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1.I have never seen such an useful computer before.A B C D2.Against whowill you playthe dayafter tomorrow.A B C D3.I'msure he can be able tofinish the work on time.A B C D4.I've lent mychair toJim,soI have nochair tosit now.A B C D5.That's quite important tolearn our English well.A B C D6.Last termMr.Wangtaught our English.He did verywell.A B C D7.There is goingtohave a foreign filmin our school tonight.A B C D8.Aman in the classroomis his teacher.A B C D9.I have less books t…  相似文献   
肖燕玲 《广西教育》2006,(12C):33-33
一、Put on 意为“穿、戴”,与dress相似,其反义词为take off,强调“穿”的动作,其后接衣服(clothes)、鞋子(shoes)、袜子(socks/stocking)、帽子(hat)、眼镜(glasses)等;例如:  相似文献   
Poisonous snakes 毒蛇 There are two snakes.The father snake and his son are out on a nice afternoon.When they are enjoying the beautiful flowers,the son asks,"Dad,are we poisonous snakes?"the father says proudly,"Yes,we are  相似文献   
肖燕玲 《广西教育》2006,(7C):65-65
同学们已经学过了不少“V.+oneself”的搭配,为帮助大家熟练地掌握和运用,现在把这种结构形式作如下归纳和总结。  相似文献   
A dog蒺sm outh em its no ivory.狗嘴里吐不出象牙。Love m e,love m y dog.爱屋及乌。D ogswag theirtails notso m uch in love to you as yourbread.狗尾巴,爱的是面包。Every dog isa lion athom e.狗是百步王,只在门前狂。Leta sleeping dog lie.别惹事生非。A n old dog  相似文献   
英语中的句子归纳起来都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的:1.主语 动词(SV)例如:Iwork..我工作。2.主语 动词 表语(SV P)例如:John is busy.约翰忙。3.主语 动词 宾语(SV O)例如:She studiesE nglish.她学英语。4.主语 动词 宾语 补足语(SV O C)例如:The little m o  相似文献   
介词in,on,at都可表示时间,但表示的时间范围不一样,用法也各有区别。1.in用来表示时间段。如上午、下午、傍晚、周、月份、季节、年等。如:in1998,in the m orning(afternoon,evening),in N ovem ber,in winter等。2.on用在具体的日期、星期几或一个特定的上午、下午、晚上前面。如:on her birthday,on O ctober1st,on Sunday,on a M onday evening,on Thursday afternoon,on the m orning ofjuly12th,2002.注:若m orning,evening,afternoon前面有early或者late修饰时,介词要变化为in。如:in the early m orning ofSeptem ber1st,in the…  相似文献   
本期主打星South Korean Rain hits Beijing韩国热舞小天王Rain震撼抵京韩国热舞小天王Rain是目前韩国最具人气的明星,他与韩国影后宋惠乔主演的偶像剧《浪漫满屋》更是风靡全亚洲,令其迅速晋升为国际级艺人,成为被韩国人誉为“国宝级”的人物。Rain此次北京之行旨在宣传新唱片,他的第二张唱片《It’sRaining》在内地发行不到十天就逾十万张,创下韩国歌手在中国内地的发片新纪录,再掀韩国热潮。South Korean singer and actor Rain,famous to Chinese fans for his role in theTV series(电视剧)Full House(《浪漫满屋》),showed up …  相似文献   
她倒在那里,那样漂亮,王子不由自主地看着她,接着弯下腰来亲吻她。他的嘴唇刚刚触到公主,公主便醒了过来,微笑地看着他。他们一块走下古塔。此刻,国王也醒了过来,王后和宫廷里全部的人都彼此看着对方,感到非常奇怪。院子里的马也站起身来,抖了一下身子;狗跳起身来,晃动着尾巴;屋顶上面的鸽子将头从翅膀中探出来,朝四周看了看,便飞向田野里去了;在墙上睡着的苍蝇开始爬动;厨房中的火重新燃烧起来,闪着火光,正在煮肉;厨师打了伙计一巴掌,疼得伙计大喊;女仆把母鸡的毛也都拔光了。王子与睡美人举行了隆重的婚礼,从那以后,他们一直快乐地生活到…  相似文献   
一、选择适当的答案。()1.Mrs.Jennygave us on howtolearn English well.A.some advices B.manyadvicesC.some advice D.an advice()2.We have bought two for the comingparty.A.boxofapple B.boxes ofapplesC.boxofapples D.boxes ofapple()3.Mr.Tomis a friend of.A.John!s uncle B.John uncle“sC.John#s uncle$s D.John uncle()4.——Would you like tea?——No,thanks.I have drunk two.A.any;bottles oforange B.some;bottles oforangeC.many;bottles oforanges D.few;bottle oforange()5.When doyou usuallyhave your …  相似文献   
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