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INTRODUCTIONBinaryskutteruditeshavecubicIm35()hTstructureandthechemicalformofAB3,whereArepresentsametalatomandBrepresentsapnico-genatom.Thereareeightformulaunitspercubicunitcell,inwhichthereareadditionallytwostructuralvoidswiththeradiivariedfrom1.63?forCoP3to2.040?forIrSb3.Thevoidislargeenoughforanalkalineearthorrareearthatomtoinsertintoitandtoformternarycompoundscalledfilledskutterudites.Inthesecompounds,theinsertinglooselyboundatomscanmoveorbouncearoundinsidethevoidsduetotherelative…  相似文献   
一.电网调度自动化概况及其要求 电网调度自动化系统的技术自六十年代中期发展至今已有二十五年的历史了。当前的电网调度自动化系统已发展成为包括数据采集(SCADA)、自动发电控制(AGC)和经济调度运行(EDC)、电网静态安全分析(SA)以及调度人员培训模拟在内的能量管理系统(EMS)。我国的电网自动化调度系统自70年代中后期华北电网第一套系统投运以来,正在向建立更新更完善的EMS系统发展,我国的调度自动化系统发展,我国的调度自动化系统工作的主要要求是:  相似文献   
实行考教分离 提高教学质量赵新兵,黄宪珪,颜晖,王卓明努力提高教学质量、扭转本科教学质量逐年下降的趋势是广大教师及教学工作者的共同愿望。为此,近年来我校在加强教学投入、完善学分制管理、开展学风问题讨论、严肃考场纪律等方面做了大量的工作,取得了一定的效...  相似文献   
Nanostructures enhance phonon scattering and improve the figure of merit of thermoelectric materials. Nanosized CoSb3 skutterudite was synthesized by solvothermal methods using CoCl2 and SbCl3 as the precursors. A "two-step" model was suggested for the formation of CoSb3 based on the X-ray diffraction analysis. The first step is the formation of cobalt diantimonide in the earlier stage during the synthesis process. Diantimonide was then combined with antimony atoms to form the skutterudite structured triantimonide, CoSb3, in the later stage of the synthesis process as the second step. The synthesized CoSb3 powders consist of irregular particles with sizes of about 20 nm and sheets of about 80nm.  相似文献   
A skutterudite-related antimonide, CoFe3Sb12, was prepared with vacuum melting. XRD analysis showed the material contained Sb, FeSb2, CoSb2 and CoSb3 phases. The electrochemical properties of the ball-milled CoFe3Sb12-10 wt% graphite composite were studied using pure lithium as the reference electrode. A maximal lithium inserting capacity of about 860 mAh/g was obtained in the first cycle. The reversible capacity of the material was about 560 mAh/g in the first cycle and decreased to ca. 320 mAh/g and 250 mAh/g after 10 and 20 cycles respectively. Ex-situ XRD analyses showed that the antimonides in the pristine material were decomposed after the first discharge and that antimony was the active element for lithium to insert into the host material.  相似文献   
在面对面的交谈中,我们深深地感到:他们是充满着个人魅力和独特风采的台湾人,也是打上了鲜明中国人印记的台湾人,有着浓得化不开的中国情、中国味和中国心——  相似文献   
Prolog语言问世以来,特别是日本宣布了一个宏伟的设计和生产第五代计算机的国家工程计划以后,由于计划中选用了Prolog作为基本系统语言。它戏剧性地日益受到人们的青睐。随着计算机应用的不断发展,把人工智能程序与传统的程序融合在一起使用的需求稳步增长。人们对开发Prolog应用程序的要求与日俱增。Turbo Prolog作为一种高级的基于编译的人工智能语言,尤其适合于开发专家系统、建立动态数据库等。于是我们想利用  相似文献   
Nanostructures enhance phonon scattering and improve the figure of merit of thermoelectric materials. Nanosized CoSb3 skutterudite was synthesized by solvothermal methods using CoCl2 and SbCl3 as the precursors. A "two-step" model was suggested for the formation of CoSb3 based on the X-ray diffraction analysis. The first step is the formation of cobalt diantimonide in the earlier stage during the synthesis process. Diantimonide was then combined with antimony atoms to form the skutterudite structured triantimonide, CoSb3, in the later stage of the synthesis process as the second step. The synthesized CoSb3 powders consist of irregular particles with sizes of about 20 nm and sheets of about 80 nm.  相似文献   
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