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建设科学合理的教育质量标准是当前开放大学转型发展的紧迫任务。开放大学教育质量标准既要符合我国高等教育质量的基本要求,又要在人才培养规格、教学过程、教学条件以及评价方式等方面突出开放性和创新性特点。以国家对开放大学的相关政策为指导,以国际远程高等教育质量标准为借鉴,以我国开放大学教育质量保障建设为基础,以促进开放大学学生发展为目的,设计出包括学校定位与培养目标、教学条件、教学过程、教育结果等4个一级指标和人才培养规格、师资队伍、学习投入与参与、学业收获、满意度等21个二级指标在内的开放大学教育质量标准。  相似文献   
科技期刊版面设计与处理要把握好以下几个原则:规范性原则;艺术性原则;科学性原则,以期达到部分与整体,内容与形式的高度和谐统一;达到传播科技信息,交流学术思想,促进科技成果转化的目的。  相似文献   
本文对2005年普通高考天津卷各学科试卷进行了总体评价,分析了试卷的突出特点,并根据考后全样本的统计数据对试卷及试题的教育测量指标进行分析。同时结合各学科特点在知识领域、能力层级等方面进行更深层次的发掘,从命题设计和评卷分析的角度对教学和复习提出了建议。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Because of the critical role that computing sys-tems and networks play in today’s business envi-ronment, it is not surprising that business success often goes to the company with the best information and the most efficient process for delivering that in-formation. As the principal tool for business col-laboration, corporate LANs are a vital resource in enabling today’s enterprises to adopt competitive strategies. The number of users wanting to share and access data across…  相似文献   
In order to reveal the mechanism of silicon(Si) fertilizer in improving nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) nutrient availability in paddy soil, we designed a series of soil culture experiments by combining application of varying Si fertilizer concentrations with fixed N and P fertilizer concentrations. Following the recommendations of fertilizer manufacturers and local farmers, we applied Si in concentrations of 0, 5.2, 10.4, 15.6, and 20.8 μg/kg. At each concentration of added Si, the availability of soil N and P nutrients, soil microbial activity, numbers of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and P-decomposing bacteria which means that the organic P is decomposed into inorganic nutrients which can be absorbed and utilized by plants, and urease and phosphatase activity first increased, and then decreased, as Si was added to the soil. These indicators reached their highest levels with a Si application rate of 15.6 μg/kg, showing values respectively 19.78%, 105.09%, 8.34%, 73.12%, 130.36%, 28.12%,and 20.15% higher than those of the controls. Appropriate Si application(10.4 to 15.6 μg/kg) could significantly increase the richness of the soil microbial community involved in cycling of N and P nutrients in the soil. When the Si application rate was15.6 μg/kg, parameters for characterizing microbial abundance such as sequence numbers, operational taxonomic unit(OTU)number, and correlation indices of microbial community richness such as Chao1 index, the adaptive coherence estimator(ACE)index, Shannon index, and Simpson index all reached maximum values, with amounts increased by 14.46%, 10.01%, 23.80%,30.54%, 0.18%, and 2.64%, respectively, compared with the control group. There is also a good correlation between N and P mineralization and addition of Si fertilizer. The correlation coefficients between the ratio of available P/total P(AP/TP) and the number of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, AP/TP and acid phosphatase activity(AcPA), AP/TP and the Shannon index, the ratio of available N/total amount of N(AN/TN) and the number of ammoniated bacteria, and AN/TN and AcPA were 0.9290, 0.9508,0.9202, 0.9140, and 0.9366, respectively. In summary, these results revealed that enhancement of soil microbial community structure diversity and soil microbial activity by appropriate application of Si is the key ecological mechanism by which application of Si fertilizer improves N and P nutrient availability.  相似文献   
追求人生的境界是中国传统文化的精髓。中国传统文化中的境界学说以儒释道三家为代表。儒家文化注重人性修养、道德养成与人生境界的提升,以推崇“圣贤”作为其境界追求;道家主张让人超越名利,通过出世修行,摆脱外在干扰,获得真正的自由与解放,成为“真人”是其境界追求;佛教侧重通过“戒、定”获得“慧”,去除欲望,消除痛苦,最终达至“圆满”之境界。新儒家将传统境界学说推向新的高度,形成了“多层次”的境界思想。教育从本质上是培养人的活动,是人文化成的过程,而境界则是人之为人的重要精神标识,也是教育的根本价值指向。中国传统文化中的境界学说对于当代的教育具有重要的意义,即培育有境界的人是当代中国教育的理想追求;强调体悟、践行是当代中国教育的行动逻辑;注重家国一体是当代中国教育的重要使命;开展境界教育则是当代中国教育的必要途径。  相似文献   
本科毕业设计是提高学生综合素质、培养学生实践能力与创新精神的必需环节,是高校人才培养计划的重要组成部分。然而,近年来本科毕业论文的质量明显下滑。我们结合2016年应用物理学专业毕业设计的抽检结果,对毕业设计出现的问题进行分析,提出了针对性的整改措施。在此基础上,对2017年该专业毕业设计环节进行严格把控,取得了明显的整改效果。  相似文献   
农村学校布局调整与教育资源合理配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村中小学教育布局调整的一个重要目的是合理配置教育资源并提高其利用效率.而布局调整能否达到这一目的、重点放在哪些方面、需要解决什么问题,这些都是值得思考的.本文结合对6省(自治区)调研所获得的大量一手资料,就此话题进行分析和探讨.  相似文献   
再论辛亥革命时期的民族主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛亥革命时期的"排满"民族主义是颇具争议的话题.本文从分析清朝"族天下"立国体制的弊端及其对社会进步的妨碍入手,进而论证革命"排满"、根本上否定旧体制的思潮与作法顺乎民意与历史潮流的.  相似文献   
传统农村社区教育作为一种鲜活的教育形态充分利用了传统内生性资源,为个人的道德教育,为中国传统文化思想的传承,为和谐的社区关系的建立,为经济、文化的同步健康发展提供了有效的借鉴途径。  相似文献   
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