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本文从任务型语言教学理论入手,分析TBLT对于促进学习者自主学习的优势,提出在中国的ESP教学中运用任务来实现对学习者自主学习能力的培养与提高,并对可能存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with asynchronous stabilization for a class of discrete-time Markovian jump systems. The mode of designed controller is considered to be not perfectly synchronous with the activated mode of the Markovian jump system. In order to achieve the asymptotic stability with asynchronous controller, a conditional probability is introduced to describe the asynchronism of system and controller modes, which is dependent on the active system mode. Besides, due to the difficulty in acquiring all the mode transition probabilities in practice, the transition probabilities of the Markovian jump system and the controllers are supposed to be partially unknown. A necessary and sufficient condition is developed to guarantee the stochastic stability of the resultant closed-loop system and further extended to asynchronous stabilization with partially known transition probabilities. Finally, the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed methods are demonstrated by two illustrative examples.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the local stability and bifurcation of a delay-coupled genetic regulatory networks consisting of two modes with the hub structure. By analyzing the equilibrium equation, the number of the positive equilibria is discussed in both the cases that there are inhibition coupling and activation coupling in the networks. It is revealed that multiple equilibria could exist in the developed genetic networks and the number of the equilibria could be distinct under the two cases of delayed-coupling. For the equilibrium, the conditions of the coupling-delay-independent stability and the saddle-node bifurcation are derived with respect to the biochemical parameters. The coupling-delay-dependent stability and the Hopf bifurcation criteria on the biological parameters and the coupling delay are also given. Moreover, the complexity of the algorithm used in this paper is analyzed. The numerical simulations are made to certify the obtained results. The multistability of the developed genetic regulatory networks is displayed. The different effects of the coupling delay on the stability of the genetic networks under different biochemical parameters are shown.  相似文献   

We introduce what user analytics can do in the first half of the paper and then illustrate how to do user analytics in the second half. In the current context, user analytics refers to a set of diverse communication research methods on uses and effects of social media. User analytics has evolved from TV ratings research to online user research. The history illustrates what data sources, measures, and analyses can be used for what types of research questions under user analytics. We discuss the similarities of and differences between user analytics and other methods of computational communication research (e.g. content mining and online experiments), and compare the strengths and weaknesses of user analytics with traditional quantitative methods (e.g. survey). Finally, we present an application study of Chinese bloggers to demonstrate how to employ user analytics methods to study the production, consumption, and effects of user-generated content.  相似文献   
《九云记》是据朝鲜小说《九云梦》增演而成的汉文白话小说,又曾吸纳数十部中国小说的内容,在东亚古小说史上具有特殊地位。其作者的国籍问题曾引发激烈讨论,为"1998年文坛十大论争"之一,然囿于材料,迄无定论。利用新见《九云楼》抄本可重作探讨,首先回应中国小说论者的三大力证:《碧芦集》等文献记载歧见迭出,难成定论;小说的中国色彩因袭自中国小说并衍生出种种漏隙;不同来源文本白话语言优劣悬殊,作者并不娴于白话。其次从有关中国地理描述的反常讹误与朝鲜视角,词汇语法使用的非中文母语痕迹与朝鲜指向等认定:《九云记》作者是朝鲜人。  相似文献   
赖忠诚 (2 36 - 2 98年 )三国末 (2 80年 )由丰宁 (颖川郡境 )南迁至揭阳桴源 (今江西宁都县北 )开辟而居。其长子赖光西晋永兴间 (30 4 - 30 6年 )仕于浙 ,此后其子、孙、曾孙相继从桴源移家于浙。赖庄本居桴源 ,移家浙江松阳县。时任江东府知府赖遇以其父居松阳为由 ,于晋隆安二年 (398年 )奏请松阳为郡 ,尊赖光为松阳赖氏始祖。南朝元嘉间赖仲方由江浙返迁桴源 ,后于元嘉末 (453年 )到赤竹坪开基 (今宁都县城址 )。隋开皇十八年 (598年 )易赤竹坪为虔化县治 ,赖氏八支裔孙各徙一方 ,赖度重返桴源 ,裔延居至今  相似文献   
针对我国高校对中国周边国家文献资源收藏整体匮乏的现状,结合国家"一带一路"大战略背景下高校学术生态环境的演变及其带来的驱动效应,面向科研人员开展"一带一路"沿线国别或区域研究所产生的新的文献需求,对比美国在第二次世界大战后体系化收藏亚洲文献的战略举措,从我国国家战略保障层面出发,聚焦区域研究文献资源建设的整体布局,着重探讨了中国周边国家文献资源合作共建的机制体制创新等相关问题,并提出我国高校图书馆系统化、规模化收藏中国周边国家文献资源的顶层设计框架。  相似文献   
我国高等教育科类结构被动适应劳动力市场的原因主要有高等教育科类结构自身稳定性、计划经济体制根深蒂固、劳动力市场发展滞后等,变被动适应为主动适应的措施是改善劳动力市场的分割状态、高等教育科类结构调整与劳动力市场需求相结合。  相似文献   
近年来,高职教育的迅猛发展对培养职业技能人才具有至关重要的作用.但高职教育的异化现象陆续出现,这不仅使高职教育本身面临着严峻的挑战,还对高职大学生的成长成才造成了不良影响.消除高职大学生中存在的异化现象,帮助他们处理好与自己、与社会、与朋辈、与周围的人际关系,他们才能成为适合社会需要的职业劳动人才.  相似文献   
在近现代翻译史和中外文学关系研究领域,学界一般认为斯丹达尔被介绍入中国大约是在二十世纪二十年代.但根据近年来对民国文献的辑录整理发现,斯丹达尔在中国的最早译介应该是在"五四运动"之前,始于根据周作人1918年在北大授课讲义整理出版的《欧洲近代文学史》.之后的民国时期报刊和文学史著述,因为对外国作家作品的认识还欠全面,所以内容比较粗浅.这一时期的文学史著述将《红与黑》及其主人公于连形象置于启蒙、现实话语的整体框架中进行解读,其中于连"野心家"形象的表述最为普遍.这一表述亦成为汉语"外国文学史"对于连形象的经典解读.  相似文献   
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