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今年,画家姚迪雄又匆匆回到了浙江. “非常高兴,又回家了.”此次他从北京南下上海、苏州、杭州、浦江到湖州,与各地美术界朋友交流.  相似文献   
海岛地名记忆 舟山群岛有1390个岛屿和3360处礁石,犹如一颗颗璀璨明珠,散落在中国东海的海面上.这些岛礁中,无居民的有1287个,大多一一有名,造就了海洋文化中独特的地名群落事象.这些岛礁之名有些出自王建富.他是舟山市地名办公室主任,1989年从杭州大学地理系地理专业毕业后,就来到舟山市民政局从事当时处于边缘化的海岛地名工作.  相似文献   
学生的健身知识贫乏、能力差、健身效果欠佳 ,追其原因与体育《教学大纲》、《教材》、教学方法与考核标准和增强体质联系不紧密有关。根据“健康第一”的指导思想 ,进行我校体育课程的改革 :假设教学目标 ,从健身方向改革教学内容、上课与教学方法、考核方法等方面入手。旨在为高等院校课程改革提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
本文主要论述和反映中国奥运代表团 ,正确运用激励理论 ,激发运动员强烈的竞争意识 ,提高军团的管理效能和艺术水平。  相似文献   
在知识产权保护中,专利保护是一种比较强的保护手段。对于技术含量高的产品,企业一般会选择用专利保护。然而,当遇到专利侵权时,由于专利涉及复杂的技术问题,打这类官司最为费时费力。面对有时长达数年的诉讼,一些外国公司甚至选择了离开中国市场。英国Strix公司是留下来的大多数外国公司之一,它是全球最大的小型自动温控器制造商,在中国拥有近100件专利。  相似文献   
严子陵,名严光,字子陵,浙江会稽余姚(今宁波余姚市)人,是吴越文化史上的一位重要人物。严子陵少年时就很有才气,与刘秀是同学好友。其后他积极帮助刘秀起兵。公元8年,王莽称帝,法令苛细,徭役繁重,吏治腐败,民怨沸腾。公元25年,刘秀终于击败王莽,在洛阳建立起东汉王朝,当上了皇帝,这就是历史上有名的汉光武帝。而这时严子陵却避居僻乡。  相似文献   
The research reported in this article explored the extent of self‐censorship in community college theatre programs across the country. What part of the college administration plays in such censorship is also examined. Censorship does exist in community college theatre. Much of the censorship is self‐imposed. Directors avoid plays that are controversial. The audience is protected from harm. Profanity, racial slurs, and negative religious references are cut. When cuts are not made, disclaimers are often published in programs or placed in the lobby or both. Further research opportunities suggested by this study lie in examinations of how theatre departments deal with copyright issues when cutting objectionable material from plays. Defining the responsibility of the community college theatre program to the community is another area of research that needs to be addressed. Little censorship occurs from external sources. Finally, how the responsibilities of the college and the theatre to truth can be resolved with the presence of censorship in academic theatre is an area yet to be adequately explored.  相似文献   
8月11日,孟京辉出席2013杭州国际戏剧节新闻发布会。"我真的特别高兴,在美丽的城市干一件美丽的事。"作为杭州国际戏剧节的发起人和艺术总监,他毫不掩饰对杭州和戏剧的挚爱。孟京辉说:"开幕演出很重要。"让人想不到的是开幕大戏选了浙江昆剧团演员杨崑和现代舞演员小珂合作的《游园·今梦》。这出戏居然放在西湖边的钱王祠上演,依托西湖园林的优美环境,凸显"游园"的戏剧情景。孟京辉为戏剧节带来了许多中外好  相似文献   
Games have always been a part of the human experience. Even the earliest of civilizations created games for enjoyment and entertainment. However, the educational value of those games is a relatively recent consideration. Over the previous fifty years, scholars have questioned the potential positive lessons learned from games such as Monopoly®, Scrabble®, and sports. While millions of children participate in these activities, a new type of gaming has emerged over the previous decade and is quickly surpassing other gaming formats. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGS), such as World of Warcraft and Diablo, now have millions of players; however, the potential educational influence of these games is relatively unknown. This article presents an exploration of one potential educational strand – economic theory – that these types of games may facilitate.  相似文献   
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