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一个国家大学生创业参与率的高低与其政府出台的企业市场准入政策、财税政策、金融政策以及相关的配套服务政策等政府扶持政策的完善程度密切相关。本文分析了我国当前大学生创业政策存在的不足,并就完善这些政策提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   
皖西南是一个自然环境优美、人文底蕴丰厚的地区,具有丰富的体育旅游资源。本文以国家级贫困县——岳西县为例,对当地体育旅游资源现状进行分析,并提出几点体育旅游发展的建议。  相似文献   
This study investigated the use of a wiki for collaborative writing among primary levels five (P5) and six (P6) students (n = 119) in a Chinese primary school in Hong Kong where English is taught as a second language (L2). Three classes of students and their English subject teachers participated in a three-month English language writing programme using a wiki. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed from activities recorded in the wiki system, including posted edits and comments, students’ group writings and student and teacher interviews. The wiki page history revealed information on the types of revisions that occurred, showing that different types of feedback elicited actual revisions, which may have resulted in better group writing. Findings from the study may shed light on how wikis can help provide support for students’ collaborative writing process with wikis, and how peer-feedback can influence this process.  相似文献   
《江南女性别集·初编》中收录了37位清代江南女性诗人的诗文作品。她们富有才情,善于用文学语言表达心声。作品中透露了很多家庭生活的细节,勾画出清代江南女性诗人的众多家庭角色形象。作为其中非常重要的一种角色——妻子,她们大多夫唱妇和,伉俪相得;秉承传统妇教,浸染甚深;相夫持家,勤俭有方。这为我们重新审视古代妇女婚姻状态提供了新样本。  相似文献   

Mental health is an important public health issue and up to one in five youth experience mental health problems. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among motor competence, health-related physical fitness and mental health outcomes in adolescents. A secondary goal was to test the direct and indirect effects of motor competence on adolescents’ mental health through health-related physical fitness. Participants were 279 adolescents (Mage = 12.49, SD = 0.89) recruited in the south-west region of the US Motor competence including volleyball, soccer, and ultimate Frisbee, were assessed using PE Metrics?. FITNESSGRAM® test battery was used to assess health-related physical fitness components. Students completed a survey measuring their depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life. Motor competence was significantly associated with components of health-related physical fitness (r ranged from ?0.15 to 0.38). The robust fit of the model supports the significant indirect effect of motor competence on mental health outcomes through health-related physical fitness (χ2/df = 39.92/25; CFI = 0.97; RMSEA = 0.046; 90% CI [0.02, 0.07]). The hypothesized conceptual model tested in this study provides insights into the potential interaction of motor competence and health-related physical fitness with adolescents’ mental health.  相似文献   
Displaying amiability (qinheli) was one of the duties of the Chinese athletes involved in the London 2012 Olympics. Why did the Chinese government ask them to behave in this way? How did the athletes carry out the mandate? Was their amiable performance intended to arouse nationalist sentiment among the Chinese? In response to these questions, two key political preoccupations of the Chinese authorities in the post-London Olympics era are identified: remedying foreigners' negative impressions of China, and gaining a greater input into the decision-making of the International Olympic Committee and its affiliated international sports federations. These objectives are shown to illustrate China's intention to rebuild its international reputation and challenge the status quo of the international sporting community.  相似文献   
2013年2月,国际奥委会通过投票决定,摔跤将淡出2020年夏季奥运会,而武术则是冲击2020年夏季奥运会的体育项目之一。此次,摔跤淡出奥运给武术带来了诸多方面的经验和教训。文章认为,国际武术联合会的发展政策、武术的比赛规则、武术的普及度、武术赛事的运作是左右武术入奥的关键性因素。  相似文献   
储宇奇 《科教文汇》2013,(7):118-119
高职院校专业基础课都安排在专业课学习之前,它是专业课课程学习的基础,专业基础课学习的不好将严重影响专业课的学习兴趣,但是目前高职院校专业基础课的教学还没有完全从高等院校的课程教学模式中完全脱离出来,教学中理论学习偏重,并且与专业课的联系不紧密甚至是相脱节的。为此,本文从教材、生源和教师等方面提出了专业基础课程改革的相应建议。  相似文献   
十八大提出“新型城镇化”,是在未来城镇化发展方向上释放出了“转型”的“新信号”。2011年中国的城镇化率超过50%,但要达到欧洲70%多的水平,还需要相当长的时间。城镇化是中国经济增长持久的内生动力。我们推进城镇化,需要走节约集约利用资源、保护自然生态和文化特征、大中小城市和小城镇并举的可持续发展之路。借助数据包络分析模型(DEA)对安徽省城市生态效率进行研究,分析了2007—2011年安徽省各地市生态效率变化,结果表明:安徽省区域生态效率差异不是很明显;传统的工矿城市生态效率普遍偏低;追求高投入高产出的粗放式经济增长方式还较为普遍。但越来越多的城市开始关注生态环境保护。  相似文献   
墨子和基督宗教的相遇历时150多年,二者的对话主要经历清末西方传教士、民国知识分子基督徒和1950年代后台湾天主教徒三个阶段。本文以第三阶段。即近60年墨耶对话为研究对象,在文献梳理的基础上,将其置于墨耶相遇的历史当中,探讨20世纪下半叶墨耶对话的发展状况、特征和独有价值。此一阶段的研究大体上延续了援墨传教、比较东西方“上帝”之爱的义理和应世而作的传统,同时呈现新的转向:以辅仁大学为中心;以天主教徒为主体;以普世价值的追问为主旨。此外,周幼伟以士林哲学为视角对墨子伦理体系的建构,在墨耶对话史上意义重要。总体来看,这些墨耶对话的成果有对天主教学术精神的继承、梵二大公会议精神的响应,也有对全球化的现实处境的思考,虽然其影响未能走出台湾,某些论题仍需商榷,但对深化墨耶对话的内涵,乃至对中国文化与基督宗教之对话均具有一定的启示。  相似文献   
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