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Autobiographical queer life narratives are communicative spaces where queer teachers take up personal issues of being, becoming, and belonging in contextual and relational analyses of their situated experiences. In this work w/e consider the challenges and risks involved in this research, which, when shared and probed in classroom spaces, is a dangerous exposition of the queer self. With these challenges and risks in mind, w/e examine how our narratives provide fugitive knowledge to inform a pedagogy of ‘resist-stance’ that recognizes, respects, and engages queer identity, difference, history and culture. W/e provide examples of this pedagogy, discussing teaching strategies currently being used to connect the personal, the political and the pedagogical in classroom spaces. W/e also speak of the difficulties of living out this pedagogy as transformative teaching to transgress queer erasure in hetero-normative educational practice.  相似文献   
Students with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are increasingly being educated within mainstream schools. While there is often an assumption that students with ASD who are academically capable will succeed in an inclusive educational placement, previous research has indicated that this is not always the case. Indeed, it seems that students with ASDs are often not equipped to cope with the social and communication demands of a mainstream classroom. Autism Spectrum Australia's (Aspect) satellite class programme aims to address this gap by blending specialised intervention with strategies to prepare students and receiving schools for transition to more inclusive educational placements. A long-term follow-up study comprising a parent survey of satellite class graduates and four detailed case studies was undertaken to determine whether these classes led to successful placement of students with ASD in more inclusive educational settings. Results indicated that a majority of graduates remained placed in more inclusive educational settings. Overall, parents were satisfied with the programme. Attendance at a satellite class was just one of a number of factors associated with positive outcomes in late adolescence. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for teachers and school staff planning for and supporting students with ASDs in their transition to inclusive educational settings.  相似文献   
This paper questions current policy discourses that equate student success with hard outcomes like retention, completion and employment. It offers another view, one that uses ‘soft’ outcomes and student engagement literature to widen our understanding of student success. In the paper, we first draw on literature to explore student engagement, usually understood as a means to achieve success, and ‘soft’ outcomes as acceptable student outcomes, as success. We present possible indicators for these forms of success and a matrix of factors which influence such success. We then examine these ideas using data gathered from a project that investigated success as experienced by post-school foundation learners in Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The findings suggest that the ideas have value. Finally, we identify some implications for teachers, arguing that, contrary to some current views, all four quadrants in the matrix are the business of teachers.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the science policy implications of the development in the United Kingdom of one recent addition to the range of scientific instrumentation available to metallurgists and biologists — the High Voltage Electron Microscope.This case-study forms part of a larger study carried out at the R & D Research Unit, Manchester Business School for the Department of Education and Science, which is investigating the relationship between scientific techniques and fundamental research. The study shows the influence of prestige and competition as a stimulus towards the development, and concludes that the scale of such “Big Science” developments in this country, as the HVEM may well prove unjustifiable in relation to achieved or anticipated research and other benefits, and that in the future closer public scrutiny needs to be made of alternative funding policies in relation to anticipated benefits.  相似文献   
This paper suggests that a major cause of the poor performance of institution-building projects in developing countries lies in the potential incompatibility of the development project (whether in the education sector or elsewhere) with the host institution into which it is introduced (for example, a ministry department, college or research institute). This incompatibility originates in the different organisational culture to which each subscribes. This has the unfortunate consequence in many cases, and in particular in countries with weak infrastructure and low levels of expertise, of the project serving to decrease rather than to increase local capacity. In this respect the project acts as a counter-developmental rather than a developmental force. It is suggested that this situation cannot be rectified unless either the project or the host institution changes its organisation culture, which is unlikely to happen.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel geht von der Annahme aus, daß die unzureichenden Ergebnisse der Projekte für die Errichtung von Institutionen in Entwicklungsländern folgenden Ursprung haben: die potentielle Unverträglichkeit der Entwicklungsprojekte (ob auf dem Bildungssektor oder in anderen Bereichen) mit der Gastinstitution, in die sie integriert werden sollen (z. B. Ministeriumsabteilungen, Fachhochschulen oder Forschungsinstitute). Diese Unvereinbarkeit ergibt sich aus der unterschiedlichen Organisationskultur jeder Institution. Als Konsequenz verringern diese Projekte lokale Kapazitäten oft anstatt sie zu erhöhen. Dies gilt besonders für Länder mit geringer Infrastruktur und niedrigem Fachwissen. In dieser Hinsicht wirkt das Projekt einer Weiterentwicklung des Landes eher entgegen. Es wird angenommen, daß diese Situation nicht verändert werden kann, solange entweder das Projekt oder die Gastinstitution seine Organisationsstruktur verändert. Dies erscheint dem Autor unwahrscheinlich.

Resumen Este trabajo indica que una de las principales causas de la deficiente realización de proyectos destinados a la creatión de instituciones en países en desarrollo reside en la potencial incompatibilidad entre los proyectos de desarrollo (ya sea en el sector de la educación o en otros sectores) y la institutión anfitriona en la que el mismo es implantado (por ejemplo, un departamento de un ministerio, un colegio o un instituto de investigación). La incompatibilidad se origina en las respectivas diferencias de cultura organizacional. En muchos casos, y particularmente en aquellos países que cuentan con una infraestructura pobre y con bajos niveles de experiencia, esto trae la infortunada consecuencia de que el proyecto no ayude a aumentar las capacidades locales, sino que, al contrario, más bien las reduzca. En este sentido, el proyecto actúa más como fuerza anti-desarrollo que como fuerza de desarrollo. La autora sugiere que la situación no puede ser remediada, salvo que el proyecto o la institución anfitriona cambien su cultura organizacional, lo cual es improbable que suceda.

Résumé Cet article suggère qu'une des causes majeures de l'inefficacité des projets constitutifs d'institutions dans les pays en développement réside dans l'incompatibilité potentielle du projet de développement (que ce soit dans le domaine de l'éducation ou ailleurs) avec l'institution d'accueil dans laquelle il est introduit (par exemple, un service ministériel, une université ou un institut de recherche). Cette incompatibilité naît des différentes cultures d'organisation dont participent le projet et l'institution. Cela a pour conséquence malheureuse que, dans de nombreux cas, en particulier dans les pays présentant une infrastructure faible et un savoir faire insuffisant, le projet contribue non pas à augmenter mais à diminuer les capacités locales. A cet égard, le projet va à l'encontre du développement au lieu de le promouvoir. Cette situation ne peut, selon l'auteur, être corrigée qu'à condition que le projet ou l'institution d'accueil modifie sa culture d'organisation, ce qui a peu de chance de se produire.

This article is an adaptation of a paper which was presented at the Oxford Conference on The Role of the State in Educational Development in September 1993. The original paper is included in a forthcoming publicaiton by Turner J. (ed) The State and the School, London: Falmer.  相似文献   
At a time when the public sector and state education (in the United Kingdom) is under threat from the encroaching marketisation policy and private finance initiatives, our research reveals white middle‐class parents who in spite of having the financial opportunity to turn their backs on the state system are choosing to assert their commitment to the urban state‐run comprehensive school. Our analysis examines the processes of ‘thinking and acting otherwise’, and demonstrates the nature of the commitment the parents make to the local comprehensive school. However, it also shows the parents’ perceptions of the risk involved and their anxieties that these give rise to. The middle‐class parents are thus caught in a web of moral ambiguity, dilemmas and ambivalence, trying to perform ‘the good/ethical self’ while ensuring the ‘best’ for their children.  相似文献   
自然界的动物在遭遇危险的时候,有各种各样的御敌招数,如毒蛇喷射毒液,章鱼喷出墨汁,电鳗放电,壁虎断尾求生等,还有的动物变换身形、虚张声势以吓唬敌人,而龙虾的防卫术则尤其别具一格。  相似文献   
Abstract A home‐based reinforcement (H‐BR) programme was carried out in a secondary school to increase rule‐following and work completed by two groups of disruptive students. Of particular interest was whether the positive effects of the programme on target students would ‘spill‐over’ to equally disruptive control students in the same classes. The results showed highly significant improvements in the work and behaviour of both sets of target students but positive ‘spill‐over’ effects on controls were only apparent in one of the classes. Possible explanations for this are discussed. It is concluded that the already considerable value of H‐BR programmes in secondary schools as minimal intervention techniques would be enhanced even more if ‘spill‐over’ effects on non‐targeted, classroom sub‐groups could be planned for, rather than hoped for.  相似文献   
This paper outlines early investigations and initial outcomes of The Vertex Project, a school‐based action research project currently underway at Middlesex University. The project aims to explore the potential of Shared 3D Virtual Environments as creative learning tools for children, and looks into the challenges facing their practical integration into the primary classroom. Working in partnership with three primary schools, the project sets out to investigate the teaching and learning possibilities offered by Internet based 3D virtual environments, placing particular emphasis on the opportunities provided by the active participation of children in the design and construction of their own virtual worlds, and in the creation of avatars with which to represent themselves within these spaces.  相似文献   
The ability to develop and distribute digital teaching resources in higher education has developed rapidly over the last decade but research into how students use such resources has received limited attention. This study uses questionnaire results, Internet analytic data and semi-structured interviews to examine the use of three types of rich-media teaching resources – lecture podcasts, key-concept videos and tutorial solution videos – by engineering undergraduates. It is found that students value all three types of resource, especially for revision and as a supplement to lectures. Students find short, focused resources more useful than longer ones. Non-native English speakers and those with disabilities derive particular benefits from the resources. The effect of rich-media resources on lecture attendance is found to be small, and two-way.  相似文献   
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