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The aim of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children (PSPCSA) (Harter & Pike, 1983) among young learning disabled pupils. The sample consisted of 105 French Canadian learning disabled pupils in Grades 1–3. All subjects completed a French translation of the PSPCSA, while 58 were retested 2–4 weeks later. The reliability analysis indicates results similar to those found in Harter and Pike's (1983) study. However, the factor analysis reveals three separate factors. These results are discussed in terms of domains of self-concept that were assessed, procedures and subjects characteristics. The main conclusion reached is that the PSPCSA should be used with caution in assessing French speaking pupils with learning disabilities. More research is needed until the instrument as reached acceptable levels of technical adequacy. 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Early US patent law was machine made. Before the Patent Office took on the function of examining patent applications in 1836, questions of novelty and priority were determined in court, within the forum of the infringement action. And at all levels of litigation, from the circuit courts up to the Supreme Court, working models were the media through which doctrine, evidence and argument were made legible, communicated and interpreted. A model could be set on a table, pointed at, picked up, rotated or upended so as to display a point of interest to a particular audience within the courtroom, and, crucially, set in motion to reveal the 'mode of operation' of a machine. The immediate object of demonstration was to distinguish the intangible invention from its tangible embodiment, but models also'machined' patent law itself. Demonstrations of patent claims with models articulated and resolved a set of conceptual tensions that still make the definition and apprehension of the invention difficult, even today, but they resolved these tensions in the register of materiality, performativity and visibility, rather than the register of conceptuality. The story of models tells us something about how inventions emerge and subsist within the context of patent litigation and patent doctrine, and it offers a starting point for renewed reflection on the question of how technology becomes property.  相似文献   
Lay perceptions of collectives (e.g., groups, organizations, countries) implicated in the 2009 H1N1 outbreak were studied. Collectives serve symbolic functions to help laypersons make sense of the uncertainty involved in a disease outbreak. We argue that lay representations are dramatized, featuring characters like heroes, villains and victims. In interviews conducted soon after the outbreak, 47 Swiss respondents discussed the risk posed by H1N1, its origins and effects, and protective measures. Countries were the most frequent collectives mentioned. Poor, underdeveloped countries were depicted as victims, albeit ambivalently, as they were viewed as partly responsible for their own plight. Experts (physicians, researchers) and political and health authorities were depicted as heroes. Two villains emerged: the media (viewed as fear mongering or as a puppet serving powerful interests) and private corporations (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry). Laypersons' framing of disease threat diverges substantially from official perspectives.  相似文献   
Despite a large body of literature about fan violence issues, research investigating perceptions and dynamics in potentially violent situations, called critical incidents (CIs), is missing. This qualitative study examined the perceptions and dynamics of CIs involving ultra football fans. Fifty-nine semi-structured interviews with individuals (fans, police officers or security employees) involved in eight CIs were conducted and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The assessment of legitimacy of an out-group’s actions strongly influenced the perception of a CI, which is in line with the Elaborated Social Identity Model. Informative intergroup communication about the own intentions seemed to increase perception of legitimacy, while arrests of fans due to pyrotechnics were perceived by fans as illegitimate. The local fan culture, e.g. the fans’ use of pyrotechnics for their support, is relevant for the understanding of this assessment of legitimacy.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the efficiency of investing in project related training (PRT) to overcome skill deficiencies that are identified in project populations. Data for the analysis comes from 115 World Bank agricultural and non-agricultural projects (transportation, urban, chemicals, and manufacturing). Unlike most other studies, this paper does not rely on earnings data to derive the relevant rates of return, using instead project success as the outcome measure. The results indicate that PRT yields high economic returns in both agricultural and non-agricultural projects, even under conservative assumptions. However, they also underline that training investment achieves high returns only when the educational base of a country is sufficiently developed. In the absence of this condition, PRT — as it is currently designed and implemented — is an uneconomic investment. The results suggest the following implications: (a) expand PRT investment, particularly in agriculture projects, when a sufficiently high proportion of the population is literate; (b) in countries with a weak educational base, make significant efforts to adapt the design and management of PRT to overcome effectively the existing skill deficiencies in the project population; and (c) in countries where education is poorly developed, overall long run development strategy should probably stress investment in basic education so as to create the conditions for other investments to achieve economic protitability.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Bericht wird geprüft, wie wirksam es ist, Mittel in projektgebundene Ausbildung (PRT) zu investieren, um die Leistungsdefizite zu überwinden, die in einer an einem Projekt beteiligten Bevölkerung festgestellt werden. Die Daten für diese Analyse wurden von 115 von der Weltbank geförderten landwirtschaftlichen und nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Projekten (Transport, urban, Chemikalien und Herstellung) erstellt. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Untersuchungen stützt sich dieser Bericht nicht auf das Einkommen betreffende Daten um die einschlägigen Ertragsraten zu erhalten, sondern auf den Projekterfolg als Maßstab für das Ergebnis. Die Ergebnisse zeigen an, daß PRT hohe wirtschaftliche Erträge sowohl in landwirtschaftlichen als auch in nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Projekten sogar unter konservativen Voraussetzungen erzielt. Zie zeigen jedoch auch, daß Investitionen in die Ausbildung nur dann hohe Erträge erzielen, wenn die Basis des Erziehungswesens eines Landes ausreichend entwickelt ist. Wenn diese Grundlage nicht gegeben ist, stellt PRT in der Form, wie sie derzeitig geplant und angewandt wird, eine unwirtschaftliche Investition dar. Die Ergebnisse führen zu den folgenden Konsequenzen: (a) zum Ausbau der PRT-Investitionen, besonders in Landwirtschaftsprojekten, wenn ein ausreichend großer Anteil der Bevölkerung alphabetisiert ist; (b) in Ländern mit einer schwachen Basis des Erziehungswesens zu einschneidenden Bemühungen, die Planung und die Verwaltung von PRT zu adaptieren, um auf wirksame Art die bestehenden Leistungsdefizite in der am Projekt beteiligten Bevölkerung zu überwinden; und (c) in Ländern, in denen das Bildungswesen nur sehr wenig entwickelt ist, sollten langfristige umfassende Entwicklungsstrategien möglichtst die Investition in die elementarbildung betonen, damit Bedingungen geschaffen werden, so daß andere Investitionen einen wirtschaftlichen Profit erzielen.

Résumé Cet article évalue l'efficacité des investissements dans la formation axée sur un projet (FAP) en vue de combler le manque de compétences techniques constaté au sein des populations de projet. Les données servant à l'analyse proviennent de 115 études de la Banque Mondiale de projets agricoles ou autres (transport, vie urbaine, produits chimiques, manufacture). Contrairement à de nombreuses autres études, l'article présent ne se base pas sur les données relatives aux salaires pour calculer les taux pertinents de rentabilité, utilisant plutôt le succès d'un projet pour en mesurer les acquis. Ces derniers indiquent que la FAP rapporte d'importants bénéfices dans les projets agricoles ou autres, même sur la base d'estimations prudentes. Cependant, ils·révèlent également que les investissements en matière de formation ne rapportent de bénéfices raisonnables que lorsque la base éducative d'un pays est suffisamment développée. Lorsque cette condition n'est pas remplie, la FAP telle qu'elle est conçue et mise en oeuvre actuellement — est un investissement non rentable. Ces résultats suggèrent: (a) d'augmenter les investissements en FAP, en particulier dans les projets agricoles, lorsqu'une proportion élevée de la population est alphabétisée; (b) de fournir des efforts importants, dans les pays à faible base éducative, afin d'adapter la conception et la direction de la FAP pour pouvoir mettre fin efficacement au manque de compétences techniques que connaît la population concernée par un projet; et (c) pour les pays dans lesquels l'éducation en est à un stade rudimentaire, de mettre en place une stratégie de développement général à long terme qui accorde une priorité aux investissements en éducation de base afin de créer les conditions favorables à d'autres investissements qui soient économiquement rentables.

The present study was aimed at investigating whether and how image characteristics influence written naming performance in adults. In three different sessions, participants had to quickly write down the names of pictured objects on a graphic tablet. Across sessions, the picture format was different, but the to-be-named objects were the same: There were black-and-white pictures (Snodgrass & Vanderwart’s [SV] 1980 drawings), grayscale and colored pictures of the SV drawings as provided by Rossion and Pourtois (2004). Linear-mixed models (LMM) were used to analyze written latencies. The main findings were the following: (1) Colorized pictures yielded shorter written naming latencies than line drawings with the grayscale pictures being situated between the two; (2) Both within- and between-picture format LMM revealed reliable effects of name agreement, objective word frequency, frequency trajectory (the effect was marginal in the grayscale condition), and imageability on written latencies. The influence of image agreement was, however, less stable (reliable only in the colorized condition in the within-picture format LMM analysis; significant with both line drawings and their colorized version only in the between-picture format LMM analysis); (3) None of the interactions with picture format reached significance except the interaction of Image agreement with Picture format. In line with Bonin, Roux, Barry, & Canell (2012b), the findings support a limited-cascading account of written word production.

In many LDCs today, the distribution of public resources for education tends to be inefficient and inequitable in that subsidization often increases rather than decreases with the level of education. To improve efficiency and equity, a shift of resources from higher to primary education should therefore be considered. Such a shift would obviously imply an increase in the private cost of higher education, but its effect could be mitigated through a loan scheme. In this paper, our main purpose is to show what a cut in subsidies to higher education can achieve in terms of expanding primary enrollments. The results show that although the outcome differs from country to country, such a cut would permit a sizable increase in primary enrollments in Sub-Saharan Africa, and especially in Francophone countries. Despite its effectiveness, however, reduction in higher education subsidies alone is unlikely to overcome all the obstacles faced by the poorest countries to attaining universal primary education. Our results only argue that it should be considered as part of the policy package directed towards this goal.  相似文献   

Thermoneutral water immersion increases cardiac preload and changes the neuroendocrine settings of blood volume regulation. The resulting marked diuresis may lead to significant haemodynamic changes after the end of a prolonged water immersion. Ten volunteers underwent 6 h of complete thermoneutral water immersion. Changes in cardiovascular status were assessed 1 h and 16 h after water immersion. Haemodynamic changes were assessed by Doppler echocardiography. Arterial wall distensibility was estimated by pulse wave velocity analysis. One hour after water immersion, mean weight loss was 1.78 kg and urine volume amounted to 1.5 litres. Echocardiographic measurements evidenced a significant decrease in dimensions of the left cardiac chambers and inferior vena cava. The decreased cardiac preload was paralleled by a lower stroke volume and cardiac output. A peripheral vasoconstriction associated with a relative decrease in the lower limb blood flow was evidenced by an increase in carotid-pedal pulse wave velocity and by a decrease in ankle brachial index. Sixteen hours after water immersion, cardiac preload and cardiac output remained below baseline values and peripheral vascular tone was still higher than at baseline. Marked haemodynamic changes had not returned to baseline 16 h after water immersion. There is a need to design fluid-replacement protocols to improve this recovery.  相似文献   
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