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[教学内容]:Module 2 Unit 2   [教学目标]:知识目标:使学生掌握本课单词及句型.   能力目标:能够运用所学句型提问并回答.   德育目标:认知和理解中西方文化的差异,激发其深入学习异国文化的欲望.……  相似文献   
Purpose:Knowledge aim:New words and the expressions Ability aim:Train students to express the thing they like better by the pattern “I prefer....”  相似文献   
【教学内容】:Module2Unit2【教学目标】:知识目标使学生掌握本课单词及句型。能力目标:能够运用所学句型提问并回答。德育目标:认知和理解中西方文化的差异,激发其深入学习异国文化的欲望。【教学准备】:CAI课件、录音机、食物、图片、单词卡片【教学程序】:Warm-up课前唱英文歌曲Step1Revision多媒体展示各种食物图THi,boysandgirls.Nicetoseeyouagain.SsNicetoseeyou.TLooksomanydeliciousfoodwhatfooddoyoulike﹖S1S2S3S4...Ilike...Step2NewwordsTDoyouknowwhatfoodIlike﹖Canyouguess﹖教师可给提示:It’sakindofcandy.It…  相似文献   
王冬煜  郭颖 《辽宁教育》2010,(10):61-64
课例点评: 本课教学内容是围绕“打算计划安排去做某事”这一话题而展开,通过课堂教学,学生认识了一般将来时的表达形式之一“be going to”句型,能正确运用一般将来时表达自己的计划和安排。教师深入挖掘教学内容中的语言点。在教授生词时,  相似文献   
〔设计理念〕:依据新课程标准,小学英语课堂教学的生命就在于激发学生的兴趣,为学生提供足够的机会进行交际活动。本节课正是遵循这一原则,采用游戏、歌曲、竞赛、韵律诗等形式,以个人、同桌、小组、班级为活动单位,对本课的语言知识进行系统的操练。同时运用图片、录音机、课件、电视机等现代化手段来辅助教学,为学生创设了丰富的语言环境和竞争发展的空间。调动学生多种感官进行学习,使英语教学更加趣味化、形象化、具体化、韵律化、自主化、交际化。〔教学模式〕:创设语境—激发兴趣接受新知—形成技能小组合作—交际培养巩固运用—能力…  相似文献   
王冬煜  郭英 《辽宁教育》2006,(10):61-62
课前热身活动,既可营造一种轻松愉快的课堂气氛,集中学生的注意力,又能在唱歌中再现过去时的问答句,为本课的学习起到良好的铺垫作用。  相似文献   
According to the requirements of the New English Curriculum Standard, the teaching activities in primary school emphasis on how to arouse the students' interest in learning English, develop self-learning capability and the spirit of cooperation. Objectives include enabling students to develop certain integrated language ability and helping them to understand the world and western cultural differences, with the goal of forming the ability of communicating in English in daily life. This lesson is about the United Nations. Let the students understand the UN wants to make peace in the world... Keep the students to form the ability of operating language.  相似文献   
教材分析: 本课需要掌握的语言结构是:How do you go to school? How does your mother go to work? I go to school by bus.She goes to work by bike.本模块的主要语言功能是谈论交通工具.其内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,有利于培养他们在真实的语言情景中运用英语进行交际的能力.  相似文献   
1.教学内容: 1)词汇:east,west,south,north 2)短语:intheeast/west/south/nonhof 3)句型:New York is in the east of America.Los Angeles is in the west of America.  相似文献   
Knowledge aim: New words and the expressions
Ability aim: Train them to describe a famous person about his or her story briefly.  相似文献   
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