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Educational Psychology Review - The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE), the negative effect of school-/class-average achievement on academic self-concept, is one of educational psychology’s...  相似文献   
Minor cross-loadings on non-targeted factors are often found in psychological or other instruments. Forcing them to zero in confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) leads to biased estimates and distorted structures. Alternatively, exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and Bayesian structural equation modeling (BSEM) have been proposed. In this research, we compared the performance of the traditional independent-clusters-confirmatory-factor-analysis (ICM-CFA), the nonstandard CFA, ESEM with the Geomin- or Target-rotations, and BSEMs with different cross-loading priors (correct; small- or large-variance priors with zero mean) using simulated data with cross-loadings. Four factors were considered: the number of factors, the size of factor correlations, the cross-loading mean, and the loading variance. Results indicated that ICM-CFA performed the worst. ESEMs were generally superior to CFAs but inferior to BSEM with correct priors that provided the precise estimation. BSEM with large- or small-variance priors performed similarly while the prior mean for cross-loadings was more important than the prior variance.  相似文献   
This Monte Carlo simulation study investigated different strategies for forming product indicators for the unconstrained approach in analyzing latent interaction models when the exogenous factors are measured by unequal numbers of indicators under both normal and nonnormal conditions. Product indicators were created by (a) multiplying parcels of the larger scale by items of the smaller scale, and (b) matching items according to reliability to create several product indicators, ignoring those items with lower reliability. Two scaling approaches were compared where parceling was not involved: (a) fixing the factor variances, and (b) fixing 1 loading to 1 for each factor. The unconstrained approach was compared with the latent moderated structural equations (LMS) approach. Results showed that under normal conditions, the LMS approach was preferred because the biases of its interaction estimates and associated standard errors were generally smaller, and its power was higher than that of the unconstrained approach. Under nonnormal conditions, however, the unconstrained approach was generally more robust than the LMS approach. It is recommended to form product indicators by using items with higher reliability (rather than parceling) in the matching and then to specify the model by fixing 1 loading of each factor to unity when adopting the unconstrained approach.  相似文献   
In “Unforgiving Confucian culture: A breeding ground for high academic achievement, test anxiety and self-doubt?” Stankov (in press) provides three reasons for caution against over-glorifying the academic excellence of Confucian Asian learners, namely that it may lead to a reluctance to change their rote learning approach which is not conducive to the development of 21st Century skills, that it is achieved at the cost of students' psychological well-being, and that such achievements and the associated poor psychological well-being are spurred by an unforgiving mindset. The present commentary addresses these concerns, highlighting the need to be cautious about comparing and interpreting findings from cross-cultural studies.  相似文献   
Recreational tennis players tend to have higher incidence of tennis elbow, and this has been hypothesised to be related to one-handed backhand technique and off-centre ball impacts on the racket face. This study aimed to investigate for a range of participants the effect of off-longitudinal axis and off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations on racket and forearm joint angle changes immediately following impact in one-handed tennis backhand groundstrokes. Three-dimensional racket and wrist angular kinematic data were recorded for 14 university tennis players each performing 30 “flat” one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Off-longitudinal axis ball–racket impact locations explained over 70% of the variation in racket rotation about the longitudinal axis and wrist flexion/extension angles during the 30 ms immediately following impact. Off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations had a less clear cut influence on racket and forearm rotations. Specifically off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis forced the wrist into flexion for all participants with there being between 11° and 32° of forced wrist flexion for an off-longitudinal axis impact that was 1 ball diameter away from the midline. This study has confirmed that off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis contribute to forced wrist flexion and eccentric stretch of the wrist extensors and there can be large differences in the amount of forced wrist flexion from individual to individual and between strokes with different impact locations.  相似文献   
Tacit knowledge is internal to an individual in the form of know-how, experience or expertise. To create and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage, many companies have made substantial efforts to promote employees’ sharing of their tacit knowledge. In practice, however, tacit knowledge sharing (TKS) between employees is rare. This study empirically analyses the impacts of individual motivations and social capital on employees’ TKS in order to deepen and widen the understanding about the antecedents to employees’ TKS. Data collected from 713 employees in multiple industries were empirically tested by using structural equation modelling analysis through partial least squares. The analysis results show that anticipated intrinsic rewards and social capital positively influence employees’ TKS whereas anticipated extrinsic rewards have a negative effect on it. Furthermore, they show that employees’ attitudes, intentions and subjective norms of TKS play significant roles in linking the effects of individual motivations and social capital to employees’ TKS through a combination of expectancy theory and social capital theory based on the theory of planned behaviour. Theoretical and practical implications are presented on the basis of the major findings from this study.  相似文献   
近年来,心理学研究领域所使用的统计方法日渐复杂,本文综述了近几十年来,心理学研究中统计方法的应用趋势,引出结构方程模型成为流行分析方法的原因。前沿复杂的统计方法,由于不易掌握,往往令实际应用者感到困惑,但方法的发展也给心理学理论的验证、拓展带来了契机,如前沿的统计技术为测验工具跨文化应用中信效度的检验提供了分析方法。展望未来,新的统计方法将持续发展,我们仍需不断学习新的统计方法,不断调整对数据分析的思考角度。在教学和培训方面,研习班、编制教材以及善用网上平台,将成为我们推动心理统计的工作重点。  相似文献   
普通高校学生体育现状与中(小)学体育"三基"教育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从普通高校学生体育现状进行的体育基本知识、技术、技能和体能现状进行的相关调查显示 :目前 ,高校学生虽然经过小学六年、中学六年体育教育 ,但是 ,普遍体育知识贫乏 ;体育技术、技能和体能低下 ;体育意识淡薄。造成高校体育教育 ,尤其是体育课教学 ,重复中小学体育课教学内容、方法、手段这一不正常状态。因此 ,体育“三基”教育是学校体育教育教学 ,尤其中小学体育课教学的基础。中 (小 )学体育“三基”教育水平高低 ,不仅直接影响到学生’终生体育’的形成。而且对高等学校体育教育教学改革、发展和提高起决定性作用。  相似文献   
In this paper we present the findings of an investigation into the ways in which the discourses and practices of school design produce educational spaces which influence the discourses and practices of teaching and learning when the building is occupied. It expands notions of post occupancy evaluation (POE) research by exploring how the objects/motives of an educational vision which informed an initial school design, those of the final build, and those of the people who occupy that building interact in a way which influences experiences of the end users. Crucially we looked at the social interactions that arose within a building as it was used over time. The focus is on the changing relationships between design and practice through time.  相似文献   
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