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有关儿童心理理论和执行功能的发展及其相互关系的研究是近年来儿童社会性发展研究的热门话题。本文结合具体的捉迷藏游戏案例,对其中儿童的心理理论和执行功能进行了深入分析。教师和家长可以借助捉迷藏游戏,从完整表达游戏的规则和想法、灵活运用游戏策略、运用丰富的情绪表达等方面入手,促进儿童心理理论和执行功能的发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduced a novel storage architecture "Unified Storage Network", which merges NAC(Network Attached Channel) and SAN(Storage Area Network), and provides the file I/O services as NAS devices and provides the block I/O services as SAN. To overcome the drawbacks from FC, we employ iSCSI to implement the USN(Unified Storage Network). To evaluate whether iSCSI is more suitable for implementing the USN, we analyze iSCSI protocol and compare it with FC protocol from several components of a network protocol which impact the performance of the network. From the analysis and comparison, we can conclude that the iSCSI is more suitable for implementing the storage network than the FC under condition of the wide-area network. At last, we designed two groups of experiments carefully.  相似文献   
In this paper, to study the characteristics of the flow in a laminar regime, an immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann flux solver (IB-LBFS) is applied to numerically simulate the unsteady viscous flows around two fixed and rotating circular cylinders in side-by-side arrangement. This method applies finite volume discretization to solve the macroscopic governing equations with the flow variables defined at cell centers. At the cell interface, numerical fluxes are physically evaluated by a local lattice Boltzmann solution. In addition, the no-slip boundary condition is accurately imposed by using the implicit boundary condition-enforced immersed boundary method. Due to the simplicity and high efficiency of IB-LBFS on non-uniform grids, it is suitable for simulating fluid flows with complex geometries and moving boundaries. Firstly, numerical simulations of laminar flow past two side-by-side cylinder are performed with different gap spacings at Reynolds numbers of 100 and 200. The simulation results show that a small gap spacing induces a biased flow and forms an irregular big wake behind two cylinders at a low Reynolds number. As the gap spacing increases, an in-phase or anti-phase flow is observed. Then, the effects of the main important parameters on flow characteristics are analyzed for flow past two side-by-side rotating cylinders, including the rotational speed, Reynolds number, and gap spacing. As the rotational speed is increased, the numerical results illustrate that unsteady wakes are suppressed and the flow becomes steady. As the gap spacing is increased, two separate vortex streets behind each cylinder are formed with a definite phase relationship and single shedding frequency.  相似文献   
五次金融危机的直接起因基本相同;根本原因基本相同;投机因素基本相同。五次金融危机的产生背景不同;性质不同;波及的程度不同;后果不同;国际救援不同;经济基础不同。我们应该坚持适度从紧的货币政策,严格控制信贷投向,防止产生“泡沫”经济;增强出口产品竞争力,保障社会稳定;不能过分依靠外资支撑经济发展,而应主要依靠国内储蓄发展经济;资本项目开放须谨慎,警惕国际短期投机性资本流入国内兴风作浪;加强金融监管,建立健全金融风险预警防范机制。  相似文献   
实践美学,若想达到自圆其说,必须扬弃原有的既正确又片面的观点,从最完整的意义上来理解人的本质,那就是人的本性应该是以人为核心,在所有参照物的参照下所显现出来的所有共性或者个性的总和,它的完整性只能是无限丰富性。实践美学把人的本性理解为只有人才具备,而一切参照物都不具备的抽象的“单一”性质,这显然是荒谬的,是不可思议的。因此,只有把人的本性的无限丰富性作为思维的最大前提,才能使“人学”与新实践美学达到真正的统一。  相似文献   
Mathematical models are been proposed to simulate the thermal and metallurgical behaviors of the strip occtLrring on the run-out table (ROT) in a hot strip mill. A variational method is utilized for the discretization of the governing transient conduction-convection equation, with heat transfer coefficients adaptively determined by the actual mill data. To consider the thermal effect of phase transformation during cooling, a constitutive equation for describing austenite decomposition kinetics of steel in air and water cooling zones is coupled with the heat transfer model. As the basic required inputs in the numerical simulations, thermal material properties are experimentally measured for three carbon steels and the least squares method is used to statistically derive regression models for the properties, including specific heat and thermal conductivity. The numerical simulation and experimental results show that the setup accuracy of the temperature prediction system of ROT is effectively improved.  相似文献   
为了解决频繁闭项目集挖掘中时间和存储开销大的问题,提出了一种基于FC-tree(频繁闭模式树)的频繁闭项目集挖掘算法max-FCIA(最大频繁闭项目集挖掘算法).该算法利用哈希表映射事务数据库,通过对哈希表进行操作从而得到所有频繁项目集的支持度,进而生成包含所有频繁项目的有序树.经过剪枝处理的有序树就是包含所有最小频繁闭项目集的FC-tree,最后用最小频繁闭项目集生成频繁闭项目集.实验结果表明,该算法通过映射事务数据库,减少了扫描数据库所浪费的时间,提高程序执行效率.另外,运用有效的剪枝策略,避免了不必要候选项目集的生成,节省了存储空间,实验证明该算法是有效的.  相似文献   
大学是人才培养的重要基地,其根本任务在于培养优秀的人才,大学的文化建设对培养人才有着重要的积极意义,呼伦贝尔学院作为内蒙古自治区的一所本科院校,虽然建校历史不长,但极为重视学校文化建设,目前初步形成了具有鲜明的时代性、地域性、民族性和开放性的学校文化特征。具体可以体现在办学理念、人才培养、制度建设和特色鲜明的教育教学活动设计等方面.当然由于历史等客观原因,在文化建设方面也存在着先天的不足和后天的缺陷,还需要在规划创新、特色挖掘、沉淀积累等方面下功夫。  相似文献   
公共治理视阈下的公民参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建基于公共治理的理论内涵,着重从公共治理及公民个体层面分析了公共治理的价值诉求——公民参与,即从公共治理层面而言,公民参与是公共治理主体多元化的客观要求,有助于增强政府的合法性,有助于公共治理目标的实现;从公民个体层面而言,公民参与是实现公民权的基本保障,有助于提升公民的“主人翁”意识,有助于公民自身利益的实现。进而提出促进公民有效参与公共治理的路径选择:培育成熟的公民社会,提升公民的政治素质,构建公共责任体系。  相似文献   
党政领导干部是我们党执政的主体,选好选准党政领导干部是巩固党的执政地位、提高党的执政能力的客观要求.选用党政领导干部失察失误,必然危害党政干部队伍建设,损害党在人民群众中的形象.建立选用党政领导干部失察失误责任追究制度,有利于巩固党的执政地位,提高党的执政能力,是加强党风廉政建设的重要环节,是完善党政领导干部选拔制度的重要措施,反映了人民群众的强烈愿望.  相似文献   
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