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到荷乡观光,这是我盼望已久的事了。一天,我和爷爷乘车来到东荡,在伯父的带领下荡舟荷花湖。湖中荷叶挨挨挤挤,把天与水都映绿了。荷叶酷似一个个大碧盘,正面摸起来很滑,背面摸起来毛茸茸的,感觉特舒服。我摘了一片荷叶戴在头上挡阳光,惬意极了。在成片的荷叶中间有许多荷花,点缀着碧绿的荷叶。白里透红的花瓣中间有着金黄色的小莲蓬,荷花仿佛在捧腹大笑;有的荷花含苞欲放,好像要开口说话;有的还只是一个小不点,如羞涩姑娘低头不语。荷花有种特殊的清香,随着夏日的阵阵清风,沁人心脾,让人心旷神怡。一只蜻蜓立在荷尖上,真是“小荷才露尖尖角…  相似文献   
在班主任工作中,启发和培养学生主体的自我教育能力,调动学生的积极性与主动性,使我们的教育得到学生的认同,并内化为学生自愿的行为、自觉的要求,是教育成败的关键。而引导学生进行“自我教育”是达到良好教育效果的基础。  相似文献   
正改革开放以来,我国金融行业蓬勃发展。"信托"一词逐渐为人所知。现代金融体系中,信托与银行、保险、证券一样,扮演着越来越重要的角色。信托登记制度就是信托相关法律制度中的重要组成部分。本文拟以价值判断法、比较分析法为主要手段,首先厘清该制度的理论基础,并对其适用范围进行综合分析,进而指出当前我国信托登记制度的重要作用,并提出了改进我国信托登记制度的路径,为我  相似文献   
哇!只听从屋子里传来让人惊恐的叫声。原来这吓人的叫声是让住在这里的老鼠弄的。说来也怪,一只普普通通的老鼠竟然会捉弄人。我就知道有的人会不相信,不过你们可以听一听这只老鼠是怎么样来捉弄人的。这是一个电闪雷鸣的夜晚,风呼呼地吹着。这时,从屋里传出“吱、吱、吱”的声音。爸爸一口咬定是老鼠,就拿着手电下地了。我和妈妈也拿着手电在地上搜查。这时,老鼠跑到炕上,我上去就扑,没有压住。老鼠跑到我的手上,用它的小爪子挠起我的手心来。爸爸听见我的笑声,连忙用手电照了一下,老鼠急忙逃跑,不料被我用手压住了尾巴。爸爸将老鼠扔了出…  相似文献   
那天,是我10岁的生日。 不同往常,一大早,没等妈妈叫我,我就兴冲冲地起床了。我按捺住心里的兴奋,有意试探着问:"妈妈,今天几号哇?"妈妈好像忘记了我的生日,慢条斯理地说:"12月24号呗,明天是圣诞节了!"  相似文献   
百川 《大理文化》2011,(10):54-55
风花雪月,浪漫大理;苍洱山水,人文大理;洱海之恋,自在大理。浪漫大理、人文大理、自在大理,这是我看了"洱海之恋"大型激光音乐喷泉后发自内心的感叹。大理"洱海之恋"大型激光音乐喷泉,在建党90周年期间建成开放,为大理增添了无穷的魅力,又是浪漫大理、人文大理、自在大理的  相似文献   
在我国的高师音乐教育中融入多元化音乐教育早就得到了世界音乐教育界的赞同。而地方音乐也包含在其中,成为音乐教育中的一个重要部分。我国目前的高师音乐教育理应融入中国本土的音乐文化,具有独特韵味的乡土音乐在高师教学中要受到应有的重视。高师音乐教学任务除了音乐教育以外,还要包括音乐传承。本文将以淄博本土音乐传承与发展研究为例,对基于高师音乐教学平台对地方音乐文化进行传承与发展进行简要探讨。  相似文献   
The multi-point regional online book circulation platform is a collaborative service model which realizes the integration of regional library warehousing and automatic management of the whole process by cloud platform in a certain area. The concept and algorithmic technology application of the intelligent collaboration provide the technical support for the resource control and allocation, the multi-agent cooperation and interaction, the business and service coordination for the multi-point regional online book circulation platform. The multipoint regional online book circulation platform based on the intelligent collaboration can relieve the pressure of library collection space, expand the radiation range and service radius of collection resources, and facilitate the storage, deployment and service of regional literature resources, all of which meet the requirements of green and energy saving development of smart libraries. It is found that the multi-point regional online book circulation platform based on the intelligent collaboration has the application scenarios and service functions for user service, intelligent stereo book warehousing and library management, and it is a platform service supply mode of smart libraries incorporating management and service. With a variety of technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, machine learning, intelligent collaboration, cloud platform, etc., this model has the following functions: supporting the multi-intelligent device collaboration management, the dynamic multi-task allocation and the multi-agent intelligent collaborative decision-making, which could be helpful for the collection space planning, resource allocation and joint decision-making among libraries; forming the integrated service model, which could optimize the business flow collaboration, prospective literature resource allocation and intelligent recommendation; implementing the remote intelligent coordination control for the data security and risk and emergencies, which could realize the integrated safety management and standardized operation of multiple libraries with a small amount of human, material and financial resources. The primary construction scheme of this platform has been adopted and put into practice by Foshan Library. After nearly one year’s operation, it has achieved good social benefits and recognition. 12 figs. 56 refs. © 2023, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
歌曲弹唱是一种由钢琴与声乐表演共同构成的音乐表现形式,具有自由性、技巧性、理论性、经验性等特征。歌曲弹唱是音乐教师必备的一种基本能力,是培养学生综合音乐素养的有效途径,是学生对创新精神培养的一种有效方法。要想对学生的歌曲弹唱能力进行有效提高,必须从思想上重视对学生弹唱能力的培养,适当调整相关课程设置,在教学中要贯穿弹唱结合的综合训练,培养学生正确的学习方法。  相似文献   
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