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The aim of this study was to assess physical activity (PA) awareness of adolescents and to identify anthropometric and psychosocial factors that can lead to under or overestimation of PA. This study included 2044 adolescents. Participants wore a uniaxial accelerometer for 7 days to measure PA and completed a self-rated questionnaire about PA. Adolescents were classified into four PA awareness subgroups (realistically active, overestimators, underestimators and realistically inactive) according to the self-rated and objective assessment of PA. Characteristics and psychosocial factors of the self-rated physically active groups were compared using bivariate and multivariate mixed logistic regression models. Forty-five percent of adolescents reported their PA levels correctly (34.8% realistically active and 10.1% realistically inactive). Among the 59.4% who were objectively inactive, 82.9% tended to overestimate their PA level. Adolescents who overestimated their PA level were older (P < .05), had more support from mother and a best friend (P < .05) and had higher cardiorespiratory fitness (P < .001) compared with those who were realistically active. A significant number of adolescents believe that they are physically active when they are not. Improving awareness, especially in the high-risk groups identified here, might help to bring about behavioural changes in physically inactive adolescents.  相似文献   

Introduction: Since the 1990s, the notion of intervention has expanded with growing interest in the analysis of practices in Francophone country. French-speaking research community considers intervention sciences as a specific field of research in sport and PE. The aim of this literature review was to characterize the penetration of Francophone research in the English-language literature in physical education and sport concerned with intervention since 2010 in the category ‘Education & Educational Research’ of the Journal Citation Reports (2017). This research was in line with the analysis of the papers presented during six Francophone congresses from 2000 to 2010 of the Association for Research on Intervention in Sport (Musard and Poggi 2015 Musard, Mathilde, and Marie-Paule Poggi. 2015. “Intervention in Physical Education and Sport: Trends and Developments in a Decade of Francophone Research.” Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 20 (3): 250267. doi:10.1080/17408989.2013.817008.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).

Methods: The selection of articles was carried out in three stages: selection of journals, selection of articles manually, the second level of selection. The selection of journals is do in this category "Education & Educational Research" (JCR, 2017) focusing primarily on sport and physical education. Six journals met these criteria: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, European Physical Education Review, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Sport Education and society, Quest, Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education. Then, the selection of articles was manually analyzing all the publications of each journal since 2010 (almost 2000 articles) according to inclusion criteria "sport or physical education", "francophone authors", and "intervention". Each 46 articles selected was classified according to its theoretical framework. The last stage of selection corresponded to an analyze and an extension of the literature review by a French-speaking specialist in each theoretical framework.

Results: The results show that French-language research on/in/for intervention is in close connection with the international tradition. Some approaches such as didactique, a technological approach, and course of action, have a Francophone specificity based on various international theoretical anchors; others such as motor learning, social psychology, ecological approach come from non-French-speaking international theoretical frameworks.

Discussion and conclusion: These findings raise the question of the Francophone specificity of intervention sciences. Beyond particular French-speaking theoretical frameworks, concepts and concerns join Anglophone traditions. As in the international fields of ‘sport pedagogy’ or ‘praxis’, the Francophone intervention sciences are composed of a diversity of theoretical approaches and are focused towards an epistemology of action. These two communities can enrich each other and deserve more interaction and exchange.  相似文献   
The evolution in Europe towards more competence-based curricula in the last ten years or so is the result of several exogenous factors and a determined European policy. The Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, a Recommendation approved by the European Parliament and the Council in 2006, and the work carried out within the Open Method of Coordination as well as by European research bodies have had a significant impact on Member States' curriculum reforms. This article shows that some terminology issues, both conceptual and practical, may explain, together with other causes, the diverse formulations of key competences and the way in which they are being integrated into the compulsory education curricula by the Member States or at intra-national levels. The focus of the article is on cross-curricular competences because these are the key competences which require the most significant innovations in teaching and learning practices, on assessment tools and procedures, and school organisation. The analysis illustrates the main differences and convergences in policy formulation and implementation strategies among the EU Member States. It also identifies key obstacles that must be overcome for an effective implementation before suggesting some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

This article makes a provisional assessment of the question of enunciative postures. It begins by distinguishing co-enunciation and co-locution and defining postures with respect to the role of the enunciators in the co-construction of points of view (POV): co-enunciation corresponds to the speaker’s co-construction of a common POV, which commits them as enunciators. Over-enunciation is defined as an unequal co-construction of a dominating POV and under-enunciation consists of the unequal co-construction of a dominated POV. The second part illustrates the role of these different postures in the analysis and interpretation of texts with the aim of optimising their pedagogical exploitation by defining the enunciative stakes and the interactional positioning underlying in the construction of POV.  相似文献   
This article tries to assess the prevalence and learning consequences of ability grouping in French lower secondary schools (collèges). The article shows that ability grouping is in fact relatively widespread in France and has a strong local connotation. In terms of pupil learning, the article stresses that the better the class they attend, the better students tend to perform. However, a heterogeneous context proves to be more favourable (for low achievers, a homogeneous class is the worst case). The results also stress the existence of a potential conflict of interest between the policy-maker and the actors of the system. Résumé L’article vise à évaluer l’importance de l’organisation des études en groupes de niveau dans le premoier cycle secondaire en France ainsi que ses conséquences en termes d’acquisitions des élèves. L’article montre en premier lieu que cette pratique est en fait relativement fréquente dans les établissements français tout en ayant une dimension locale assez accentuée. En termes d’acquisitions, l’article souligne que les progressions des élèves ont tendance à être d’autant meilleures que le niveau moyen des élèves de la classe est élève; cependant, un contexte hétérogène s’avère aussi le plus favorable (un contexte homogène étant la pire des choses pour les élèves faibles). Les résultats soulignent aussi l’existence d’un conflit potentiel d’intérêt entre le décideur du système qui vise des onjectifs généraux et les différents acteurs (enseignants, parents d’élèves) qui visent leurs intérêts particuliers.  相似文献   
François Archambault & Jean François Lemoine, Quatre milliards de journaux: La presse de province (Paris: A. Moreau, 1977—55 FF, 484 pp.)

Alain Besson, La Presse locale en liberté surveillée (Paris: Editions Ouvrières, 1978—38 FF, 256 pp.)

Jean Cluzel, Télé-Violence (Paris: Plon, 1978—35 FF, 251 pp.)

Jean Egen, Le Canard Enchainé (Paris: Seghers, 1978—19.50 FF, 187 pp.)

Francis Hamon, Liberté et responsabilité de la presse en Grande-Bretagne: le Press Council; and Claude-Jean Bertrand, Les Conseils de presse dans la monde (Paris: Notes et etudes documentaires, La Documentation francaise, December 26, 1977—10.50 FF, 79 pp.)

Denis Perier-Daville, La Liberté de la presse nest pas à vendre (Paris: Le Seuil, 1978—42 FF, 254 pp.)

Jean Bruno Renard, Clefs pour la bande dessineé (Paris: Seghers, 1978— 25 FF, 256 pp.)

Pierre Schaeffer, Les Antennes de Jéricho (Paris: Stock, 1978—49 FF, 333 pp.)  相似文献   
The theory of human capital has been used to account for the link between educational investment and individual earnings. The authors argue that any investigation of the relationship between these two elements must take into account the choice model used by the individual student as he enters higher education. His academic and social background influence his choice as do his estimate of the returns likely to come from investing in the study of particular disciplines and the extent to which he is prepared to risk failure, especially in highly competitive programmes of study with high rates of return. Evidence from a study made in Dijon in 1974 is summarised and offers support for the suggested choice model.  相似文献   
This article explores some of the probable consequences of the objective, elaborated throughout the French political spectrum, in favour of expanding French higher education enrollments such that by the year 2000, 80 percent of each age cohort will hold the baccalauriat and 90 percent of the latter will enroll in higher education. So far, the consequences of this objective have not been faced, particularly the tremendous changes required so as to make higher education in France universal. Certainly they will bring an end to the traditional elite nature of the French university with its emphasis on research and on the imparting of theoretical knowledge. Ineluctably, the emphasis will have to shift to practical courses and to career preparation. The author therefore suggests that the move to universality might best be accomplished by the development of numerous short‐term and vocationally oriented courses to be offered in distinct institutions to provide training to the bulk of the new entrants who will, for the most part, have completed high school in technical baccalaur éat sections. A traditionally oriented core within the university system will continue to offer long‐‐cycle courses admitting only the cream of the traditional general education baccalauriat holders and the best graduates of the new short‐cycle institutions. All the enrollees in the latter institutions should be encouraged to avoid over‐specialization so as to guarantee their professional flexibility with respect to future employment.


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