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我总是为一些小事耿耿于怀,闷闷不乐。我真的很累,我尝试去改变,用伟人名言激励自己。但所谓的豪言壮语根本“骗不了我”。  相似文献   
最近,美国教育部颁布了三个方案,旨在将教育技术运用到科技教学之中。它们是:1)利用教育技术形成基本技能方案(BEST);2)电视唱片与微型电子计算机配合使用方案(VIM)3)州政府参与教育技术方案(SLATE)。每个方案的核心都是要扩大州政府和地方教育机构制定自己的教育技术发展计划之权限。尽管三个方案未可相提并论,但是还是有其共同之处:推进整个社会的信息交流,促成有  相似文献   
概况 在澳大利亚,土著居民和托伦斯海峡岛民是社会中的少数民族群体,共360万人口,约占全国总人口的2%。从土著居民的卫生状况来看是极其不幸的,他们的平均期望寿命要比非土著居民低18岁,新生儿的死亡率要比全澳居民高4倍,因心血管病致死的人数要比全澳居民高3倍。实际上,在土著居民中很难找出一个同全澳居民相等同的卫生指标。 关于受教育的程度,土著居民和托伦斯海峡岛民同全国居民相比,也存在着明显的差距。17岁以下少年能接受教育的机会只占31%,比非土著居民低一半。受过高等教育的土著居民学生要比非土著居民学…  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to profile the psychological and psychosocial characteristics of a group of Irish adolescents who had sexually abused other youngsters. METHOD: Levels of behavior problems, personal adjustment, anger management, and psychosocial adjustment were compared in 27 Irish adolescents with a history of sexually abusing another youngster (SA group), 20 clinical controls who had significant behavioral problems but no history of sexual offending (CC group), and 29 normal controls who were without significant psychological problems (NC group). Measures used included the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Youth Self-Report Form (YSR), selected scales from Beckett (1997) Adolescent Sex Offender Assessment Pack (ASOAP), and the Family Environment Scale (FES). RESULTS: Compared with the CC group, the SA group displayed fewer problems overall on the CBCL and the YSR. The SA group showed problems with self-esteem, emotional loneliness, and perspective-taking similar to those of the CC group, but their impulsivity scores were similar to those of the NC group. The locus of control scores of the SA group fell between those of the CC and NC groups. The SA group showed an anger management profile that fell at an intermediate position between those of the NC and CC groups. The SA group showed problematic family functioning in the areas of expressiveness, behavior control, and social support, similar to those of the CC group. Their difficulties with family cohesion were less severe than those of the CC group but worse than those of the NC group. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the psychological adjustment of adolescents with a history of sexually abusing others was more problematic than that of normal controls but less problematic than that of youngsters who had significant behavioral problems but no history of sexual offending.  相似文献   
印度的高等教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要想成功地竞争于21世纪的知识经济,印度需要有足够多能实施尖端研究的大学。依靠高科技产业,如信息技术、生物技术带来的繁荣富强,印度正势若破竹地奔向经济强盛与现代化。为了应对激烈的国际制药市场竞争和实现对世界贸易组织的承诺,印度政府最近通过立法对制药行业进行了一定的限制,使若干小型企业产销停滞,整个行业也不得不改弦更张以应对危机。然而遗憾的是,印度薄弱的高等教育却成为这一政策实施的绊脚石。近几年,计划性的缩减在高等教育上的投资造成高校中既没有出现世界级的研究,也没有引入高水平的学者、科学家或是管理人员,从而无…  相似文献   
让心灵震撼什么是良好的教育呢?也许我们很难给予它一个周全的描述,但我们可以非常肯定地说,如果一个人从来没有感受过人性光辉的沐浴,从来没有走进一个丰富而美好的精神世界;如果从来没有读到一本令他(她)激动不已、百读不厌的读物,从来没有苦苦地思索过一个问题;如果从来没有一个令他(她)乐此不疲、废寝忘食的活动领域,从来没有过一次刻骨铭心的经历和体验;如果从来没有对自然界的多样与和谐产生过深深的敬畏,从来没有对人类创造的灿烂文化发出过由衷的赞叹……那么,他(她)就没有受到过真正的、良好的教育。——肖川学习…  相似文献   
Rats received training in which two auditory target stimuli, X and Y, were signaled by two visual stimuli, A and B, and followed by food (i.e., A-->X+, B-->Y+). The test consisted of presentations of X and Y preceded either by the same signal as during training (same trials: A-->X, B-->Y) or by the alternative signal (different trials: A-->Y, B-->X). After 8 training sessions, the animals responded less on same trials than on different trials; this effect was significantly reduced after 24 training sessions. In two additional experiments, animals that had also experienced presentations of A and B alone, either before or during training, showed the opposite pattern of results, responding more on same trials than on different trials. These results are interpreted as being due to the interaction between the effects of occasion setting and negative priming (see Wagner, 1981).  相似文献   
同学们,2008年奥运会就要在北京举行啦!这是全球炎黄子孙的梦。奥运吉祥物——五福娃“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”.承载着这一梦想,走向全世界。“同一个世界.同一个梦想。”这是北京奥运的承诺。也是我们的心声。怀着对奥运的美好祝福和对奥运福娃的喜爱,杭州市天长小学六(1)班的同学说出了他们的心里话。  相似文献   
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