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The development of sport in Ireland was, contrary to some arguments, highly influenced by English examples and Anglo-Irish institutions. Trinity College and prestigious Irish schools did have an impact, as did the number of Irish students sent to England for public school or university education. Athleticism was evident in Ireland as it was in England. Although the development of soccer did follow a slightly different trajectory from other sports, as was also the case in both England and Scotland, this does not mean that it departed from this broad evolutionary model of Irish sport. Yet this was Ireland: and Ireland was different. As opposition to British rule intensified, forms of sporting participation took on more and more of a national symbolism. The outcome was the emergence of a very potent form of athleticism: an Irish athleticism for an Irish people.

Les mystères de la Trinité : Université, Ecoles d'élites et Sport en Irlande

Contrairement à certaines affirmations, le développement du sport en Irlande a été fortement influencé par des exemples anglais et des institutions anglo-irlandaises. Le Collège de la Trinité et de prestigieuses écoles irlandaises a eu un impact, tout comme les nombreux étudiants irlandais envoyés en Angleterre dans les établissements privés ou les universités. L'idéologie d'Athleticism étaient naturels en Irlande tout comme ils l'étaient en Angleterre. Bien que le développement du football y ait suivi une trajectoire légèrement différente d'autres sports, ainsi que ce fut aussi le cas en Angleterre et en Ecosse, cela ne veut pas dire qu'il ait échappé au modèle évolutif plus large du sport Irlandais. Pourtant c'était l'Irlande, et l'Irlande était différente. Alors que l'opposition aux règles britanniques s'intensifiait, des formes de pratique sportive relevèrent de plus en plus d'un symbolisme national. Le résultat fut l'émergence d'une forme très puissante de sport: un sport irlandais pour les Irlandais.

Misterios trinitarios: universidad, escuela de élite y deporte en Irlanda

El desarrollo del deporte en Irlanda estuvo muy influenciado por experiencias inglesas e instituciones angloirlandesas, contrariamente a lo que algunos han argumentado. El Trinity College y las escuelas irlandesas más prestigiosas dejaron su huella, así como los numerosos estudiantes irlandeses enviados a escuelas públicas y universidades de Inglaterra. El apego a la cultura física estaba tan presente en Irlanda como en Inglaterra. Si bien el desarrollo del fútbol siguió una trayectoria un poco diferente al de otros deportes, como también ocurrió en Inglaterra y en Escocia, esto no significa que se apartara de este amplio modelo evolutivo del deporte irlandés. Pero esto es Irlanda, e Irlanda es diferente. A medida que se acentuaba la oposición a la dominación británica, las formas de participación deportiva fueron adoptando un simbolismo nacional cada vez mayor. El resultado fue el surgimiento de una forma de cultura física muy potente: una cultura física irlandesa para los irlandeses.

Dreifaltige Mysterien: Universität, Eliteschulen und Sport in Irland

Entgegen einiger Argumentationen wurde die Entwicklung des Sports in Irland stark von englischen Vorbildern und anglo-irischen Institutionen gelenkt. Das Trinity College und prestigeträchtige irische Schulen übten ihren Einfluss aus, ebenso wie diejenigen irischen Studierenden, die nach England geschickt wurden, um dort an einer Public School oder Universität ausgebildet zu werden. Leichtathletik war in Irland ebenso bekannt wie in England. Ebenso wie in England und Schottland nahm die Entwicklung des Fußballs einen von den anderen Sportarten abweichenden Verlauf. Dennoch bedeutete dies keinen Widerspruch zum allgemeinen evolutionären Modell des irischen Sports. Aber dies war Irland; und Irland war anders. Als sich der Widerstand gegenüber der britischen Herrschaft verstärkte, erhielten Formen sportlicher Betätigung zunehmend einen Charakter nationaler Symbolik. Das Ergebnis war die Entstehung einer sehr mächtigen Art der Athletik: einer irischen Athletik für ein irisches Volk.


Graduate employability is a key issue for higher education as new graduates face a highly competitive and rapidly changing employment sector. To maximise their likelihood of employment, graduates need to be able to demonstrate the skills and attributes most valued by employers. Employers, however, have long criticised the ability of graduates to contribute effectively to the workplace, especially due to a perceived lack of generic employability skills. This indicates a possible mismatch between the skills required by employers and those possessed by graduate applicants. This study addresses a gap in the scholarly literature regarding employability skills – the perspectives of science academics at an Australian and UK university regarding the promotion of generic employability skills in the subjects they teach. More specifically, this article discusses academics’ perspectives regarding: (a) which of the targeted generic skills were developed and assessed through their science units, and (b) the approaches used to promote the targeted skills and any associated challenges in employing those approaches. The discussion explores how shifting from traditional transmissive pedagogies to more problem-based approaches and embedding reflection into pedagogy and assessment practices would contribute to promoting the skills employers increasingly demand from science graduates.  相似文献   
Empirical Validity for a Comprehensive Model on Educational Effectiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational effectiveness research is often criticised because of the absence of a theoretical background. In our study we started out from an educational effectiveness model which was developed on the basis of educational theories and empirical evidence. We have tested the main assumptions of the model by reanalysing a large-scale longitudinal dataset which contains elementary school data of subsequent student cohorts, their teachers and their schools. We found some expected positive effects on achievement of individual classroom and school factors in the effectiveness model but these were not stable across school subjects and student cohorts. When factors were grouped into clusters the findings remained essentially the same. To interpret the clusters we made use of the concept of consistency, which refers to a balance between factors which may enhance effectiveness. Some teachers and schools are more consistent than others, but this does not affect the achievement of their students. Cross-level interaction effects were not found. The instability of effects makes it hard to suggest changes in the model at this moment.  相似文献   
The Education Act (1998 Education Act. 1998. Dublin: Government Publications. [Google Scholar]) is a key policy document in Irish education, emphasising the rights, roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, including parents, teachers and pupils in schools. Since 1998 the Department of Education and Skills (DES) has stressed the need to introduce an increased role for teachers and pupils in decision-making. It is therefore timely to explore the response of teachers and students to such a collaborative school environment in a rural second-level school of approximately 600 students. Transition year (TY) students (ages about 15–16) and their teachers were surveyed by questionnaire and interviewed. It finds that while the school is proactive in involving students and teachers in decision-making, a source of social, personal and professional empowerment, experienced teachers, and students in particular, want a more substantial voice. For example, most students want more say. They want class discussions or a vote, not just Student Council (SC) representation, on important and not just trivial issues. They want involvement before decisions are taken, with more feedback. Overall, participation is considered important by all stakeholders.  相似文献   
The effects of a Self Regulated Learning (SRL) environment on pre-service primary teachers of Science and Technology were investigated in this exploratory study. A representative sample of teachers was interviewed about their experience and how it impacted on them pedagogically, affectively, conceptually and metacognitively. The preliminary results suggest that students' understanding of how to implement activity-based learning was enhanced by the SRL environment. Additionally they claimed to be more confident about their ability to teach. However, conceptual understanding did not appear to improve. These findings will inform a larger study involving SRL that will also address the issue of subject content knowledge and attempt to develop overall teaching competence in primary Science and Technology.  相似文献   
Against a backdrop of pessimism about the future of investigative reporting, this study reports major findings of a survey of mainly US-based investigative journalists (N?=?861). Although respondents reflect some of the current negative discourse, they also report high perceptions of autonomy and job satisfaction and say resources for investigative reporting are maintaining and even increasing. The survey provides empirical indication of the migration of investigative journalists to nonprofit newsrooms, with nonprofit journalists offering especially positive appraisals of the state of their craft. Also explored are investigative journalists’ professional role conceptions as well as perceptions of the nature of their relationship with the public and public policymakers.  相似文献   
孩提时代,每次回家我都听人说起那些住在沼泽地里被称为矮神仙的人,虽然很少有人看到,但民间却到处流传着有关他们的传说。多年以来我一直希望找到这样一个小仙人,因为有人告诉我,如果找到了,他会把自己珍藏的金罐送给你,从不会拒绝。于  相似文献   
This research investigates the feasibility of assessing the self‐perceived stress levels of people with mild intellectual disabilities by self‐report. People with intellectual disabilities generally find it difficult to complete commonly used self‐report checklists when they are administered in the prescribed manner because of unfamiliarity with both the language and the paper and pencil format. A measure of daily stressors was therefore adapted to a standardized interview format and administered to 28 people with mild intellectual disabilities on five consecutive days. The interview format using standardized questions enabled all participants to complete the questionnaire. The use of follow‐up clarifying prompts by the interviewers ensured that the participants understood the questions and gave responses that they could support with explanations or examples. The data appeared to have reasonable levels of internal consistency. On average, each person experienced seven stressful events per day which they generally rated somewhere between ‘not so good’ and ‘bad’. The daily events found to be most stressful involved difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The evidence, however, suggests that many of the events that people with mild intellectual disability find stressful may not be covered in standard instruments such as that used in the present study. Future research should continue to develop a more sensitive, standardized measure based on events that people with disabilities report as stressful in their lives.  相似文献   
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