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一、建立姐妹校,促进普特幼儿社会交往的重要意义特殊教育发展的重要趋势是让残疾儿童从排斥和隔离的状态中走出来,使其融入社会。学校教育的任务是要培养视力残疾幼儿日后成为合格的社会成员,和普通学校、幼儿园建立姐妹校,对于促进视力残疾幼儿的社会交往能力具有重要的意义。首先,普特幼儿发展相似。他们都遵循着相同的发展规律,机体生长和发育都处于萌芽期,  相似文献   
盲幼儿缺少视觉表象,感知笼统片面,较难形成完整的概念。思维具有直觉动作特点,情绪易外露,冲动,稍有不如意,就全然不顾客观因素,会毫不抑制地发泄。他们的运动能力也不能随着机体的成熟而自然地发展,一些刚进盲校学前班的儿童,行动迟缓,动作笨拙,不敢跑不敢跳。但是,游戏能为他们矫正上述缺陷和创造发展各种运动能力的良好机会。  相似文献   
Two Travellers     
1.Manyyearsago,therelivedWilGooseanditsfriendDuck.Theybothwantedverymuchtotravelhereanthere.2.Itwasspring.WildGoosesaidtoDuck,“Itstimeformostflowerstoblos-som.Letsgotravelling!”Duckansweredlistlessly,“Butitisrainy.Letssetoffwhenitturnsfine.”SoWildGooseflewawaybyitself.3.Nowsummercame.WildGooseinvitedDuckagain:“Myfriend,itisfinenow.Letssetoff!”ButDucksaidslug-gishly,“Well,itstoohot.Idontfeellikegoingout.Letswaittillitturnscool.”Again,WildGoosehadtoflyaloneinthehotsun.4.Whenau…  相似文献   
1.One evening,a goat and amonkey were playing by a river.They looked up and saw a beautifulmoon,80 they were eager to get amirror like the moon.  相似文献   
In a peace w ayX iao H ua cam e back hom e w ith the report card from school.H e saidto his father,“Y ou are a m em ber ofPeace Council,aren tyou?”“O f course.”“So I suggestw e solve som e quarrellings in a peace w ay,O k?I didn tdo wellin this exam .”M aking experim ent on the spotA salesm an visited a general. H e took out a suit of uniform andboasted of it.A tlast,he said,“This uniform can protect your body fromanything.”“Excellent! Putit on yourself.” Then the gerneralsaid …  相似文献   
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