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Kinetics study on biomass pyrolysis for fuel gas production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONSincebiomassisanabundant,inexpensiveandrenewableresource ,itsconversiontosyn theticfuelsandchemicalproductsappearsat tractive.Amongallkindsofbiomassconversionroutes,pyrolysisisbeinggivenincreasingatten tionsincetheprocessissimpleandmaybeopti m…  相似文献   
Cultureisoneofthemostdifficulttermstobewelldefined.NewWebstersDictionarysaysitisnotonly"theacquiredabilityofanindividualorapeopletorecognizeandappreciategenerallyacceptedestheticandintellectualachievementofcivilizationoraparticularstageorstagesofcivilizationasinthecaseofacertainnationorperiod"butalso"thetotalofhumanbehaviorpatternsandtechnologycommunicatedfromgene-rationtogeneration".Thelatterisananthropologicalandsociologicaldefinition,whichagreeswithLongmanModernEnglishDictionary'sthirddef…  相似文献   
本文以现实主义、自由制度主义、建构主义国际关系理论对邓小平“韬光养晦、有所作为”外交思想简要分析,试图得出一些有别于传统“官学”观点的对那个时代中国外交的认识。  相似文献   
在中国,英语专业的学生通常要学很多门"外国文化"课,学得最多的是英国和美国文化概况.如今,不管是谁,只要对此加以关注,就不应该仅仅认识到文化课所传递信息的重要,更应该能明确列举出开设这些课所要达到的目标.  相似文献   
The present paper is divided into eight sections:introduction,the global diffusion of English,perceptions of the new varieties,the issue of intelligibility,features that cause unintelligibility,need for a broader pragmatics,and pedagogical impli- cations,and conclusion,followed by the references.Not surprisingly,the global spread of English has generated varying perspec- tives on the nature and functions of its acculturated varieties.Broadly speaking,the debate has divided scholars into two camps holding diametrically opposing views on the multiple versions of English.On the one hand,some scholars view variations as symp- toms of linguistic degeneration and deterioration;on the other hand,some scholars legitimize them as inevitable manifestations ne- cessitated by the demands of the new cultural contexts.The normative view of the former camp stems,at least partly,from the problems the new forms of English pose in terms of international intelligibility.It is in this context that the paper examines the traditional,one-sided,native speaker-centred idea of intelligibility and the recent two-sided view of intelligibility that places the onus on both the native speaker and the non-native speaker.The argument of the latter camp is based on the premise that the new varieties require a broader pragmatic framework,because universal pragmatics is inadequate to describe them satisfactorily. Thus,the camp advocates a need for a language specific pragmatics,and a comparative pragmatics,in addition to the traditional universal pragmatics.Logically,the debate on phonological,lexical,grammatical,and discourse structure variations,and their le- gitimacy has prompted English language teaching specialists to have a fresh look at the goals and objectives of teaching English in the countries of the outer and expanding circles,and accordingly prioritize the teaching of national and regional varieties over that of the so-called native varieties.Thus,the paradigms of independence and centrality of the new varieties are replacing the paradigms of their dependence and marginality.  相似文献   
每种赛车类游戏的开头都会有这样一句话:“注意,在现实生活中千万不要这要驾驶。”然而,我们却偏要那么做。  相似文献   
织物风格特征是由织物组织结构和纱的特性决定的,新型纱线结构的不断出现和发展对织物性能和质量提出了更高的要求。研究表明:通过改变纺纱工艺可以获得不同的纱线结构,从而改变织物的风格特征。DREF-Ⅲ型摩擦纺包芯纱具有典型的皮芯结构,可以是双组分也可以是多组分,而且组分的不同会对织物性能产生不同的影响,纱的性能也会由于芯皮之间压力、摩擦力大小的不同而改变。以前的研究主要集中在包芯纱的拉伸性能上,而对空心纱几乎没有什么新的研究和讨论。  相似文献   
对BIM国际前沿文献进行跟踪研究,梳理BIM在建设工程项目中的主要应用模式。在分析建设工程创新特性的基础上,指出BIM为建设工程项目各参与组织构建了合作创新的工作环境。依据建设工程创新类别,分析BIM应用模式的创新定位,探索BIM在建设工程创新中的价值。  相似文献   
原子核的秘密的揭露,使人类掌握了新的無穷尽的能源。第一座原子能电站在苏联的建立,为將这个能源实际利用于工業和农業的和平目的,奠定了基础。原子技术的發展,开辟了把放射性同位素应用到各种全然不同的科学技术部門中去的广闊的可能性。人工取得放射性同位素的方法之一,是在原子核反应堆中用中子来照射。比如,用中子照射普通的天然的磷的时候,部分的磷原子核就和中子結合而变成磷的放射性同位素(磷-32)的原子核。当放射性磷的核衰变的时候,核中的一个中子轉化成質子,同时放射出一个β粒子(帶陰电的电子)。衰变是按照这个方式發生  相似文献   
关于化学元素的学说,构成了化学的基本内容,我们周围世界中所有的复杂物质就是由这些元素组成的。在长时期内,人们一直认为元素是不可改变的,并且没有共同的联系。直到1869年,门捷列也夫才发现了所有化学元素的普遍规律性,并且在这个基础上创立了著名的周期系。这位伟大的俄罗斯学者的科学成就,标志着化学上新纪元的开始。门捷列也夫的发现的重要意义是:他确定了所有元素的化学性质随着它们原子量的增加的有规律的周期的重覆性。门捷列也夫把性质相似的元素一个个地上下对齐,这样就组成了周期表。他证明了,每一种化学元素的原子都有着一定的形态,这种形态的特徵不仅仅是由原  相似文献   
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