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结合遥感处理类课程的特点和我校研究生教学的实际需求,本文基于我校研究生《SAR图像处理与解译》课程建设开展改革探索,从教学内容更新、教学方式改革、教学资源优化等方面出发,有机融合课堂研讨式教学、实践开发式教学、教学资源优化、科研成果分享等多元教学模式,在实践中取得了较好的效果,能够激发学生学习和研究的兴趣,提高学生的主动性和创新能力,充分满足遥感技术的发展及研究型专业人才培养的需要。  相似文献   
在中国佛教美术发展的历史进程中,经历了一个外来艺术本土化、宗教艺术世俗化的过程。这一过程,突出地反映在不同历史时期观音造像的形态变化之中,体现了中国佛教艺术走向世俗的必然趋势。  相似文献   
以美、英、日三国为代表,分析了发达国家高等教育大众化发展道路特点,以及成人高等教育在大众化发展中的办学特色,表明二战后成人高等教育已成为发达国家高教大众化发展的重要力量。  相似文献   
本文通过对多层砖混结构的震害进行分析,并根据砖混房屋结构特点,结合自身设计经验,提出在砖混房屋抗震设计中应注意的几个问题及采取的相应措施,对多层砌体房屋的抗震设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
本文从分析教师压力的概念内涵、测评、理论模式、压力源的相关研究以及应对策略的研究六个方面,对我国教师压力研究的状况进行了全面的概述,并指出已有研究的不足和对未来研究的展望.  相似文献   
随着市场经济的深入发展和多元价值的广泛影响,当代大学生社会责任感缺失的问题日益凸显。高校作为培养大学生成才的主要阵地,担负着培养大学生社会责任的主要工作。从高校现状来看,存在着一些不足。因此,要进一步完善高校思想政治教育工作,提出切实可行的措施来提高大学生社会责任感。  相似文献   
高速公路沥青路面"水损坏"造成的危害日益严重,从沥青路面的发生机理与相关因素和沥青路面的设计,以及排水及沥青混合材料的配置等方面着手研究,寻求针对性强,行之有效的防治措施,以便增加公路的使用寿命,减少经济损失.  相似文献   
以徐州师范大学340名大学生为被试,使用Snyder的自我监控量表个人反应问卷和人际信任量表(ITS)作为研究工具,探讨大学生印象整饰与人际信任之间的关系,结果显示:1.不同性别的大学生在自我监控总分上差异不显著;2.不同年级大学生在自我监控总分上的差异不显著;3.不同生源地区大学生在自我监控总分上差异显著,来自城市的大学生自我监控总分明显高于来自农村的大学生;4.大学生印象整饰水平与人际信任水平不存在显著相关。  相似文献   
File semantic has proven effective in optimizing large scale distributed file system. As a consequence of the elaborate and rich I/O interfaces between upper layer applications and file systems, file system can provide useful and insightful information about semantic. Hence, file semantic mining has become an increasingly important practice in both engineering and research community. Unfortunately, it is a challenge to exploit file semantic knowledge because a variety of factors could affect this information exploration process. Even worse, the challenges are exacerbated due to the intricate interdependency between these factors, and make it difficult to fully exploit the potentially important correlation among various semantic knowledges. This article proposes a file access correlation miming and evaluation reference (FARMER) model, where file is treated as a multivariate vector space, and each item within the vector corresponds a separate factor of the given file. The selection of factor depends on the application, examples of factors are file path, creator and executing program. If one particular factor occurs in both files, its value is non-zero. It is clear that the extent of inter-file relationships can be measured based on the likeness of their factor values in the semantic vectors. Benefit from this model, FARMER represents files as structured vectors of identifiers, and basic vector operations can be leveraged to quantify file correlation between two file vectors. FARMER model leverages linear regression model to estimate the strength of the relationship between file correlation and a set of influencing factors so that the “bad knowledge” can be filtered out. To demonstrate the ability of new FARMER model, FARMER is incorporated into a real large-scale object-based storage system as a case study to dynamically infer file correlations. In addition FARMER-enabled optimize service for metadata prefetching algorithm and object data layout algorithm is implemented. Experimental results show that is FARMER-enabled prefetching algorithm is shown to reduce the metadata operations latency by approximately 30%–40% when compared to a state-of-the-art metadata prefetching algorithm and a commonly used replacement policy.  相似文献   
随着国际政治、经济、文化竞争的加剧,高等教育已成为增强国家实力和国际竞争力的重要方面。在我国实施的“科教兴国”、“人才强国”、“建设创新型国家”等一系列重大战略中,大学作为国家创新体系的组成部分,承担着培养拔尖创新型人才的重任,因此,需要主动适应社会经济发展需要,更新教育观念,完善创新管理机制,努力探索培养创新型人才的模式和途径,积极推进研究生创新教育,提升研究生创新能力、科研水平与教育质量。  相似文献   
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