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高等教育必须从改进教学模式入手 ,深化教育、教学改革 ,研制一套新的教学方案 ,树立创新教育观 ,创新是当今时代发展的鲜明特征 ,高等学校是推动创新知识的重要力量 ,注重创新知识能力培养 ,提高学生综合素质  相似文献   
Based upon a reflection on the social origins of human psychological functions the authors propose an analysis of the transmission-appropriation of object uses by the 7 to 13 month old child through interaction with the adult termed baby-object-adult triadic interaction. The analysis is based on Peirce’s semiotics. Semiotic processes involved in the interaction are analysed with categories of icons, indexes and symbols. The authors show the great variety and flexibility of the signs used by the adult but also by the prelinguistic child. They also evidence different types of sign mixity. Peirce described a sign mixity which implies that the uses of signs is never pure but that a given sign may comprise elements of other signs and thus may belong to different sign classes. Here a second type of mixity is demonstrated which can be specified by the simultaneous occurence of sign configurations or estellas belonging to different semiotic repertoires. These may be implemented by the child or the adult or by both within the interaction.  相似文献   
紫外光照射3-氨基-2-卤代-2-烯亚胺生成3-卤代喹啉,该反应对氯代衍生物是定量反应(>95%),溴代和碘代喹啉可以较高产率从反应粗产物中容易地分离出来,由于这一反应温和、简便、干净和快速,我们预期这一反应过程将被广泛应用。  相似文献   
The online interaction of learners and tutors in activities with concrete objectives provides a valuable source of data that can be analyzed for different purposes. One of these purposes is the use of the information extracted from that interaction to aid tutors and learners in decision making about either the configuration of further learning activities or the filtering of learning resources. This article explores the use of an affiliation network model for such kind of purposes. Concretely, the use of techniques such as blockmodeling – a technique used to derive meaningful patterns of relationships in the network – and the analysis of m-slices – a technique helpful to study cohesion in relationships – are explored as tools to decide on the configuration of topics and/or learner groups. In particular, the results of the case study show that such techniques can be used to (i) filter participants for rearranging groups; (ii) rearrange topics of interest; and (iii) dynamically change the structure of a course. The techniques presented can be considered a case of collaborative filtering based on social network structure.  相似文献   
一直以来,浙江以生产绿茶为主,西湖龙井更是"杭为茶都"的金名片,然而一种不少杭州人都陌生的红茶—九曲红梅,近来却"老枝新发",香飘四海。前不久,在2013中国茶业博览会暨"浙茶杯"红茶评比中,由杭州西湖区选送的天香牌九曲红梅茶荣获金奖。同时,天香牌九曲红梅茶以13600元/公斤的全场最高竞拍价成交,成为此次拍卖的茶王。"九曲红梅"茶的辉煌始于清末民初,随后在世界级的展会上屡获大奖的佳绩又曾将"九曲红梅"的美名推向了全国各地。而今,随着国内"红茶热"的兴起,沉寂了多年的"九曲红梅"又一次迎来了发展的春天,"九曲红梅"这个品牌必将成为茶都杭州的另一张金名片。  相似文献   
历史上内外贸易的黄金水道中国大运河南端的浙东运河,地跨杭州、绍兴和宁波三市,流淌在锦绣的宁绍平原,古时流到明州(宁波)港与外海连接,成为历史上内外贸易的黄金水道。称谓运河,一般指人工开凿的水上航道,有别于从深山峡谷奔突而出的自然江河。浙东运河主航道除利用甬江、姚江自然水系外,便是人工开掘。根据历史文  相似文献   
中国书法历史悠久,它是世界上独一无二的瑰宝,是中华文化的灿烂之花。2013年5月20日,海内外闻名的我国书法大师沙孟海先生的故乡、宁波市鄞州区迎来了"中国书法之乡"的荣誉称号,第一届沙孟海书法艺术节同时开幕,中国书协领导将此评价为"近年来全国书法界的一项盛事"。书法之乡人才辈出书法艺术在鄞州的出现至少可以追溯至1000多年前。史料记载,鄞州大地上先后出现过南宋四家之一张即之;元代翰林书风中  相似文献   
中国的世界遗产地数量增至45处,居世界第二。世界遗产委员会在对中国新疆天山、红河哈尼梯田的评语中写道——新疆天山具有景观和生物生态演化过程的完整性,符合世界自然遗产保护和管理要求。红河哈尼梯田文化景观所体现的森林、水系、梯田和村寨"四素同构"系统符合世界遗产标准,其完美反映的精密复杂的农业、林业和分配系统,通过长期以来形成的独特社会经济宗教体系得以加强,彰显了人与环境互动的一种重要模式。  相似文献   
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