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A large part of the media landscape surrounding us consists of advertising. Therefore, skills for critically coping with advertising are indispensable. Students need to develop such skills for evaluating messages and facts from advertisements. They also need to learn about the mechanisms behind how advertisements are created and used to influence the public. Today, advertising for many products has a strong scientific component. However, learning with and about advertising does not play a prominent role in school science education. To date, advertising is almost exclusively discussed and evaluated within the humanities and social sciences, especially language education. The scientific components of advertising are not taken into account in these subjects. Engaged science teachers might prove to be the key to innovation when it comes to media education in the science classroom. This study explores both the opinions of German science teachers on the importance of scientific media literacy and their attitudes to implementing teaching units covering advertising in their science classes. Semistructured interviews with 12 secondary science teachers were conducted and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Two main types of teachers were identified, who have completely different views towards learning with and about advertising in science education.  相似文献   
This paper presents a study focusing on differences in Israeli Jewish and Arab chemistry teachers’ beliefs regarding teaching and learning of chemistry in the upper secondary schools. Israel is a country experiencing the problems of diverse cultural orientation of its inhabitants but applying the same educational system to its diverse cultural sectors. Education includes the same curriculum in chemistry for both the Israeli Jewish and Arab cultural sectors as well as final examinations (matriculation) set centrally by the Ministry of Education. Thus, this study can serve as a striking case for other countries facing similar cultural diversity. The study is based on two different instruments that are both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The qualitative data stem from chemistry teachers’ drawings of themselves as teachers in a typical classroom situation accompanied by four open questions. The data analysis follows three qualitative scales: beliefs about classroom organization, beliefs about teaching objectives and epistemological beliefs. A quantitative study gives insights into teachers’ beliefs about what characterizes good education. The main goal of the present paper is to determine whether both groups of chemistry teachers with different sociocultural background in Israel hold different views about education in general and chemistry education in particular. The findings provide evidence that in Israeli chemistry classrooms, the beliefs of Arabic teachers differ from those of the Jewish teachers, although both groups live in the same country and operate the same educational system.  相似文献   

The interest of girls in computing drops early during primary and secondary education, with minimal recovery in later education stages. In combination with the growing shortage of qualified computer science personnel, this is becoming a major issue, and also a target of numerous studies that examine measures, interventions, and strategies to boost girls’ commitment to computing. Yet, the results of existing studies are difficult to navigate, and hence are being very rarely employed in classrooms. In this paper, we summarize the existing body of knowledge on the effective interventions to recruit and retain girls in computer science education, intending to equip educators with a comprehensive and easy-to-navigate map of interventions recommended in the existing literature. To this end, we perform an aggregated umbrella literature review of 11 existing reviews on the topic, together accumulating joined knowledge from over 800 publications, and formulate the findings in a map of 22 concrete interventions structured in six groups according to their phase and purpose.

Zusammenfassung.   Eine Restrukturierung eines gegebenen Datenbankschemas kann aus unterschiedlichen Gründen notwendig werden. So kann dadurch z.B. die Verst?ndlichkeit des Schemas verbessert werden. Im Bereich der relationalen Datenbanken steht die Normalisierungstheorie zur Verfügung, um z.B. Redundanz zu vermeiden. Der Normalisierung liegt dabei ein Begriff der ?quivalenz von Datenbankschemata zugrunde. Im Bereich der objektorientierten Datenbanken gibt es bislang kaum vergleichbare Ans?tze. In diesem Beitrag pr?sentieren wir daher einen Ansatz, mit dem Klassenhierarchien in objektorientierten Datenbankschemata in eine „normalisierte” Form transformiert werden k?nnen. Dazu mu? zun?chst eine extensionale Analyse durchgeführt werden, die die notwendigen Informationen über extensionale Beziehungen zwischen den gegebenen Klassen liefert. Anschlie?end wenden wir Konzepte der formalen Begriffsanalyse an, um eine „normalisierte” Klassenhierarchie abzuleiten. Eingegangen am 16. Januar 1999 / Angenommen am 3. Oktober 1999  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ranking practices of 25 European higher education ranking systems (HERSs). Ranking practices were assessed with 14 quantitative measures derived from the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions (BPs). HERSs were then ranked according to their degree of congruence with the BPs. Additionally, the three domains of methodology, transparency, and consumer-friendliness were proposed to underlie the BPs, and the measures were also applied for assessing HERSs regarding these domains. Results indicate that the cooperating HERSs by CHE (Germany), AQA (Austria) and swissUp (Switzerland) exhibit the highest congruence with the BPs. However, no European HERS demonstrates good overall congruence with the BPs, mainly due to methodological shortcomings. Results further show that HERSs compiled and published by non-profit research entities seem to perform better than the majority of HERSs published by for-profit news outlets. International comparisons indicate that HERSs published in German-speaking countries and the Netherlands tend to exhibit a higher congruence with the BPs. Overall, this study hopes to stimulate the improvement of ranking practices through benchmarking with existing exemplary models. The quantitative assessment tool further promises to be useful in explaining relative stability or change of higher education institutions in HERSs, as well as in helping to explain resource allocation pressures within higher education institutions.  相似文献   

This paper draws on established teacher education programmes at the Universities of Bath and Canberra in order to contrast different approaches to environmental education contained in secondary science teacher training courses in the two countries. The paper begins with an examination of the context, purposes and approaches of the two courses, leading to a critical review and a discussion of pertinent developmental issues within teacher training programmes and the relationship between science education and environmental issues.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die im Rahmen der Modell-basierten Entwicklung eingebetteter Steuerungs- und Regelungssoftware eingesetzten optimierenden Codegeneratoren müssen einer intensiven Qualit?tssicherung unterzogen werden. Dem Einsatz von Testsuiten kommt dabei eine zentrale Rolle zu. Der Beitrag beschreibt den Aufbau einer modularen Testsuite für Codegeneratoren und schl?gt einen Testansatz vor, der eine systematische Prüfung der vom Codegenerator angewendeten Optimierungstechniken erm?glicht.
The optimising code generators employed as part of the model-based development of embedded control software must undergo intensive quality assurance. The use of test suites plays a central role in this process. This article describes the construction of a modular test suite for code generators and proposes a testing approach which makes a systematic test of the optimisations employed by the code generator possible.
CR Subject Classification I.6.4 I.6.5,D.2.5,I.2.2,D.3.4,D.3.4  相似文献   
Enrichment programs provide learning opportunities for a broader or deeper examination of curricular or extracurricular topics and are popular in gifted education. Herein, we investigated the effectiveness of a statewide extracurricular enrichment program for gifted elementary school children in Germany. The program implemented a ”grass roots“ strategy by which local units developed and offered the enrichment courses, which spanned a broad array of topics. The courses targeted different outcomes, including students' cognitive abilities, school achievement, interests, creativity, self-control, self-concept, and social competencies. We compared third-grade students attending the enrichment program (N =423) with nonattending third-grade students (N = 2,328) by means of a propensity score analysis. Specifically, we controlled for potential selection effects and estimated the average causal effect of the enrichment program for children attending the program. The findings revealed positive program effects on academic achievement but not on the other targeted outcomes.  相似文献   
The modern world can be described as a globalized risk society. It is characterized by increasing complexity, unpredictable consequences of techno-scientific innovations and production, and its environmental consequences. Therefore, chemistry, just like many other knowledge areas, is in an ongoing process of environmentalization. For example, green chemistry has emerged as a new chemical metadiscipline and movement. The philosophy of green chemistry was originally based on a suggestion of twelve principles for environment-friendly chemistry research and production. The present article problematizes limitations in green chemistry when it comes to education. It argues that the philosophy of green chemistry in the context of education needs to be extended with socio-critical perspectives to form educated professionals and citizens who are able to understand the complexity of the world, to make value-based decisions, and to become able to engage more thoroughly in democratic decision-making on sustainability issues. Different versions of sustainability-oriented science/chemistry education are discussed to sharpen a focus on the most complex type, which is Bildung-oriented, focusing emancipation and leading to eco-reflexive education. The term eco-reflexive is used for a problematizing stance towards the modern risk society, an understanding of the complexity of life and society and their interactions, and a responsibility for individual and collective actions towards socio-ecojustice and global sustainability. The philosophical foundation and characteristics of eco-reflexive science education are sketched on in the article.  相似文献   
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