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高职英语作为专业课程的辅助课程,主要体现出其应用能力,沿用原有的终结式考试已经不能体现出学生对本门课技能掌握情况。鉴于此教师对考核方式进行改革,加强考核引导和过程控制,注重学生英语应用能力培养及提高,建立基于过程控制的高职英语课程形成性考核与终结性考核并重的考核体系,深化高职英语课程改革,促进高职学生英语应用能力的提高。  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to examine Hispanic and other minority ninth-grade students' health-related fitness (HRF) knowledge, using FitSmart, a standardized test for high school students. The test consisted of 50 weighted multiple choice items, measuring six subcontent components. Means and standard deviations of the overall scores and the subcontent scores were computed. The findings suggested that students demonstrated mastery of one subcontent component but failed to meet passing values for all other subcontents and overall HRF knowledge. Female students outscored their male counterparts, but there was no difference for ethnicity. More efforts are needed to ensure that Hispanic and other minority high school students master fundamental HRF knowledge.  相似文献   
This study aimed to provide further evidence of validity and reliability for the Physical Education Teacher Attitudes toward Fitness Tests Scale (PETAFTS), which consisted of affective and cognitive domains. There were two subdomains in the affective domain (i.e., enjoyment of implementing fitness tests and enjoyment of using test results) and one domain in the cognitive domain (i.e., beliefs in the usefulness of test results). Full-time physical education teachers (N?=?469) from two southwestern states in the United States participated in the study. Reliability and validity of the scale were examined. Alphas were computed for the entire 16-item scale, the affective and cognitive domains, and the two subdomains, respectively, to test the reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was employed to investigate the construct validity. The commonly used CFA indices, such as the chi square (χ2), the comparative fit index (CFI), the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), the goodness of fit index (GFI), and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), were used to assess the fit of the data to the model. The CFA results suggested that the data from the study did not fit the original model proposed by Keating and Silverman (2004b) Keating, X. D. and Silverman, S. 2004b. Physical education teacher attitudes toward fitness test scale: Development and validation. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 23: 143161. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], resulting in the elimination of item 3. The fitness of the data to the model was improved and deemed acceptable. More studies on the reliability and validity of the scale are needed in the future in order to use the scale with more confidence.  相似文献   
热镀锌板在冲压成零件时,局部的镀锌层出现约3mm大小的起泡,将起泡用手术刀切开,撕下锌层,采用扫描电镜对起泡部位的基体以及锌层靠基体的表面进行了分析,对比分析正常部位纯锌层与基体之间的抑制层。结果表明:正常部位的抑制层为细小弥散分布的Fe2Al5颗粒,产生起泡的缺陷部位未见到抑制层颗粒,锌层与基板之间存在局部聚集的Al2O3夹渣,冲压成型后,夹渣松动,锌层与基板分离,导致锌层起泡。  相似文献   
试论篮球运动的节奏   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
现代篮球运动寓竞技化、智谋化、技艺化于一体,节奏正是这一趋势的最好体现.能否正确而深刻理解篮球运动的节奏并且运用节奏变化来争取比赛的主动权,是一个球队实力的反映,也是一个球队是否成熟的标志.运用文献资料、录像观察、逻辑分析等方法,对篮球运动节奏的表现形式、影响因素及节奏的运用等方面进行分析研究,为篮球运动训练中的节奏训练提供理论参考.  相似文献   
通过比对往届奥运会主办国出现的后奥运经济的"低谷效应"现象,对北京奥运会后可能出现的"低谷效应"提出规避及应对的策略,降低"后奥运经济低谷效应"的负面风险,以使北京"后奥运经济"的良性发展.  相似文献   
本文通过文献资料、教学实验、问卷调查与比较分析的方法,对当前我国普通高校体育俱乐部教学状况进行了深入的分析.在"以人为本"的体育课程观指导下,以"健康第一"、"终身体育"为基本出发点,从体育教学俱乐部、课外体育活动和运动训练、竞赛几个方面进行了比较、分析、归纳和总结,认为课内外一体化体育俱乐部教学模式是适合高校体育课程改革的一种教学模式,是培养大学生体育锻炼习惯和建立终身体育意识的有效途径,也是今后我国高校体育教学发展的方向.  相似文献   
从系统论的角度出发提出职工体育评价指标体系的理论模型"条件-过程-结果"模型,采用AHP法构建职工体育评价体系,有助于政府及企业管理部门加强对职工体育评价重要性的认识以及对职工体育评价工作具体开展过程的了解,提高职工体育管理效率。  相似文献   
从e读推广看图书馆信息资源共建共享新方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年,CALIS推出了e读服务。该项服务通过整合全国高校成员馆的馆藏数据,共享书目信息,为成员馆提供统一检索平台和资源服务。文章从e读的产生与发展出发,探讨了e读的功能和特点,并指出了e读对图书馆信息资源共建共享的启示。  相似文献   
政府信息公共获取影响因素探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于政府信息本身的特性,社会公众对政府信息有着多方面的需求,主要有经济性政府信息公共需求、政治性政府信息公共需求、科研性政府信息公共需求与社会性政府信息公共需求.为了满足对政府信息的各种需求,社会公众要通过一定的途径与方式获取自身所需要的政府信息,这一信息行为的实际效果,要受政府信息管理模式、政府信息传播渠道与社会公众的信息获取条件等因素的影响.  相似文献   
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