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A specially designed questionnaire and a modification of the “Science Classroom Activity Checklist” by L. H. Krockendorfer were used to categorize 299 life science students at the University of Iowa into two groups; those with high school biology backgrounds founded in the BSCS philosophy and those with traditionally oriented backgrounds. These groups were compared with respect to grade achievement in a college life science course, ratings of their background for the college course, and their attitude toward biology as established by their high school experience. With respect to inquiry and student-centered methods, texts were revealed as poor indicators of types of programs offered.  相似文献   
In this study, we describe what factors influence the observed score correlation between an (external) anchor test and a total test. We show that the anchor to full‐test observed score correlation is based on two components: the true score correlation between the anchor and total test, and the reliability of the anchor test. Findings using an analytical approach suggest that making an anchor test a miditest does not generally maximize the anchor to total test correlation. Results are discussed in the context of what conditions maximize the correlations between the anchor and total test.  相似文献   
Counselor educators today are faced with a difficult dilemma. They are mandated to dismiss students they judged to be unfit and irremediable, yet they risk legal action whenever executing a student dismissal decision. Their duty to protect the public must be weighed against the liabilities of costly litigation to institutions, programs, and themselves. This article describes 1 counselor education program's decision to dismiss a student and endure a lengthy, although unsuccessful, lawsuit and jury trial in federal court. The strengths and weaknesses of the program's remediation and dismissal protocol are examined as they emerged under court scrutiny.  相似文献   
Male rats in a restraining tube bit and wounded the snout of an anesthetized male conspecific as a direct function of the intensity of tailshock, with bites declining systematically in the time interval after shock. Female rats’ bites on a male rat were also dependent on shock, but did not produce wounds. When an anesthetized cat was presented to rats in the same situation, females bit and wounded the cat before shock was given, while the males again bit only in response to shock. These data were interpreted as indicating that male bites on both a conspecific and a predator fit the same defensive biting pattern. In contrast, females’ bites on a male rat are actively inhibited, while females’ bites on a predator are neither inhibited nor shock dependent: this latter finding may reflect the adaptive value (protection of the young) of attacking a predator before it hurts the female rat.  相似文献   
This study utilised a qualitative research methodology known as formative research to improve the process guidelines that are described in the Guidance System for Transforming Education (GSTE). This study took place in a small (5447 students), partly urban and partly rural school district in Indiana. The researchers, also serving as change facilitators, investigated an early stage of the systemic change process as outlined in the GSTE. Specifically, the research focused on field‐testing and improving the process for assessing the district's readiness for change. It was found that this process could have been improved if the facilitators had had more guidance to help them develop the interview protocols.  相似文献   
This article reports on a recent study on the use of instructional development to enhance the quality of university continuing education programs for professionals. As an instructional mode of continuing professional education, instructional development principles and procedures are potentially appropriate means for achieving and maintaining the quality and effectiveness of such programs. Although the application of instructional development in higher education has been studied by several researchers, there has been little research to address its application with regard specifically to the area of continuing professional education in higher education. Based on a national survey of continuing educators, the extent of use and the major factors associated with the use or lack of use of instructional development are presented and discussed. Three models of the use of instructional development developed through selected cases are provided.Philip L. Doughty is Associate Professor of Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation and Director of the Division of Educational Development, Counseling, and Administrative Studies at Syracuse University.The authors would like to express their appreciation to Dr. Margaret Holt, former chair of the NUCEA Survey Research Committee; Dean Frank Funk, Dr. David Krathwohl, and Dr. Roger Hiemstra, at Syracuse University; Dr. Paul Ilsley, University of Northern Illinois; and the editorial staff and reviewers ofInnovative Higher Education for their helpful comments and assistance.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore middle school students' perceptions of what factors facilitated their learning of science. Florida's Educational Reform Act of 1983 funded programs providing the state's precollege students with summer learning opportunities in science. mathematics, and computers. The programs were intended to encourage the development of creative approaches to the teaching of these disciplines. Under this program, between 50 and 60 high-achieving middle school students were in residence on the University of South Florida campus for 12 consecutive days of study in the World of Water (WOW) program. There were two sessions per summer involving a total of 572 participants. Eighi specially trained teachers were in residence with the students. Between 50 and 70 experts from the university, government. business, and industry interacted with the students each year in an innovative science/technology/society (STS) program. An assignment toward the close of the program asked students to reflect on their experiences in residence at the university and write an essay comparing learning in the WOW program to learning in their schools. Those essays were the base for this study. This was a qualitative study using a discursive approach to emergent design to generate grounded theory. Document review, participant observation, and open-ended interviews were used to gather and triangulate data in five phases. Some of the factors that middle school students perceived as helpful to learning science were (a) experiencing the situations about which they were learning; (b) having live presentations by professional experts; (c) doing hands-on activities: (d) being active learners; (e) using inductive reasoning to generate new knowledge; (f) exploring transdisciplinary approaches to problem solving; (g) having adult mentors; (h) interacting with peers and adults; (i) establishing networks; (j) having close personal friends who shared their interest in learning; (k) trusting the individuals in their learning environment, including adults and students; and (1) experiencing a sense of self-reliance. The preceding information was used to generate a series of hypotheses which were woven into a theoretical model. This model suggests that middle school science teacher education would be enhanced by helping prospective and in-service teachers develop and implement strategies that build trust, provide immersion in learning, and use inductive reasoning. This model is currently being used as the theoretical base to convert a traditional junior high school in the South to a middle school.  相似文献   
This study of educational policy in Malta1 exemplifies in microcosm the obstacles faced by teachers who seek a higher degree of professional emancipation. It points to the frustrations that educators are likely to encounter in situations where central authorities attempt to curtail teachers' autonomy through stricter administrative control. The paper argues that teachers' professional status cannot be enhanced by the granting of honorific titles when they have to go on working in a highly bureaucratic and authoritarian environment that pervades the educational system and dominates teachers' occupational perspectives. Malta's traditions in public administration, which it inherited from the British, militate against teachers' bid for full professionality. In a small developing country striving to shed its colonial past, legislative measures and industrial agreements do not suffice to change the traditional mentality of its public service. Genuine attempts to professionalise the teaching corps require measures that reduce teachers' dependence on central authority, and opportunities that promote occupational initiatives to a high degree.
Zusammenfassung Diese Studie über Bildungspolitik in Malta1 veranschaulicht im Mikrokosmos die Schwierigkeiten, denen Lehrer, die ein höheres Maß an beruflicher Emanzipation anstreben, gegenüberstehen. Die Frustrationen, die Ausbilder wahrscheinlich in den Situationen erleben werden, in denen zentrale Behörden die Autonomie der Lehrer durch strengere administrative Kontrolle beschneiden, werden aufgezeigt. Der Autor argumentiert, daß der Berufsstatus der Lehrer nicht durch das Verleihen von Ehrentiteln aufgewertet werden kann, wenn sie weiterhin in einer stark bürokratisierten und autoritären Umgebung arbeiten müssen, die das Bildungswesen durchdringt und die beruflichen Perspektiven der Lehrer dominiert. Maltas von den Briten ererbte Tradition in der öffentlichen Verwaltung behindert die Bemühungen der Lehrer um vollständige Professionalität. In einem kleinen Entwicklungsland, das sich bemüht, seine koloniale Vergangenheit abzulegen, reichen legislative Maßnahmen und Industrieabkommen nicht aus, um die Traditionsmentalität des öffentlichen Dienstes zu ändern. Ernsthafte Versuche, den Lehrberuf zu professionalisieren, erfordern eine verringerte Abhängigkeit der Lehrer von zentralen Behörden, sowie Möglichkeiten zur intensiven Förderung beruflicher Initiativen.

Résumé La présente étude sur la politique éducative de Malte1 illustre dans un microcosme les obstacles rencontrés par les enseignants recherchant un degré élevé de liberté professionnelle. Elle montre les frustrations que les enseignants sont susceptibles d'éprouver dans les situations oû les autorités centrales tentent de restreindre l'autonomie des maîtres en appliquant un contrôle administratif plus strict. On prétend dans cet article que le statut professionnel des enseignants ne peut être rehaussé par la remise de titres honorifiques s'ils doivent continuer de travailler dans un environnement hautement bureaucratique et autoritaire qui pénètre le système éducatif et détermine les perspectives professionnelles des enseignants. Les traditions de l'administration publique maltaise, léguées par le système britannique, vont à rencontre du désir des maîtres d'accéder à un plus grand professionnalisme. Dans un petit pays en développement qui s'efforce de se défaire de son passé colonial, les mesures législatives et les accords industriels ne suffisent pas pour changer la mentalité traditionnelle de son service public. Les véritables tentatives pour professionnaliser le corps enseignant requirèrent des mesures qui réduisent la dépendance des enseignants de l'autorité centrale, et des occasions qui favorisent les initiatives professionnelles à un haut degré.
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