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Performance support systems are mechanisms enabling users) productivity while reducing training expenses as support is being delivered in real time, often eliminating the need for costly pre‐performance training. Mobile technologies have created new opportunities for improved performance support systems, especially for tasks performed outside the offi ce. This article describes the fi rst mobile learning and performance support initiative taken by the Israeli Air Force. The project included the development and eff ectiveness pilot study of a learning and performance support application delivered via tablet to helicopter engine technicians. The application provided support videos and illustrations of maintenance routines, thereby enabling learning and practicing at the same time. Pilot study results show high performance levels of application users compared to those applying traditional methods. Results also show that self‐effi cacy levels were not aff ected by the successful performance achieved when using the mobile performance support application. Plans to expand mobile support use are also described.  相似文献   
Global competence is categorised into three dimensions: knowledge, skills/experience and attitudes. This study aims to investigate the global competence discrepancies of Chinese undergraduates in universities and regions of different development levels, as well as the effects of internationalisation efforts at home and students’ motivation on global competence. To this end, 2,695 students within nine universities (three 985 project universities, three 211 project universities and three provincial universities) in three Chinese cities (Beijing, Nanjing and Changchun) participated in this survey. The findings revealed that Chinese undergraduates have positive global attitudes, but they seem to lack sufficient global knowledge. Students from 985 project universities reported gaining higher global competence than students from 211 project and provincial universities, and students from Beijing reported higher global competence than students from Nanjing and Changchun. Competence discrepancies concerning fields of study were also found. The results of hierarchical regression analysis suggest that gender, 985 and 211 project universities, Beijing city, social sciences and humanities, experience of contact with foreigners on campus activities, enrolment in courses related to internationalisation and students’ motivation were predictive of Chinese students’ global competence.  相似文献   
徐渭是晚明声名卓著的花鸟画大家。他所开创的大写意花鸟画派对其之后四百余年的花鸟画产生了极大的影响。他的绘画具有独特的艺术魅力,主要表现为愤激不平的情感抒发、恣意纵横的笔墨语言和狂怪豪迈的美学风格三个方面。其艺术风格的形成既与晚明社会、政治、思想文化有很大的关系,同时也是他一生坎坷不平狂狷人格的艺术体现。  相似文献   
1871年,曾国藩因办理天津洋务棘手,深感人才奇缺,上奏清廷主张选送聪颖子弟赴美“学习军政、船政、步算、制造诸学”培植人才。曾文正公薨逝于当年冬,容闳承其遗志,倾力筹办,一举开启了中国史上官费留学的新纪元。翌年夏末,三十名少年坐船横渡太平洋,一个多月后抵达旧金山,开始为国苦学。然而好景不长,派出四批一百二十名子弟后,翰林吴嘉善等守旧人士厌恶洋教洋习,赴美勘察后连翻上报,认为“外洋风俗,流弊多端,各学生腹少儒书,德性未坚”,称“即使竭力整饬,亦觉防范难周,极应将局裁撤”,不肯姑息,李鸿章亦感犹豫芥蒂,终使留美育才计划实施十年而夭折。 留美幼童被迫归国十多年后,清廷内外交困,衰势更甚,新旧之间,时移势易。张之洞频频奖劝游学,言“出洋一年,胜于读西书四五年”“求师之难尤甚于筹费……唯有赴外国游学一法”(《劝学篇》)。他认为西洋不如东洋,日本最善,“传习易、经费省、回华速,较之学于欧洲各国者其经费可省三分之二,其学成及往返日期可速一倍”。据日本史料记载,1900至1921年中国年均有三千五百多人留学日本,其中不乏女性年均近百人。据梅贻琦和程其宝的调查,同时期留学美国的人数也从每年个位数增长到每年三四百人。 1904年,正在日本仙台留学的鲁迅给友人写信抱怨:“此地颇冷,晌午较温。其风景尚佳,而下宿则大劣……人哗于前,日射于后,日日食我者,则例为鱼耳”。又谈及“校中功课大忙,日不得息……树人晏起,正与为仇。所授有物理,化学,解剖,组织,独乙种种学,皆奔逸至迅,莫暇应接。”寄居生活的委屈狼狈,学业功课的慌忙紧张跃然纸上,今天的留学生读来想必心领神会。 1910年夏,十九岁的胡适也要出国。他以拿手的考据在国文科博得满分,再加上英文的六十分和科学、西洋史临时抱佛脚得来的成绩,列第五十五名险获第二批庚子赔款留美名额。赴美两年后,年轻气盛的胡适撰长文痛陈留学四弊:留学者,吾国之大耻也;过渡之舟楫而非敲门之砖也;废时伤财事倍功半者也;救急之计而非久远之图也(《非留学篇》)。他并非反对留学,要批评的是国人不能以留学、获得外国认可为目的发展教育。他观察到当时的留学生一边对外国学术只求“苟且速成”,另一边又“昧于祖国文字学术,无法使输入之文明,有所依归而同化”。“留学之目的,在于植才异国,输入文明,以为吾国造新文明之张本……吾国一日未出过渡之时代,则留学一日不可废。”最终立论:“留学当以不留学为目的”。 每一代有每一代的留学故事,今日中国取得的经济、科技、国防、文教领域的现代化进步离不开一代代海归学子的贡献。从忧愤挫败的容闳,到欲挽狂澜于既倒的张之洞,从赴日学医困顿彷徨的鲁迅,到誓言以留学终结留学的胡适,他们都意识到中国文明与文化必须彻底新生,而这个过程不得不借力西洋。留学者,既要虚心开放向外求教,也不能忘却出洋初心。 百年过去,中国已经成为名副其实的世界第一留学消费大国。2019年留学人数超七十万,其中公派占一成,自费占九成,许多家庭为子女留学耗费十万百万不在话下。低龄留学、本科留学,对我国教育事业发展而言意味着什么?经济发展所积累的大笔财富并未注入本国的教育建设事业,国内教育供给所欠缺的究竟是什么?然而,在今年的重大疫情以及国际局势影响下,留学他乡的潜在风险骤然兑现,留学数据可能出现历史性拐点。随着研究生留学局面的变化,学生会带着怎样的愿景与觉悟去留学?我国的研究生教育规模、定位应如何调节?往者不可谏,来者犹可追,留学事业正在迈进新纪元。  相似文献   
晚清沈葆桢的留学教育思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本介绍了洋务运动的重要代表人物-浓葆桢首开官费送学生赴欧留学的经过。中着重阐述了沈葆桢的留学教育思想,分析了留欧教育的历史意义,以期对晚清历史有更深刻的认识。  相似文献   
随着汉语热的兴起,越来越多的外国学生选择到中国留学。随之而来的是对于不同文化背景下的日常生活及教育教学方式的适应问题。此研究以一位来华泰国留学生为例,以叙事的方式,详尽展示了来华留学生在华期间对日常生活、课程学习、人际交往等方面的具体适应状况,并进一步提出了对策建议,以期为来华留学生及其教育管理部门提供实践参考。  相似文献   
胸腺肽聚乳酸微球的制备和体外释药研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了寻找适于多肽分子吸收,免疫学上"有效"、"安全",且服用方便的口服制剂,用W/O/W型乳化挥发法制备胸腺肽聚乳酸微球,正交实验方法优化了制备工艺.通过差热分析证明载药微球已较好形成,Lowry法测定药物的含量,计算微球的载药量、包封率及体外释药量.结果表明,所得微球平均粒径为13.8 μm,平均包封率为80.7%,前12 h的体外释药符合Higuchi方程,T1/2=295 min,在25℃和40℃分别放置90d,微球的粒径分布和剩余药量无显著变化.微球的载药量和包封率符合要求,释药半衰期长,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
浅论国家自然科学基金项目申报质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国家对基础研究支持力度的不断增强,国家自然科学基金项目申报的数量也不断增加,对申报质量的要求也不断提高.以华南农业大学为例,提出了加强国家自然科学基金项目申报的过程管理、提高申报质量的途径和对策,以期为高校科研管理部门提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
Using nationally representative samples of 45,964 two‐ to nine‐year‐old children and their primary caregivers in 17 developing countries, this study examined the relations between children's cognitive, language, sensory, and motor disabilities and caregivers' use of discipline and violence. Primary caregivers reported on their child's disabilities and whether they or anyone in their household had used nonviolent discipline, psychological aggression, and physical violence toward the target child and believed that using corporal punishment is necessary. Logistic regression analyses supported the hypothesis that children with disabilities are treated more harshly than children without disabilities. The findings suggest that policies and interventions are needed to work toward the United Nations' goals of ensuring that children with disabilities are protected from abuse and violence.  相似文献   
杨梅光合速率日变化及其与气候生态因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春季,在晴好天气条件下,用目前国外先进的光合作用测定系统——LI-6400光合仪,对杨梅的光合速率进行了测定。结果表明,杨梅的光合速率随着环境因子的变化而变化,光合速率的日变化进程为典型的单峰型,最大净光合速率为7.24μmolco2·m-2·s-1,出现在午后13时。运用相关分析和通径分析表明,对杨梅光合作用日变化直接影响最大的气候生态因子是气温,其次是大气相对湿度和光合有效辐射。  相似文献   
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