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唐代出现大量与科举直接相关的诗歌即科举诗,它是反映唐代科举活动及其在此活动中心理的诗歌,其中及第抒怀诗主要抒发了士人及第时的心理感受。士人由于性格、文化背景、人生境遇等差异,在及第时表现出种种不同的心态:春风得意、志得意满之情;心存感激、感恩报德之意;清醒认识、平静对待之心;业成身退、归隐山林之念。  相似文献   
在中学语文教学中必须实行有层次的阅读教学。阅读教学要引导学生重视语言的分析和品味,把握分析比较的方法,在尊重文本、尊重历史的基础上,积极主动思考,大胆创新。  相似文献   
楼宇经济是一种全新的具有极大发展潜力的经济发展形态,福州市要做大做好楼宇经济这块蛋糕,则应坚持解放思想,实事求是,科学规划,避免一窝蜂盲目上马,其次,要完善原有的低端档次的写字楼配套;再次,要着力发展总部经济,增强区域经济辐射力.  相似文献   
为提高新升本科院校图书馆西文书目数据的质量和效率,文章针对新升本院校图书馆西文编目的现状,探讨了有关西文图书编目的著录方式、方法与技巧,并列举了一些西文图书的编目实例.  相似文献   
聚醚硅油消泡剂的合成工艺及复配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简要概述了改性聚醚硅油消泡剂的种类和特性的基础上,综合介绍了聚醚改性有机硅消泡剂合成工艺条件及其乳液复合消泡剂复配过程主要成分选择的一般规律和技巧,并对聚醚改性有机硅复合消泡剂的消泡机理、失活原理进行综述.  相似文献   
北朝本土作家群研究历来为研究者所忽视。以作家群为研究切入点,通过细致的梳理,辑录北朝本土作家共有312人。这庞大的作家群在分布上呈现出了不均衡性和向东拓展的地域走向两方面的特点。该分布特点形成的原因,从整体来看和当时的社会基础、经济基础以及文人的心理价值取向密切联系,细究各文学区域自身地域分布特点的形成又各有不同。  相似文献   
应用型本科院校人才培养模式是培养本科人才质量的关键,可从学科专业结构、课程体系、产学研合作机制、师资队伍开放体系等方面构建应用性人才培养模式,并通过人才培养方案综合素质学分的体系构建与实施,结合不同专业实践多种人才培养模式,最终实现应用型本科人才培养目标.  相似文献   
学术职业其本真就是信仰与理性的统一,溯其根源可追踪到中世纪.中世纪是一个唯信仰的时代,面对这样的身不由己,中世纪大学学术职业对信仰充满着热情,用其独特的方式守护信仰.然而这种热情并不是盲目的尊崇,而是带着希望激情,那就是用理性去捍卫信仰,保持信仰与理性的平衡.这正是学术职业的真正价值所在.正因为这样,使得中世纪的大学成为了后世一颗璀璨的启明星.  相似文献   
Objective:In order to achieve accurate implantation of the acetabular prosthesis in total hip arthroplasty(THA),we designed individual templates based on a three-dimensional(3D) model generated from computed tomography(CT) scans.Methods:Individual templates were designed for 12 patients who underwent THA.A physical template was designed to conform to the contours of the patient's acetabulum and to confirm the rotation of the acetabular center.This guided the acetabular component orientation.Results:The preoperative and postoperative X-ray and CT scans were obtained to assess the location with respect to the accuracy of the acetabular component.For all patients,the abduction angle of the acetabular component was 46.7°o 54.3°and the anteversion angle was 11.3°to 18.5°.Conclusions:The assessment of postoperative CT scans demonstrated higher accuracy of the acetabular component bore when used with the individual template.Therefore,the individual template can be an alternative to the computer-assisted navigation systems,with a good cost-performance ratio.  相似文献   
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play a critical role in the growth and steroidogenesis of granulosa cells (GCs). BMP signals act through membrane-bound heteromeric serine/threonine kinase receptors. Upon ligand binding, BMPs activate intracellular Smad proteins and regulate growth and apoptosis in various cell types. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effects of BMP/Smad signal on growth and steroidogenesis of porcine GCs. A strategy of RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated ‘gene silencing’ of Smad4, a core molecule mediating the intracellular BMP/Smad signal transduction pathways, was used to interrupt endogenous BMP/Smad signaling. Results indicate that Smad4-small interfering RNA (siRNA) caused specific inhibition of Smad4 mRNA and protein expression after transfection. Interrupted endogenous BMP/Smad signaling significantly inhibited growth, and induced apoptosis of porcine GCs, while decreasing estradiol production. In addition, interrupted BMP/Smad signaling significantly (P<0.05) changed the expression of Cyclin D2, CDK4, Bcl-2, and Cyp19a1. These findings provide new insights into how BMP/Smad signaling regulates the growth and steroidogenesis of porcine GCs.  相似文献   
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