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Zusammenfassung  Der Telefunkenrechner TR 440 war bei seiner Fertigstellung 1970 die schnellste bisher in Europa entwickelte und produzierte Maschine. 46 Maschinen wurden in Wissenschaftseinrichtungen, bei Beh?rden und in der Industrie installiert. Der TR 440 folgte dem 1962 fertig gestellten TR 4, der auf demselben Markt durch Leistungsf?higkeit und sein innovatives Compilerkonzept eine wichtige Stellung erobert hatte. Der TR 440 wurde als Maschine für den Teilnehmerbetrieb entwickelt. Die Maschine war einer der ersten gro?en Rechner mit integrierten Schaltungen. Sie verfügte über Seitenadressierung und ein ausgefeiltes System von privilegierten Funktionen. Die Leistung des Prozessors betrug knapp 1 Mips, die Hauptspeicherkapazit?t 1.5 MB. Ausgangspunkt, Struktur und Technologie werden aus heutiger Sicht beschrieben. Ein Nachfolgeprodukt, TR 550, wurde konzipiert, aber nicht mehr entwickelt. Die Wertsch?tzung des TR 440 bei den Nutzern ging wesentlich auf die Systemsoftware zurück, die Gegenstand eines anderen Beitrages ist [6].
The Telefunken TR 440 Computer was, at its deployment in 1970, the fastest machine developed and manufactured so far in Europe. 46 of them were installed in scientific institutions, agencies, and industry. The TR 440 was the successor of the TR 4 of 1962, which on the same market had gained an important position by its performance and its innovative compiler concept. TR 440 was designed for timesharing operation. The machine was one of the first large scale computers to use integrated circuits. It had page addressing and a refined system of privileged functions. The instruction rate approached 1 Mips, the main memory had a capacity of 1.5 MB. Point of departure, structure and technology are described from the point of view of today. A follow-on product, TR 550, was conceived but not developed. The appreciation TR 440 gained among its users was primarily due to its system software, which is described in a further paper [6]. TR 440 structure and technology is also subject of a paper submitted to the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.
Here, we utilize microfluidic droplet technology to generate photopolymerizeable polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel microbeads incorporating a fluorescence-based glucose bioassay. A microfluidic T-junction and multiphase flow of fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate concanavalin A, and PEG in water were used to generate microdroplets in a continuous stream of hexadecane. The microdroplets were photopolymerized mid-stream with ultraviolet light exposure to form PEG microbeads and were collected at the outlet for further analysis. Devices were prototyped in PDMS and generated highly monodisperse 72 ± 2 μm sized microbeads (measured after transfer into aqueous phase) at a continuous flow rate between 0.04 ml/h—0.06 ml/h. Scanning electron microscopy analysis was conducted to analyze and confirm microbead integrity and surface morphology. Glucose sensing was carried out using a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) based assay. A proportional fluorescence intensity increase was measured within a 1–10 mM glucose concentration range. Microfluidically synthesized microbeads encapsulating sensing biomolecules offer a quick and low cost method to generate monodisperse biosensors for a variety of applications including cell cultures systems, tissue engineering, etc.  相似文献   
Individual differences in academic success were investigated in a geographically defined whole-population sample of very preterm children with a gestational age of less than 32 weeks or a birth weight of less than 1500 gm. The sample consisted of 264 very preterm children (75.6% of German-speaking survivors) and 264 controls matched for gender, socioeconomic status, marital status and age of mother, who were studied from birth. The present analyses focused on the impact of cognitive skills assessed at ages 6 and 8 on academic success at the age 13. IQ scores, prereading skills, reading, spelling, and math performance assessed during the last kindergarten year and again at the end of Grade 2 were used as predictors of academic success in early adolescence. Differences between very pretern children and controls in cognitive abilities already observed in earlier assessments remained stable over time, with controls on average performing more than half a standard deviation above the level of preterm children. Preterm children also performed poorer on the literacy measures and indicators of math performance. Multivariate and causal modeling revealed different prediction patterns for the two groups. Whereas IQ was particularly important for the prediction of academic success in the pre-term sample, general IQ was less relevant for the prediction of academic success in the control group. When subgroups of at-risk children were formed according to birth weight categories, we found that school problems were most pronounced for children with extremely low birth weight (1000 gm and less).  相似文献   
Because of a better understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in all stages of life and the improvement of support of students with ASD in primary and secondary education, an increasing number of students with ASD are accessing higher education. Previous research suggests that these students have fewer opportunities in higher education due to a number of functioning and participation problems. However, literature regarding students with ASD in higher education is rather scarce. This article presents an overview of recent studies in a literature review describing the functioning and participation problems of young adults with ASD. This literature review is complemented by focus groups with student mentors and interviews with students with ASD to connect the insights from the literature review to the context of higher education and to check whether all functioning and participation problems are covered by the existing literature. The review showed that little is known about the functioning and participation problems of students with ASD in higher education. However, knowledge about the full spectrum of problems can be the first step towards a better match between the individual problems and the offered reasonable accommodations to increase the participation chances and success rate of these students in higher education.  相似文献   
Although researchers have begun to examine how perceptions of academic performance affect college students' achievement striving, little is known about these linkages in different instruction settings. Students' explanatory schemas, for example, may act as buffers against the deleterious effects of poor-quality instruction. As well, effective instruction may serve to compensate for other schemas that predispose students to failure. Three causal schema groups were created by informing students that their performance on a prelecture test was due to either ability, effort, or test difficulty. Students then observed a videotaped lecture presented by a low- or a high-expressive instructor, after which they wrote a test and completed a questionnaire. When instruction was ineffective, the effort and ability schemas produced better performance in low-perceived-success students, whereas no differences occurred between schema groups in high-perceived-success students. When instruction was effective, the three schemas led to similar achievement patterns in both low- and high-perceived-success students. These results were discussed in terms of buffer and compensation effects.  相似文献   
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