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A study of students from a primary school and its local secondary school was conducted to investigate students' relative interests in geology and biology during the years prior to Year 10. Students from Years 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 were interviewed, using an innovative interview technique, and results show that interest in both subjects appears to be fairly evenly distributed throughout all years. This paper reports on the study conducted and illustrates the success of the interview technique developed to accommodate all students, especially those from younger year levels. Specializations: science teacher education, biology teacher education. Specializations: economic geology, mineralogy, geological education. Specializations: primary science education.  相似文献   
This small‐scale piece of research stemmed from a larger study on oral storytelling and the responses of children to stories told and read to them. In the larger study several children expressed preferences for stories from picture books, as told stories were not real stories. This concept of real stories and what constitutes a real story in the eyes of an infant child, aged between five and seven years, is what led to the basis of the research. One hundred and thirty‐five children between the ages of five and seven years old were involved in the research. The investigation was conducted in three different schools in South Wales, UK. It was hoped that the research would give some insights into the literacy habits of children today. The children were asked some basic questions about home practices relating to storytelling and story‐reading and about preferences in relation to oral stories and picture books. Finally they were asked if they thought oral tales were real stories. This essay gives an overview of some of the literacy practices of the children and deliberates on their comments as they wrestle with the concept of a real story.  相似文献   
一个狂野的圣诞形象凶神恶煞般地回归了。克朗普斯的名字来自“claw”(爪子)这个单词,是会把淘气的孩子抓走装在麻袋里的魔鬼。几世纪以前在阿尔卑斯山的村落中很是流行,克朗普斯把孩子们吓得够呛——血红长舌让恐惧升级——教导孩子们恶魔会在好的事物前屈服。  相似文献   
自然界的平衡是一种十分精密复杂而又敏感脆弱的抑制与反抑制体系,它总是随着气候条件的变化,随着新的生物体的形成,和随着动植物蔓延入新的地区而持续不断地变化着。可是,在过去.这些变化大部分是很缓慢的。而自从文明人出现以后,变化的速度便增大了很多倍。用以测量它们的时间标度,已经从适用于自然演化过程的、以一万年或十万年为计量单位的时间标度.转变成人类所使用的、以几百年甚至几十年为计量单位的时间标度。  相似文献   
莎士比亚说:再好的东西都有失去的一天。再深的记忆也有淡忘的一天。再相爱的人,也有放手的一天。爱不能成为牵绊,所以要选择放手,从容的让彼此走出彼此的世界。其实爱过,就会懂。  相似文献   
This article addresses the issue of promoting spirituality as a dimension of pastoral care in schools. The everyday practice of caring and giving may leave carers tired, depleted of spiritual sustenance, and without practices that nurture their spirituality. This article proposes that spirituality is an essential element of pastoral care, and that it can be promoted through examination of one's sense of vocation, bodywork, journal writing and nurturing soul friends.  相似文献   
英语课堂教学是一个连贯的整体,一项完整的系统工程。它由课前设计、课堂组织和课后总结三大部分组成。课前设计包括编写教案和作好相应的准备。而课堂组织主要阶段则是集中活动阶段,这是教学组织手段应用最多的地方。  相似文献   
培养英语交际能力始终是英语教学的首要目标,而交际能力的培养是在互动的过程中得以实现的。因此,掌握互动的概念、理论基础和教学模式,对学生的交际能力可以起到推进作用。  相似文献   
Journalists with social media accounts can face conflict between the personal nature of their posts while operating as representatives of their news organisations. The addition of another publishing platform has also continued to change the role of the journalist as gatekeeper, with more decisions to be made over dissemination choices in traditional, online and social media. This comparative study of sports journalists in India and Australia examines gatekeeping influences at individual and organisational levels. It combines in-depth interviews with 22 sports journalists with a content analysis of 2085 Twitter posts from sports journalists covering the Australia–India Test cricket series of 2014–2015. The results highlight how multi-media gatekeeping has become a factor for contemporary sports journalists in both nations.  相似文献   
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