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The study of international relations purports to explain how nation-states and individuals interact around the globe. Yet one major area of such interaction – international sport – remains exceedingly understudied. This in spite of the fact that countries have gone to war over sport, fought for sovereign recognition through sport, and that citizens around the world have it as a daily part of their lives. Indeed it is astounding that a phenomenon that matters so much has been so little studied by a field that purports to explain relations between states and humans around the world. These deficiencies became more apparent in 2008 when we witnessed the world's biggest country hosting the world's biggest sporting event. The Beijing Olympics, though entertaining and exciting, showed how little we have thought about the link between sport and international politics. This article introduces a framework for understanding the link between sport and politics. Its point of entry is to argue that many of the questions about how China portrayed itself during the Olympics and whether the Games marked China's rise as a responsible power cannot be answered without first understanding how sport in general is related to a country's political development, and its sense of nationhood. My arguments do not represent new breakthroughs in political science, rather I attempt merely to offer a systematic way of thinking about how sports and the Olympics matter in world politics through three inter-related causal pathways relating to a country's sense of self, its diplomacy, and its capacity for change.  相似文献   
人们景仰的文学巨匠巴金先生,走完了他101年的人生历程。他留下的是激励人们的激流三部曲《家》、《春》、《秋》;爱情三部曲《雾》、《雨》、《电》和《寒夜》、《火》、《憩园》、《第四病室》等长篇巨著,《英雄故事》等多部短篇小说集。是什么使他一生笔耕不辍,写下了那么多中国现代文学史上的扛鼎之作?答案就是两个字——追求。  相似文献   
最近,中央对第二批深入学习实践科学发展观活动进行了部署,高校的学习实践活动即将开始。我们有理由相信,在科学发展观的指导下,我校的各项工作会更加进步。因为,通过科学发展观的学习与实践,我们的思路和工作会更加贴近规律,符合规则。  相似文献   
非生物自然意象在华兹华斯的诗歌中得到了广泛的运用,是一个值得研究的文学现象。华兹华斯诗歌中的非生物自然意象有很多,其中主要的有风、云、暴雨、大洪水、波浪、河流、溪水、山谷。这些意象内涵丰富,具有独特的个性,从一个侧面展示了华兹华斯诗歌的魅力。  相似文献   
行家都清楚,无论学书法还是学绘画,都必须先过欣赏关。如果欣赏关不过,纵然用尽九牛二虎之力,也难以写出好字,画出好画。这是因为,不懂欣赏就不能从艺术的角度去辨别优劣。不辨优劣,写不出好字,画不出好画,也就是自然的事了。其实,欣赏的意义和价值远不止如此。在我们的日常工作和生活中,"欣赏"也是十分重要的。可以毫不夸张地说,学会欣赏是做人做事的必修课。  相似文献   
进入六月份,第十四届全国青年歌手大奖赛,便在中央电视台进行得如火如荼。说心里话,在各种演唱形式中,我更喜欢的是合唱。因为,无论从音域的广度,还是表达内容的深度,都是独唱所不能比的。一段时间里,笔者比较喜欢韩红演唱的《天路》。恕我直言,自从听了武警文工团合唱的《天路》,便觉得韩红逊色了许多。这并不是韩红的功力不够,实在是合唱的功能和魅力所致。记得上个世纪五六十年代,在收音机中经常听到冲击心灵的合唱曲子,诸如《我们走在大路上》、《歌唱祖国》、《咱们工人有力量》。那个时候,给我的感觉,世界上最有力量的声音就是合唱了。集体的声音表达着集体的意志,如钢似铁,摧枯拉朽,似乎可以摧毁地球上所有的黑暗。它的感  相似文献   
新时期大学生素质教育的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前大学生素质教育中存在的主要问题以及制约学生素质教育的因素 ,提出加强和改进大学生素质教育的对策 :一要从思想上提高加强大学生素质教育的重要性和紧迫性的认识 ;二要深化教育体制改革 ,摒弃“单向灌输”的教育模式 ,改革单一的说教方式 ;三要加强教师队伍建设 ,这是大学生素质教育的关键 ;四要培养学生创新意识和实践能力 ,这是大学生素质教育的重点 ;五要在大学生中坚持进行为人民服务为核心、集体主义为原则的思想道德建设 ,这是素质教育的核心和主要内容  相似文献   
很长一段时间里,那句"卫生靠检查,体育靠竞赛,教育靠评估"的话颇为流行。因为这些年来,各类教育评估搞得相当热闹。如何看待各类评估?今年《中国远程教育》第六期刊首寄语——"评估教育",值得一读。文章说,2005年4月21日,教育部公布了对54所高校的评估结论,其中30所优秀,19所良好,5所合格。这一结论给人印象是中国高校教育质量令人放心,然而观察身边高校之情形,也许我们又会产生若干疑惑。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Many applications, such as software distribution, Internet TV/video streaming, video conferencing, multiplayer gaming, personal media distribution and P2P web content duplication, distribute the same content from one source node to many destination nodes. For these applications, IP multicast is an ideal network layer solution. A distribution tree rooted at the source can be formed to reach an arbitrary number of receivers. During content distribution, every single piece of…  相似文献   
Crowdfunding has become an important funding method for video game developments in the United States. Interestingly, video game crowdfunding projects have significantly lower success rates compared to other product categories. Recognizing this challenge, this study examines factors influencing the success of crowdfunding campaigns for video games. The analysis of 447 crowdfunding campaigns suggests that human capital, geography, media choice, and the intensity of media use influence the success of crowdfunding for video games.  相似文献   
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