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砂秘辱如.诬西德尼.哈里斯漫画@西德尼.哈里斯~~  相似文献   
In the Netherlands, as in most other European countries, closed captions for the deaf summarize texts rather than render them verbatim. Caption editors argue that in this way television viewers have enough time to both read the text and watch the program. They also claim that the meaning of the original message is properly conveyed. However, many deaf people demand verbatim subtitles so that they have full access to all original information. They claim that vital information is withheld from them as a result of the summarizing process. Linguistic research was conducted in order (a) to identify the type of information that is left out of captioned texts and (b) to determine the effects of nonverbatim captioning on the meaning of the text. The differences between spoken and captioned texts were analyzed on the basis of on a model of coherence relations in discourse. One prominent finding is that summarizing affects coherence relations, making them less explicit and altering the implied meaning.  相似文献   
《守财奴》一文节选自长篇小说《欧也妮·葛朗台》。《欧也妮·葛朗台》是法国批判现实主义作家巴尔扎克(1799—1850)最重要的作品之一,写于一八三三年。在卷帙浩繁的小说总集《人间喜剧》中,它属于“风俗研究”的“外省生活场景”。这部小说,写的是资本主义社会中极为寻常的家庭悲剧,但巴尔扎克却匠心独运,赋予它以时代和社会的内容,使其成为十九世纪二、三十年代法国外省生活的风俗画。小说结构谨严,人物形象栩栩如生,艺术上臻于炉火纯青的地步。因此,它问世一个多  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study compared recidivism rates for alleged maltreatment perpetrators whose initial report was substantiated and those whose initial report was not substantiated, to determine whether they returned to the child welfare system at differing rates. METHOD: Statewide administrative child welfare services data over a period of 4 1/2 years was analyzed. The sample included 31,531 perpetrators of intrafamilial maltreatment. Separate analyses were conducted for each type of maltreatment (sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect). RESULTS: Bivariate relationships (substantiation status and recidivism) were analyzed using survival curves, and the study found that recidivism patterns differed by type of maltreatment and by substantiation status at the index event. Multivariate analyses using Cox Proportional Hazards models found that bivariate relationships held true even when controlling for neighborhood mean income, ethnicity, and gender. CONCLUSIONS: The study's finding that perpetrators whose index event was not substantiated return to the child welfare system at a high rate suggests the need to learn how to discriminate those unsubstantiated alleged perpetrators who are most at risk for recidivism. The finding of frequent cross-type recidivism indicates that intervention should focus on common themes across maltreatment types.  相似文献   
回想起来,在我成长过程中,既有与众不同的地方,也有许多很平凡的地方。在上高中以前,我完全没有机会接触科学,对于科学的作用几乎一无所知。就是上高中以后,我的主要精力  相似文献   
又一个春天要过去了,这段日子里,承载了我怎样的记忆和思绪。人们都说,这应该是一个灿烂明媚的季节。可是我印象中,只留下了阴沉压抑的天空。记忆中,关于春天的概念,还是充满生机与希望,但是夹在冬季与夏季这两个醒目的季节之间的那段日子,却是那般的暗淡与模糊。可以说,夏天和  相似文献   
假设有人给了你一枝笔,一枝密封的、纯色的水笔,里面有多少墨水你看不到,很可能刚刚试写几字便用干耗尽;也可能足以完成一部或几部杰作,永存于世,使世事为之大变。而这一切你在动笔之前却是一无所知。根据游戏的规则,你确实水远也不会知道,只能冒一下险。而事实上,也没有  相似文献   
我向空中射出一枝箭,我不知它落在何方。因为它飞得如此神速,我的视力都追赶不上。我向高空唱出一支歌,我不知它落在何方。谁有如此犀利眼力,能追赶上歌声的飞扬?  相似文献   
在我家的阳台上有一只杯子,是用来浇花用的。今天早上,一只小麻雀飞到杯子上喝水,那只小麻雀真可爱。黑乎乎的身子,尖尖的嘴,翅膀像一把剪刀。它看见我就逃跑了。我不由得想:它还会再来吗?今天中午,它又来了。它先在杯子上空飞了一  相似文献   
九月中旬,在四川新都桂湖,举行了杨升庵学术思想讨论会。来自北京、四川、云南等地的四十余名研究者、爱好者,从不同的角度,肯定了杨升庵是一位明代杰出的哲学家、文  相似文献   
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