下入户”的行列之中。在苏北灌南县农村,尝到了真正的生活的滋味,也涉猎了一些行当:主业是农民,兼任过生产队记工员、大队团支部书记”;“客串”过小学、初中教师,“计划生育小分队”队员;还当了年把工人。 1978年考入南京师范学院中文系。除了中学教师这一既定的未来职业之外,当时没敢有过任何其他非份之念。不想四年后被分进江苏人民广播电台,便觉得自己是个“门外汉”。好在由于家庭的“遗传”,教育的熏陶,生活的锻造,多少具备了那么一点认真劲。于是认真地学习,认真地实践,竟也有了一点小小的收获:作品拿了全国一等奖,也获过全省特等奖、一等奖。年将“不惑”,却感“惑”之颇多。然追求“真”、“诚”、“正”将一如既往,没有疑惑。期望于自己的,唯有做一些真正值得做的事,并努力将这些事做得漂亮些。  相似文献   
通过对Journal3.1订阅录入模块创建和程序行的分析研究,揭示数据库系统输入数据界面的程度设计思路及编程技巧。  相似文献   
TimeandEnergyOperatorsinQuantumMechanicsLiChunfangWangQi(ColegeofSciences)AbstractStartingfromatimeoperator,theformoftheso-ca...  相似文献   
1 Introduction Recently,nonlinearpropagationofelectromagneticwavesingyromagneticmaterialshasdrawnmuchattentioninboththeoreticalandexperimentalstudies.Stimulatedbythegreatachievementsinthetheoreticalresearchandpracticalapplicationofopticalsolitonsin…  相似文献   
We studied the esterification of free fatty acids (FFA) in tung oil with methanol by using activated carbon treated with sulfuric acid as a catalyst, and investigated the effect of different temperatures, methanol/oil mole ratio and catalyst amount on the conversion of FFA. Results show that the optimal reaction condition is when the reaction time is 2 h, the mass fraction of the catalyst to total material is 5%, the molar ratio of menthol to FFA is 15 : 1, and the reaction temperature is 368.15 K. We also investigated the kinetics of estefification at various temperatures. Results indicate that the rate-control step could be attributed to the surface reaction, and within the range of the experimental conditions, the as-calculated kinetics formula can depict the esterification processes well.  相似文献   
农民与土地,时分时合,或亲或疏,几经风雨,演绎出中国农村变革曲折生动的一幕。家庭联产承包制的出现,使农民真正尝到了作为土地主人的滋味。但是随着市场经济的发展,许多农民又告别土地,转移到了二、三产业,土地渐渐失去了吸引力,农村出现了新的危机。在困境中,具有伟大创造力的中国农民终于找到了新的出路。许多农民重新回到了土地上,中国农村出现了一次重大转变。这一被邓小平称为农村第二次飞跃的变化是怎样发生的?它将如何发展?在农村改革中具有何种意义?这是《田野的魅力》试图探讨的问题。无疑,这是一个很有意义的选题。然而,要揭示这一变化  相似文献   
The great majority of genetic disorders are caused by defects in the nuclear genome. However, some significant diseases are the result of mitochondrial mutations. Because of the unique features of the mitochondria, these diseases display characteristic modes of inheritance and a large degree ofphenotypic variability. Recent studies have suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a central role in a wide range of age-related disorders and various forms of cancer.  相似文献   
城市化进程中的教育病理现象   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市化已经成为我国经济社会发展的大趋势。在城市化进程中,由于各种各样的原因,引发了一系列教育病理现象,突出地表现为:城市发展模式选择中的教育缺位;城市快速发展带来教育结构失调;城市财富的不断积聚加剧城乡间教育不均衡;城市人口的迅猛增加导致教育规模与效益的矛盾更加突出;流动人口子女教育成为城市难以克服的痼疾;“城市流行病”引发的“大学城热”;城市化使农村优秀教师进一步短缺。这些问题亟待解决。  相似文献   
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