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The anatomy curriculum at Namibia's first, and currently only, medical school is clinically oriented, outcome-based, and includes all of the components of modern anatomical sciences i.e., histology, embryology, neuroanatomy, gross, and clinical anatomy. The design of the facilities and the equipment incorporated into these facilities were directed toward simplification of work flow and ease of use by faculty, staff, and students. From the onset, the integration of state of the art technology was pursued to facilitate teaching and promote a student-centered pedagogical approach to dissections. The program, as realized, is comprised of three 16-week semesters with seven hours of contact time per week, namely three hours of lectures and four hours of dissection laboratory and microscopy time. Set outcomes were established, each revolving around clinical cases with integrated medical imaging. The design of the facility itself was not constrained by a legacy structure, allowing the School of Medicine, in collaboration with architects and contractors, to design the building from scratch. A design was implemented that allows for the sequential processing of cadaveric material in a unidirectional flow from reception, to preparation, embalming, storage, dissection, and maceration. Importantly, the odor of formaldehyde typically associated with anatomy facilities was eliminated outside of the dissection areas and minimized within via a high-performance ventilation system. By holistically incorporating an integrated curriculum, facility design, and teaching at an early stage, the authors believe they have created a system that might serve as a model for new anatomy programs.  相似文献   
清洁工型 我是爱干净的人.平时宿舍都是我打扫.过天听舍友说我睡着睡着就下了床.然后就抓起了电话:“喂,你好!噢,是班主任呀!什么,市领导要来视察?”说完就搁下电话.去水房打来一盆水,毛巾一泡,然后就擦桌子.抹窗户.最后拖地。  相似文献   
小朋友们一定不会相信,计算机有时也会生病。计算机要是得病的话,它内部储(chu)存的数据就会遭(zao)到破坏,运行速度会减慢,严重的还会让整个系统瘫痪(tan huan)呢,造成的经济损失非常巨大。这些都是因为——“病毒”。  相似文献   
材料 洋葱l/4个(切末)奶油1杯 水1杯 鸡高汤 2杯 玉米酱1/2罐 蘑菇片1/2杯 牛奶1/4杯 鲜奶油1/4杯 盐、胡椒粉各少许 巴里西末(干)少许做法: 将洋葱末用奶油爆香,筛人面粉,炒香后加入水、鸡高汤、玉米酱和蘑菇片,煮约10分钟,边煮边搅以防黏锅。 接着加入牛奶及鲜奶油,煮滚后用盐、胡椒粉调昧,撒入巴西里末即可。  相似文献   
有时候,当别人问"你在哪里"时,并不是想要知道你具体的位置,而是问你起到了什么作用。就好像本期"我爱DIY"的话题——你会把U盘藏在哪里?问这个问题并不是真正要了解你的U盘的放置地方,而是说:你想到过"藏"起U盘,让它显得与众不同吗?或者也可以说:你有多少DIY精神,让自己变得独特起来呢?  相似文献   
如果要恢复苗条的身村,做产褥体操是非常必要的,你千万不可以有“生了孩子,这也是没办法的事”的灰心想法,每天做一点,积极地动一动身体吧,同时还消除带宝宝的精神压力呢!  相似文献   
怀孕后,由于必须负担婴儿的重,以致肌骨变形,或因为供给宝宝钙质,而产生骨质营养的供给不足问题,若想善存“骨本”,除了平日保养外,可别忘了产后的复原工夫哦!  相似文献   
夏日的夜,炽热的光消逝。明月装饰柔和的世界,着一身轻盈飘逸的纱裙,带上你可爱的宝宝,随着浪漫的音乐,尽享月光下舞动的愉悦、欢  相似文献   
当你的宝宝满7个月以后;鸡蛋是最常见,也最容易料理的一种副食品食材,它富含婴幼儿生长时所需的动物性蛋白质与脂肪酸,而其中的卵磷脂更对宝宝脑部发育、神经系统及抵抗力有极大帮助,还有它富含铁的蛋黄又极易被婴儿消化吸收。它是最佳的营养主角,可以搭配其他副材,变化出不同的食谱,无论蒸、煮、炒、煎,都能兼顾营养与美味。  相似文献   
In this study the MTP1 gene, encoding a type III integral transmembrane protein, was isolated from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The Mtp1 protein is 520 amino acids long and is comparable to the Ytp1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with 46% sequence similarity. Prediction programs and MTP1-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion expression results indicate that Mtp1 is a protein located at several membranes in the cytoplasm. The functions of the MTP1 gene in the growth and development of the fungus were studied using an MTP1 gene knockout mutant. The MTP1 gene was primarily expressed at the hyphal and conidial stages and is necessary for conidiation and conidial germination, but is not required for pathogenicity. The Deltamtp1 mutant grew more efficiently than the wild type strain on non-fermentable carbon sources, implying that the MTP1 gene has a unique role in respiratory growth and carbon source use.  相似文献   
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