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老胖  搏浪 《高中生》2011,(7):42-43
在高考试题中,动词辨义在单项填空和完形填空两种题型中占的比重较大,并有逐年增加的趋势。所以考生在高考前对一些重点动词的词义辨析进行有效的复习是很有必要的。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Most research on child abuse in Tanzania and Kenya is unpublished in the international literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine the various commentaries and reports extant, toward an overview of the nature and frequency of child sexual abuse in Tanzania and Kenya. METHODS: Contacts were made with academics, government departments, NGOs, and UN agencies. This was followed by a field trip in the summer of 2001 where all available reports were examined and a wide range of interviews conducted. RESULTS: Little empirical data exist on child sexual abuse in Tanzania. It is widely perceived that it may be increasing as a result of AIDS sufferers' attempts to "cleanse" themselves. The breakdown of traditional childcare systems, foreign influences, poverty, and the lowly position of girls in society are also implicated. More research has been conducted in Kenya. It is clear that first coitus occurs at a young age for many Kenyan children and adolescents. Also, a degree of force, trickery, or material exchange is not uncommon in adolescent sexual relations. CONCLUSIONS: Child sexual abuse is under-researched in Tanzania and Kenya. Studies by UN agencies such as United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have focused on the commercial sexual exploitation of children, to the neglect of more pervasive abuse in children's own communities by family, relatives, and neighbors. Nationwide surveys of the general population are required for an empirical understanding of this topic. Given the high incidence of AIDS/HIV in both countries, it is important to know if the epidemic is increasing the risk of rape or incest for children.  相似文献   
企鹅老博士: 过去,我们这边的餐馆有吃果子狸的,去年春季非典时期传出一种说法,说是果子狸传染非典病毒,后来,人们就不敢再吃了。果子狸到底是不是非典病毒的传染源呢? 广西南宁市解放路小学英雅丹雅丹小朋友: 去年春季的抗击非典斗争,给人们留下了深  相似文献   
老老牛 《教书育人》2004,(10):49-49
“牛老师,我想把您的班主任给换换,让您歇口气,不知您意下如何?”开学伊始,很少找我谈话的校长在校门口充满关切地问我。  相似文献   
日前国家教委、财政部联合作出决定,从今年起改革中央职业教育补助专款的使用办法。具体方案是:将1997年至2000年的中央专款实行“总额规划,今年拨付”,用于支持地方集中建设一批与当地经济发展密切相关的骨干示范职业学校(职教中心),以及推动高等职教的发展。据悉,这个项目是中央财政集中投入的第一个职业教育大型项目,总额为5000万元,其中高等职教800万元。国家教委和财政部提出,原则上每个项目学校的资助额度为50万元左右,并要求省、市(县)各级地方政府必须提供不少于2:1的配套资金。项目资金的使用限于购置教学仪器、  相似文献   
尺度老愚全国职教界翘首以盼的《中华人民共和国职业教育法》于5月15日在八届全国人大常委会第十九次会议上获得通过。国家主席江泽民签署第69号主席令,公布了这一新中国建国以来第一部职教法典。职业教育法将于1996年9月1日起施行,它标志着我们实施科教兴国...  相似文献   
幼儿个性品质的形成离不开游戏活动。因此,如何从幼儿最感兴趣的活动入手,利用幼儿在节日中的良好心境,适时地组织各种活动进行德育渗透,是一个值得探讨的课题。广州市桃源上街幼儿园进行的德育游园会就是我们尝试和探讨品德教育的途径和方法的一次具体的实践活动。  相似文献   
一甫一到职,王树彬就带着一班人马在全市各职业学校转了一大圈。在人们看来,这无论如何都是个信号:长春市教育局的新任局长对职业技术教育很重视。王树彬说他确实想表达一种态度,长春市的职业技术教育必须要有一个大变化。实际上,他这个决心并非仅仅生成于他到教育局后对一些情况的初步了解和判断。到教育局前,王树彬一直在外事部门工作,一些国家和地区发达的职业技术教育曾给他留下了极为深刻的印象。他认为,一些国家和地区之所以发展得比较快比较好,是与他们具有先进的职业教育体系密切相关。相比较而言,长春市作为全国闻名的老工业基地、…  相似文献   
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