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The cultural exchange between China and Japan dates back to ancient times.This extensive exchange that covers wide range of fields continued even in times of tension in the bilateral relations.The cooperation established between the National Library of China (NLC) and Nippon Shuppan Hanbai Inc.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the changes in creative activities of young people – especially in the alternative media – in Indonesia before and after Reformasi. It begins with the story of the dynamics of a student press, from my personal experience – which I believe is a typical form of student/youth movement in Indonesia – and how the student’s life obviously depends on the political situation, the university policy, and the dynamics of the student’s life at that particular time. Reformasi caused political change and freedom but simultaneously, and ironically, placed the student press in a state of meaninglessness, such that it was painfully forced for search for new meanings to keep it contextually relevant in the new era. I end the paper describing the latest form of the alternative media scene of Indonesian youth, whose focus is dramatically shifting from ‘big’ political issues to issues of the celebration of communities and self‐existence.  相似文献   
“莺啼燕语报新年”,2011年的新年已经来到。值此辞旧年迎新春之际,我谨向热情关心和支持《文化交流》办刊工作的各级领导、各界人士致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢,向《文化交流》的广大读者、作者朋友以及《文化交流》的办刊工作者道一声:谢谢!谢谢你们,在过去的一年中,《文化交流》因你们而精彩!  相似文献   
Deterioration of Yungang Grottoes: Diagnosis and research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yungang Grottoes, in Datong City of Shanxi Province, China, as the state-level key cultural relic preservation organ, have been subjected to severe degradation due to natural and human factors over the years. Since January 2010, site investigation and research on Yungang Grottoes, assisted by the Xi’an Relics Protection Center and Yungang Grottoes Cultural Research Institute, have been carried out in the laboratory of cultural relics conservation materials in Zhejiang University. Our investigation of the deterioration characteristics of these grottoes is presented here. The paper describes about 12 types of diseases in detail represented by dust deposit, salt crystallization and black crust. Relevant samples have been collected and analyzed by means of SEM, FT-IR, XRD and EDAX to study the potential hazard to the sandstones and conservation methods, which could be used to help guide remediation efforts directed at reducing the weathering problem.  相似文献   
刘加洪 《寻根》2010,(2):11-14
<正>河洛地区文化积淀厚重,历代名家辈出。河洛地区先民们创造的河洛文化是以中原文化为代表的黄河文明的核心和发祥地,河洛文化是中华文明的摇篮文化,是数千年来的中国传统文化的主体。客家人来源于中原汉民族,深受河洛文化的影响,北方粗犷豪爽的性格特征,锻造出客家人乐生迈进、刚强弘毅、勇敢  相似文献   
老子的哲学思想中包含有丰富的辩证法思想,并把辩证法思想运用于政治、军事、社会管理之中,形成了老子的管理哲学。以道治国是老子管理哲学思想的核心,无为而治与顺其自然的管理思想是以道治国思想的重要体现,对立统一的管理思想则是老子管理哲学思想的突出特点。  相似文献   
宋明仕宦对岭南文化的建构:以张九龄为中心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋代以前,岭南一直被中原士人视为烟瘴荒蛮之地。宋明时期,岭南仕宦围绕张九龄这一历史文化资源,挖掘整理张九龄文集,建立祠庙,附会各种传说,阐释其忠孝两全、才华横溢的光辉形象,以此改变中原士人对岭南历史的刻板印象,树立岭南社会早在唐代已开化的新形象。  相似文献   
Going beyond the traditional socioeconomic status model of political participation, this study examines pathways that lead to the sociopolitical incorporation of immigrants in the USA, with a focus on the role of communication socialization agents. Using a Current Population Survey sample of 7,626 first-generation immigrants in the USA, results show that communication socialization agents significantly contribute to immigrants’ political socialization, and an important mediating path translates political learning into greater political engagement. Results also identify ethnic differences in how socialization variables affect immigrants’ socialization.  相似文献   
体育院校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其办学水平与人才培养质量关系到国家体育事业的可持续发展与体育强国战略目标的实现。研究从本科毕业生就业的角度,采用问卷调查法,对就业率、就业去向、用人单位意见反馈与毕业生自身评价等进行了调查。调查显示,体育院校在专业设计、培养目标、课程体系、教学内容与方法等方面,积累了丰富的办学经验,突出了"体"的教育特色,但同时也存在着诸多影响人才培养质量的制约因素。研究在分析当前我国体育院校在人才过程中尚存在诸多制约因素的基础上,从内涵发展角度提出了提高人才培养质量的对策。  相似文献   
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》的出台,对我国法院审理涉外代理案件在法律适用上统一了标准。然而由于我国司法实践的匮乏,加之我国实体法中又无有关代理单行法对之概念加之明确,民法与合同法对代理的界定也不一致,这必然导致我国法院对涉外代理案件适用的困顿或导致出现司法惰怠。为保证我国关于涉外代理法律制度的有效、准确实施,我国有必要借鉴海牙国际私法会议《代理法律适用公约》中有关条款的规定,或以单行法的形式,或以司法解释的方式,明确界定《涉外民事关系法律适用法》关于代理法律制度规定的适用范围,对代理采用明确定义、穷尽列举及排除性条款相结合的方法,对代理的适用范围进行规范。以突破立法界定缺陷导致的司法困境.完善我国的代理法律法规。  相似文献   
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