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现在分词和过去分词在句中可作定语、表语、宾补和状语,相当于形容词或副词。其判断方法如下: 一、分词作定语看分词与所修饰的词之间的关系。一般来说,如是主谓关系,且动作正在进行时,用现在分词;如是动宾关系,且分词的动作发生  相似文献   
1.C an you think of som e cases drivers obviously knew the traffic rules butdidn tobey them ? A .why B .w here C .as D .w hich 2.The villagers, had been dam aged in the earthquake,w ere given help by the R ed Cross. A .alloftheir houses B .alltheir houses C.shoes allhouses D .all of whose houses 3. w e all know ,Tom has m ade great progress in physics since last term . A .It B .That C .W hat D .A s 4.The professor offered us another piece of advice, of great help to our English learnin…  相似文献   
51.If people feel hopeless,they dont bother to the skills they need to succeed. A .adopt B .take C .accumulate D .acquire 52.Our son doesnt know what to at the university;he can't make up his mind about his future. A .take in B .take up C .take over D .take after 53.Those gifts of rare books thatwere given to us were deeply . A .appreciated B .approved C .appealed D .applied 54.The early pioneers had to m any hardships to settle on the new land. A .go along with B .go back onC.go through…  相似文献   
TomsID(身份证)WhenTomwas19yearsold,hewenttoabarwithanolderfriend.TheguyatthedooraskedforhisID.Hegavehimthedriverslicense,whichofcoursehadhisdateofbirthprintedonit.Theguylookedatitandsaid,“Youhavetobe21ifyougetinhere.”“ButthatIDisafewyearsold,”Tomreplied.Theguylookedatitagainforamoment,thensaid,“OK,OK”andlethimin.AParrotsAnswerAboygoestoapetshoptobuyaparrot.Thereheseesaparrotwitharedstringtiedtoitsleftlegandagreenstringtiedtoitsrightleg.Heaskstheownerthesigni…  相似文献   
1.—Doyouhaveanytroubleexplainingthesentence?—No,.A.nothingatallB.alittleC.noneatallD.notatall2.—ItsfiveyearssinceIworkedhere.—?A.HaveyouworkedherehappilyB.HowlongwillyouworkhereC.WheredoyouworknowD.Doyouwanttoworkherelonger3.—Wouldyoumindifyougiveyourseattothewomanwithababy?—A.Oh,no.B.Whynot?C.Ofcourse.D.Withpleasure.4.—Haveanicejourney!—.A.ItsverykindofyouB.ThatsallrightC.ThesametoyouD.Congratulations5.—DoyoumindifIshutdowntheradio-taperecorder?—Thegoodnewswillbeontheai…  相似文献   
1.WhenIcaughthimme,Istoppedbuyingthingsthereandstart-eddealingwithanothershop.A.cheatingB.cheatC.tocheatD.tobecheating2.—Whathaveyoubeendoing?Youveboughtnothing!—Iarrivedattheshop,onlyIdleftallmymoneyathome.A.foundB.tofindC.findingD.tohavefound3.—Whatterribleweather!Isimplycantgetthelorry.—Whynottrytheenginewithhotwater?A.started;tofillB.starting;tofillC.start;fillingD.tostart;filling4.—Areyouwithmycooking?Itlooksniceandsmellsdelicious.—Mm,itdoeshaveasmell.A.pleasant;pleasedB.pl…  相似文献   
Who Is God?A little boy walked up to his father and asks him a question, "Dad, is God a man or a woman?Father answered, "Both, son, both." After a short while the boy came back . "Dad, is God black or white?"  相似文献   
InDenmarktheseaembraces(拥抱)peopleandcitites.AnditaccompaniestheDanes(丹麦人)intheirdailylife.Itmarkstheminhistory.TheDanish(丹麦的)coastlineis7,313kilometerslong,soitsnowonderthatDenmarkisoneoftheleadingnationsinfishingin-dustry.Itsoneo  相似文献   
A Telephone Call     
At about two o'clock on a cold winter morning, a doctor drove seven miles in answer to a telephone call. On his coming the man who had called him in said, "Doctor, I don't have a sore throat ( 喉咙痛 ) , I don't cough , I have no pain either in the side or in the back, I'm not running a  相似文献   
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