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一﹁| 一黯黔馨~~苹果里的星星@迪.恩.帕金斯!美  相似文献   
Summer Magic     
A点严城澎尸飞枷 1 exl〕eri即eedthegl“yof‘一r,邵lydaw。 Andtheslowlyfadingsha山加切sat名u幻down. Iw“ove门ow元ngwlth」叼卯uslaug扮er As Irana们djumpedin俪cifu[Play And如in山lsJ咖edme公而即d讨the如笋 In myyouth Ie叩n住祀d thema胖ofsu~比‘splendor. My‘oul  相似文献   
In this paper, the obtained experimental results concerning creation of bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) in isotopically pure liquid ^4He at low temperatures -60 mK are discussed. Positive rotons' (R^+-rotons) creation by a pulsed heater was studied. Signals were recorded for the following quantum processes: quantum evaporation of ^4He-atoms from the free liquid-helium surface by the BEEs of the liquid helium-Ⅱ, and BEEs reflection from the free surface back into the bulk liquid. Typical signals are shown, and ratios of signal amplitudes are evaluated. For long heater pulses from 5 to 10 μs, appearance of the second atomic cloud consisting of evaporated ^4He-atoms was observed in addition to the first atomic cloud. It is thought that the first atomic cloud of the evaporated helium atoms consists of very fast ^4He-atoms with energies ~35 K evaporated by positive rotons with the special energies ~17 K (~2ER~2×8.6 K with ER representing the roton minimum energy) corresponding to the third non-dispersive Zakharenko wave. The second cloud of slower ^4He-atoms was created by surface elementary excitations (SEEs or ripplons) possessing the special energies ~7.15 K representing the binding energy. It was assumed that such SEEs can be created by phonons incoming to the liquid surface with special energies ~6.2 K corresponding to the first non-dispersive Zakharenko wave which can interact at the liquid surface with the same phonons already reflected from the surface for long heater pulses. Also, some pulsed-heater characteristics were studied in order to better understand the features of such heaters in low temperature experiments.  相似文献   
做这期稿子的时候还是3月初,可一想到小读者们看到这期杂志已是4月时,我便不由得感叹时光的无情流逝!随着时间一天天的过去,同学们也在渐渐地成长着。不过,人类真正的长大不仅表现在身体上,更体现在大脑的聪明度上。没有一个充满智能的大脑,无论你的年龄如何增加,其实还是属于幼稚的!因此,在大家身体成长的同时,切莫忽视了自己大脑聪明度的提高,否则,你真的会感到“很不好意思”呢!当然,大脑智能的增加并非如年龄般的自然而然,必须靠自己不断地努力培养。你对健脑增智越重视,你掌握的健脑增智的方法越多,你的大脑就会越聪明。有个聪明的大脑是每个人的渴望,但真的变聪明了却并非易事,就让我来助大家一臂之力吧!  相似文献   
Dear Friends,Giving advice is one of the most popular pastimes known to mankind. Everyone has some advice to give to everyone else. It is easier to give advice than it is to take advice. Most of us have been given more advice than we can possibly use.I am drawn to this topic because many of our readers ask me to give them advice on a variety(变化,多样性)of different prob-lems.This can be very flattering(讨人喜欢的), and I appreciate your willingness to ask me. I respond to your questions, and I feel free to give my opinions and my comments on any subject. These comments  相似文献   
苏轼是一个诙谐的人,诙谐早已作为一种文化品格融入了他的整个文学生命。苏轼的诗词作品有极大一部分充满着谐趣,这种谐趣大致可分为两类:单纯的诙谐和寓庄于谐,而且,苏轼的诗词作品中体现的这种诙谐是有它自身的形成原因和发展轨迹的,是在他的生平经历、性格气质、才气学识的共同作用下形成的。因此,苏轼的诗词作品不仅反映出他的谐趣,而且“蚀刻”了他的谐趣的发展历程;苏轼的诗词作品闪耀着智慧的光辉和乐观的精神,是他一生人格的结晶,具有重大的文学价值!  相似文献   
千篇一律的上課方式是目前中学生物学教学中一个最大的缺点,这种上課方式的特点是:在口头检查学生的家庭作业后,教师講解新教材,演示直观教具,巩固新教材,布置家庭作业。这样的上課結構在有些場合下还可运用,但不能经常如此。如果在上課时运用各种不同的教学方法,特別是让学生独立地研究所分发的材料、活的植物和教科书上的插图的話,学生將能更好地掌握教材。当教师在进行生物学課时所采用的教学方法时应遵循些什么原則呢? 首先,应明确,生物学課程具有那些教学方法,按我們的意見,大致有以下一些:講解法,談話法,中学性的演講法,学生独立工作法,实驗,閱讀教科  相似文献   
时间的价值就像金钱的价值一样:完全体现在如何使用上。只肯花一点点钱以维持生命的守财奴其实等于是个穷光蛋,他的万贯家财也就形同乌有。同样,舍不得花费时间去获取更多的幸福、去使更多的人幸福的人,也是虚度年华。  相似文献   
高中信息技术课程注重提高学生信息素养,可以使学生在有限的时间内学到自己感兴趣的内容,开拓学习视野。因此,信息技术教师应对信息技术教学进行长期合理的规划,加强高中信息技术教学题库资源建设,对高中信息技术教学中涉及的练习题或考试题进行收集和存储,并存储到题库平台,并在教学实践中不断更新试题库,精选试题,以此提高教学效率。  相似文献   
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