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This two-wave survey study aimed at testing a hypothetical model of teacher education graduates’ decisions about whether or not to take a teaching position upon graduation. The model focuses on the relationship between teacher education and graduates’ choice on job entrance. Using path analysis and logistic regression, this model was tested in a sample of student teachers (n = 436), subsequently graduates (n = 251) of teacher training for secondary education. The results validate the relationship between teacher education variables and nearly graduates’ intention to enter the teaching profession. Furthermore, this intention proves an imperative predictor of graduates’ actual entrance.  相似文献   
School feeding programs in low- and middle-income countries tend to focus on school attendance and literacy. Some evidence suggests that bolstering schools as a nexus of community plays an important psychosocial function for children and families. This study examines the extent to which childhood literacy rates are associated with parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of community violence and cohesion, following participation in a large-scale school feeding program in the Department of Intibucá, Honduras. Primary school children (n = 3,147) from 176 schools completed standardized literacy tests. Scores were linked to parents’ (n = 328) and teachers’ (n = 537) responses about community cohesion and violence. Social bonding among parents was positively associated with children’s literacy. Community violence reported by teachers exerted a negative influence. The authors discuss these results in light of how vertically focused interventions such as school feeding can be integrated to account for the specific contextual factors that affect, and are affected by, the program itself.  相似文献   
In this study we focus on a new program in Cuba, university studies for older adults or seniors. Specifically, we look at the Special Municipality of the Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth) in the context of the larger policy of “universalization of higher education.” We provide information about Cuban perspectives on adult education, discuss the “workshop” as an important mode of educational work, and present information on both the preparation of those who teach older adults and the training of “facilitators” in the workshop mode. This contribution also presents student evaluations, as well as a critique of the program.
Zusammenfassung KUBAS SENIORENUNIVERSIT?T: EIN BLICK AUF DIE UNIVERSALISIERUNG DER UNIVERSIT?T – In diesem Beitrag legen wir das Augenmerk auf ein neues Programm in Kuba, n?mlich Universit?tsstudien für ?ltere Erwachsene oder Senioren. Insbesondere werfen wir einen Blick auf die Gemeinde der Isla de la Juventud im Kontext der weiteren Politik der ’x201C;,,Universalisierung der h?heren Bildung“. Wir liefern Informationen über die kubanischen Blickwinkel auf die Erwachsenenbildung, diskutieren den ’x2018;,Workshop‘ als eine wichtige Methode der Bildungsarbeit und pr?sentieren Informationen sowohl über die Vorbereitung derjenigen, welche Senioren unterrichten, als auch über die Ausbildung der Facilitatoren in der Workshop-Methode. Dieser Beitrag enth?lt auch Evaluationen von Studierenden sowie eine Kritik des Programms.

Resumen LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ADULTO MAYOR EN CUBA: UN VISTAZO A LA UNIVERSALIZACIóN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD – Dedicamos este trabajo a un nuevo programa educativo de Cuba que ofrece estudios universitarios para adultos mayores. Específicamente, echaremos un vistazo a la Municipalidad de la Isla de la Juventud, en el contexto de una política amplia de ‘universalización de la educación’. Ofrecemos información sobre las perspectivas cubanas en educación de personas adultas, describimos el ‘taller’ como modo importante dentro del trabajo educativo y presentamos información sobre la preparación de aquellos que imparten la ense?anza a los adultos mayores y la capacitación de los ‘facilitadores’ que trabajan en los talleres. Esta contribución también presenta las evaluaciones hechas por los estudiantes y críticas del programa.

Résumé L’UNIVERSITé DE CUBA POUR LES PERSONNES DU TROISIèME ?GE : UN REGARD SUR L’UNIVERSALISATION DE L’UNIVERSITé – Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur un nouveau programme à Cuba, les études universitaires pour les adultes plus agés ou les personnes du troisième age. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous tournons vers la Municipalité Spéciale de la Isla de la Juventud (l’?le de la jeunesse) dans le contexte d’une politique plus large de ?’x201C; l’universalisation de l’éducation supérieure ?’x201D;. Nous fournissons des informations à propos des perspectives cubaines sur l’éducation des adultes, discutons de ? l’atelier de travail ? comme d’un mode important de travail éducatif et présentons une information aussi bien sur la préparation de ceux qui enseignent aux personnes du troisième age que sur la formation des facilitateurs sur le mode de l’atelier de travail. Cette contribution présente également des évaluations étudiantes aussi bien qu’une critique du programme.

The authors: Clara Lig Long Rangel has a Masters of Education from the Pedagogical University of Enrique José Varona in Cuba. She holds a chair in adult education at the Medical University of the Isla de la Juventud. She is the president of the Isla de la Juventud branch of the Association of Cuban Educators (APC), a non-profit NGO. She has addressed guidance and links between education and work, didactics and pedagogy in her work. Contact address: Universidad Pedagógica y Facultad de Ciencias Méldica, Isla de la Juventud, República de Cuba. E-mail: clara@ahao.ijv.sld.cu. Antonia Zenaida Sánchez Proenza holds a Masters of Education from the Pedagogical University of Enrique JoséVarona in Cuba. She is Adjunct Professor and Deputy Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Pedagogical University of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Isla de la Juventud. Her research interests cover the nexus between education and work, didactics and biology. She is currently working on teacher education and higher education. Contact address: Universidad Pedagógica y Facultad de Ciencias Méldica, Isla de la Juventud, República de Cuba. E-mail: fcmij@infomed.sld.cu.  相似文献   
Taking a stance and supporting it are intrinsic acts in expository/argumentative essays. One question of interest to English teachers is how to improve the development and expression of support arguments in students' essays. This paper offers an answer by examining students' stance‐support strategies in informal argument, and identifying the associated lexico‐grammatical features that they use and do not use to realise those strategies. The paper will show how research findings on students' argument practices and use of language resources in an informal context can inform the process of deciding what thinking skills and language forms to teach in composition classes.  相似文献   
The interest on engineering and scientific studies can be raised up even from the early years of academic instructional process. This vocation may be linked to emotions and aptitudes towards technological education. Particularly, students get in touch with these technological issues (namely STEM) during the Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain (12–16 years old).This work presents a preliminary evaluation of how relevant is Gardner's multiple intelligence theory (MIT) in the teaching–learning process within the Technology Lessons. In this sense, MIT was considered as an explanation variable of the emotional response within the different educational parts (so-called syllabus units, SU) in the Technology spanish curriculum. Different intelligence style (IS) will orient the student to a vision of the engineering and technology. This work tries to identify which relationships can be established between IS and specific technology and engineering learning. This research involved up to 135 students were subsequently tested about their predominant (IS) and on the emotions that arouse in them when working with each SU. The results were statistically significant and only those with a Logic-arithmetic or Environmental IS were not affected by the SU.Best teaching and learning practicesare required for encouraging further engineering studies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:  The increasing research on international organisations' education policy lacks analyses of the relation between international organisations and nation states. This paper aims to analyse the power of nation states in international education policy. Focusing on the new degree system in higher education in Europe, partly from Foucault's governmentality perspective, the paper suggests that nation states retain power while operating in international settings. The study's conclusions argue that the nation states' power might be a chance for further participation of affected people.  相似文献   
Research on the well‐being of teachers was conducted at the request of the Department of Education in Flanders, Belgium. The goals were: (1) to construct an instrument for the Education Inspectorate; and (2) to conduct a survey in order to identify school‐related conditions relevant for teachers’ professional well‐being. Based on literature and panel discussions with teachers and principals, a questionnaire was constructed, tested and subdivided in subscales following a factor analysis. The questionnaire was administered to a representative sample of elementary (covering both nursery and primary schools, children aged 3–12) and secondary school teachers. A multilevel analysis reveals how differences in scores can be explained at school level.  相似文献   
It has become increasingly apparent that no single method for teaching anatomy is able to provide supremacy over another. In an effort to consolidate and enhance learning, a modernized anatomy curriculum was devised by attempting to take advantage of and maximize the benefits from different teaching methods. Both the more traditional approaches to anatomy teaching, as well as modern, innovative educational programs were embraced in a multimodal system implemented over a decade. In this effort, traditional teaching with lectures and dissection was supplemented with models, imaging, computer‐assisted learning, problem‐based learning through clinical cases, surface anatomy, clinical correlation lectures, peer teaching and team‐based learning. Here, we review current thinking in medical education and present our transition from a passive, didactic, highly detailed anatomy course of the past, to a more interactive, as well as functionally and clinically relevant anatomy curriculum over the course of a decade. Anat Sci Educ. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
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