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If the shoe doesn’t fit, it is a mistake to change the foot, but in essence this is what occurred in 20th-century China, in the context of rural construction. Motivated by self-preservation, nationalist forces in China resisted the hasty, indiscriminate and harmful importation (indeed, imposition) of western influences, but these external influences ultimately predominated over traditional domestic practices. Radical ideologies evolved, destroying traditional construction methods while promoting ill-conceived, but ostensibly “modern” counterparts, or chaotic syntheses of old and new. Rural economies were devastated, to the despair of peasants. The internal response to external stimulus had become far more damaging, the cure its own fatal disease. Amid ongoing efforts at reconstruction, local committees were formed that varied in efficiency, and successive waves of rural construction featured a wide array of approaches, far more than merely “top down” or “bottom up (grassroots).” And yet, while conditions have improved, the symptoms of radical response persist. The proper cure should be context-dependent reform.  相似文献   
工程教育专业认证背景下,电机学省级精品在线开放课程注重校企合作,收集丰富的生产现场教学资源,聘请企业专家录制教学视频,开展网上讨论、网上直播课等。下阶段校企合作重点是编写理论和实践教材、共建电机科技活动实训室、企业专家指导网上PBL项目、指导学生选取企业真题申报大创项目。  相似文献   
Over the past three years or more, the authors have been examining the impact of technology interventions on students and teachers – from cultures where English is a second language. It is their hypothesis that students and teachers from non‐English speaking nations suffer severe disadvantages when technological interventions are superimposed on existing traditional pedagogical models. This paper is the latest in a series that examines extent pedagogies, primarily in Asia, and the pressures of having to re‐conceptualize what has been a tradition for centuries. It traces significant educational origins to their cultural roots and examines contemporary initiatives that, if implemented, may well disrupt. It offers possible solutions that, if approached with reconciliation as its focus, might offset catastrophic results and, in fact, achieve pedagogical symbiosis.L'impact de la technologie: symbiotique ou asymbiotique selon des cultures différentes. Durant les 3 dernières années ou plus, des auteurs ont examiné les interventions sur les étudiants et les enseignants appartenant à des cultures où l'anglais est une seconde langue. C'est une hypothèse que les étudiants et enseignants de pays non anglophones souffrent de plusieurs d´esavantages quand les interventions technologiques sont imposées sur les modèles pédagogiques traditionnels. Cet article est le plus récent d'une série qui examine plusieurs pédagogies, particulièrement en Asie, et les pressions de revoir la conceptualisation qui a été la tradition pendant des siècles. Il met les origines éducatives significatives depuis leurs racines culturelles et examine les initiatives contemporaires qui, si elles sont en oeuvre, peuvent aboutir à des ruptures. L'article offre des solutions possibles qui, si elles sont approchées dans un esprit de conciliation comme point de mire, permettent d'éviter des résultats catastrophiques et, en fait, aboutir à une symbiose pédagogique.Die Wirkung der Technik: Symbiotische oder Asymbiotic Wirkung auf unterschiedliche Kulturen? Über die letzten drei Jahre oder mehr haben die Autoren die Wirkung von Technikeingriffen auf Studenten und Lehrer aus Kulturen geprüft, in denen Englisch eine zweite Sprache ist. Es ist ihre Hypothese, daß Studenten und Lehrer aus nicht englisch sprechenden Nationen schwerwiegende Nachteile erleiden, wenn mit technologischen Eingriffen vorhandene traditionelle pädagogische Modelle überlagert werden. Dieses Papier ist das letzte einer Serie, die umfangreiche pädagogische Gebiete untersucht, in erster Linie in Asien, und den Zwang prüft, das wieder konzeptualisieren zu müssen, was Jahrhunderte eine Tradition gewesen ist. Es verfolgt signifikante Bildungsursprünge hin zu ihren kulturellen Wurzeln und prüft zeitgenössische Initiativen, die, wenn durchgeführt, das gut unterbrechen können. Es bietet mögliche Lösungen an, die, mit dem Ziel der Aussöhnung, katastrophale Ergebnisse ausgleichen und in der Tat eine pädagogische Symbiose erreichen könnten.  相似文献   
党的第三代领导集体审时度势,科学判断了党的历史方位,先在全党开展“三讲”,接着又提出了“三个代表”重要思想,解放思想,继往开来,实事求是,与时俱进,开拓进取,不断创新,是马克思主义不断深入发展的历程,是马克思主义认识论的本质,是马克思主义的理论品质所在,也是人类社会不断进步的真谛所在。  相似文献   
Efficient air-conditioning systems facilitate climate control in modern museums, libraries, and archives. The climate in Hong Kong is typically hot and humid, so the survival of collections is highly dependent on 24-hour air-conditioning systems to maintain the desired environment in repositories of archives and books, or artefact stores. The continuous operation of such systems in turn relies on a number of factors, such as uninterrupted electricity supply, an active maintenance programme, daily monitoring of their performance and quick response to irregularities as well as backup or alternative systems to support the air-conditioning load in case they are down for servicing. From the risk management point of view, unlike the latter four factors, electricity supply is an external factor that cannot be guaranteed. Fluctuation in the power level that results in stoppage of air-conditioning equipment is not uncommon even in well-developed countries. Long power outages could be catastrophic as they might lead to irreversible damage to collection items as a result of fast, large, changes in temperature and relative humidity (RH) towards the external environment if the air-tightness or hygrothermal stability of the storage are not good enough. Understanding storage environmental stability, especially during electrical power disruptions, is an essential part of the preservation measures and disaster preparedness necessary to protect valuable collections in cultural heritage institutions in the region.  相似文献   
师范生模拟教学存在紧张、自卑、自负、畏难、依赖等心理健康问题.教学中,采取科学的矫正策略,扫清这些心理障碍,培养他们正确客观的自我认知能力,良好的自我控制能力和独立创新的个性品质,对促进师范生优良教学素质和心理健康素质的形成与提高具有重要意义.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]传统的文献主题提取方法主要是通过关键词、摘要、全文等提取文献的主题内容,使得主题内容不全面或存在"噪音",而从文献内容语义出发,结合引用内容提取文献的主题,能够更加准确地提取出多文档的主题内容。[方法/过程]提出一种面向多文档的基于语义和引用加权的科技文献主题提取算法,利用文献的引用内容和关键词构建Labeled-LDA主题模型,形成文档-主题概率向量,再根据K-means聚类方法聚类文档,提取每类文档集的主题内容。[结果/结论]以PubMed生物医学数据库中的数据作为实验数据,测试该方法的可靠性,结果证明该方法能够准确、全面地提取出多文档的主题内容。  相似文献   
入世后,中国高校的继续教育机遇与挑战并存。研究有利因素,分析不利影响,避害趋利,才能使我国高校继续教育不断前进和发展。发挥优势,强调质量,优化结构,注重特色是中国高校继续教育生存、改革和发展最重要的手段和最主要的途径。  相似文献   
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