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We propose a process of contextualization based on seven empirically derived contextualization principles, aiming to provide opportunities for Indigenous Mexican adolescents to learn science in a way that supports them in fulfilling their right to an education aligned with their own culture and values. The contextualization principles we empirically derived account for Nahua students' cultural cognition, socialization, and cultural narratives, thus supporting Indigenous students in navigating the differences between their culture and the culture and language of school while learning complex science concepts such as natural selection. The process of curricular contextualization we propose is empirically driven, taking culture and socialization into account by using multiples sources (cognitive tasks to explore teleology, ethnographic observation of students' community and classroom, and interviews with students and community members) and builds on the scholarship in Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Indigenous Education. We used these principles to redesign a middle school biology unit on natural selection to make it more culturally relevant for Nahua students. The enactment of this unit resulted in students being engaged in science learning and achieving significant learning gains. The significance of this study lies in presenting evidence that learning science in culturally relevant ways supports the learning of challenging biology concepts. We provide evidence that Western science can be learned in ways that are more aligned with Indigenous students' Traditional Indigenous Knowledge, thus informing the implementation of educational policies aiming to improve the quality of secondary education for Indigenous adolescents. Our proposed contextualization principles can benefit students of all cultural identities who feel that their religion, language, or traditional knowledge are not aligned with school science, facilitating their access to culturally relevant science education.  相似文献   
The effects of witnessing community violence on aggressive cognitions and behavior were investigated in an ethnically diverse sample of 4,458 children living in urban neighborhoods. Prior violence exposure had a significant effect in increasing aggression, normative beliefs about aggression, and aggressive fantasy. Although exposure to violence predicted aggressive behavior both in Grades 1 through 3 (ages 5-8) and Grades 4 through 6 (ages 9-12), the effects on social cognition were only evident in the later grades. Furthermore, the effect of violence exposure on aggression in the later grades was partially mediated by its effect on social cognition. These findings suggest that witnessing community violence has an effect on children's aggressive behavior through both imitation of violence and the development of associated cognitions as children get older.  相似文献   
This study explored the nature of the relationship between a fifth-grade teacher and an informal science educator as they planned and implemented a life science unit in the classroom, and sought to define this relationship in order to gain insight into the roles of each educator. In addition, student learning as a result of instruction was assessed. Prior research has predominately examined relationships and roles of groups of teachers and informal educators in the museum setting (Tal et al. in Sci Educ 89:920–935, 2005; Tal and Steiner in Can J Sci Math Technol Educ 6:25–46, 2006; Tran 2007). The current study utilized case study methodology to examine one relationship (between two educators) in more depth and in a different setting—an elementary classroom. The relationship was defined through a framework of cooperation, coordination, and collaboration (Buck 1998; Intriligator 1986, 1992) containing eight dimensions. Findings suggest a relationship of coordination, which requires moderate commitment, risk, negotiation, and involvement, and examined the roles that each educator played and how they negotiated these roles. Consistent with previous examinations in science education of educator roles, the informal educator’s role was to provide the students with expertise and resources not readily available to them. The roles played by the classroom teacher included classroom management, making connections to classroom activities and curricula, and clarifying concepts. Both educators’ perceptions suggested they were at ease with their roles and that they felt these roles were critical to the optimization of the short time frames (1 h) the informal educator was in the classroom. Pre and posttest tests demonstrated students learned as a result of the programs.  相似文献   
This article argues that a grounded-theory research methodology is a useful and fruitful tool to explore important questions in consultation and to generate new conceptualizations and theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The grounded-theory approach is described and illustrated with examples from Hylander's research on consultee-centered consultation as practiced in Sweden. The result is a substantive theory about change processes. The theoretical research approach presented in this article makes it possible to further explore processes of consultation that have not been previously examined.  相似文献   
The research that is the subject of this paper set out to interrogate pre-service teachers’ responses to issues of national identity, ideology, and representation in contemporary multicultural Canadian picture books. While the research focused on whether and how the literature could serve to inform and broaden pre-service teachers’ conceptualizations of diversity, we retrospectively decided to re-visit the focus group and interview data to know which of the 70 picture books had most engaged the teachers and why. We critically consider the implications of teachers’ attachments for social justice education and teachers’ cultivation of a critical, ‘borderlands’ discourse aware of self and open to others. The research suggests that a significant source of teacher knowledge and thinking is lodged in teachers’ personal memories of childhood texts, called touchstones. Touchstones were a place from which teachers implicitly began; certain stories struck particular chords, chords largely attributable to childhood memories. Most intertextual connections were personal, with some tangential to the text. While touchstones performed different functions depending on the subject position of the pre-service teachers, they pointed to the existence of an underlying position of teacher as nostalgic subject. Given the importance of this subject position for teachers’ responses to picture books, we explore critical reconceptualizations of nostalgia that can support the development of borderland discourses. We suggest that pre-service teachers need to be invited to individually and collectively examine their responses to both old and new touchstone stories. More nuanced research also needs to be conducted on the role of nostalgia in teacher formation, how it influences teacher practice, and how to best design teacher education courses to foster ‘borderland discourses’ related to the storying of teacher identity, especially with respect to popular ‘collectibles’ and core teaching texts like picture books.  相似文献   
The Latvian Education Informatization System LIIS project covers the whole information grid: education content, management, information services, infrastructure and user training at several levels – schools, school boards and Ministry of Education and Science. Informatization is the maintained process of creating the technical, economical and social conditions for fulfilment of information needs. The initiative started in 1997. The strategy for education content creation for 2001–2004 is to cover all forms of cognition – rational, empirical, emotional and modelling – and several levels of skills for all levels of education. The Current LIIS results as at 2002 have been that: developed teaching aids are being used (workbooks, interactive software, tests etc) (approx. 20% of the total amount of high school programme can be taught using information and communication technologies); about 1000 sites are using LIIS school management software; 66% of all teachers are trained on ICT usage; 97% of schools have dial‐up connection to the Internet in year 2002 (44% have a permanent connection); and the number of pupils per computer has decreased from 67 (year 1997) to 20 (year 2002).

Le système d'information LIIS dans l'éducation en Lithuanie

Le projet du système LIIS du système information pour l'éducation comme toute la grile: contenu de l'éducation, management, services d'information, infrastructure et fomation des utilisateurs à divers niveaux: écoles, administrtion des écoles, Ministerie de l'Education et de la Science. Ce projet a débuté en 1997. La stratégie pour créer un contenue de l'éducation 2001–2004 doit couvrir toutes les formes de la connaissance traditionnelle, ainsi que émotionelle, proposant des modèles et divers niveaux de compétences pour tous les niveaux d'éducation. Les résultats actuels du LIIS ont été en 2002: Les moyens d'enseignement dévelpppés sont utilisés (livres, software interactif, tests, etc.) (approximaticement 20% du programme total des programmes des écoles seconfaires peuvent être enseignés en utilisant les technologies de l'information); environ 1000 titres utilisant ler software de management des écoles; 66% des maîtres ont été formé à l'emploi de TIC; 97 % des écoles ont été connectés à Internet en 2002 (44% de connection permanente); et le nombre d'élèves par ordinateur a diminué de 67 (en 1997) à 20 (en 2002)

Das lettisches Bildungsinformationssystem LIIS

Das lettische Bildungsinformationssystem, das LIIS – Projekt, umfasst das gesamte Informationsraster: Bildungsinhalt, Management, Informationsdienste, Infrastruktur sowie Nutzerausbildung auf mehreren Ebenen – Schulen, Schulkommissionen und Bildungsministerien. Die Initiative begann in 1997. Das Konzept für die Erfassung von Bildungsinhalten für 2001–2004 ist, alle Formen des Zugangs – rational, empirisch, emotional, modellierend – und mehrere Stufen von Fertigkeiten für alle Bildungsniveaus zu berücksichtigen. Das gegenwärtige Stand von LIIS (2002) ist: schon entwickelte Lehrhilfen werden benutzt (Workbooks, interaktive Software, Tests usw.) (Ca. 20% des gesamten Highschool‐Programms kann mit Hilfe von Informationstechnologie gelehrt werden); an rund 1000 Standorten wird LIS Schulmanagement‐Software genutzt; 66% aller Lehrer wurden in die Verwendung von ICT eingeführt; 97% aller Schulen haben im Jahr 2002 Wählverbindung in das Internet (36%: permanente Verbindung); die Anzahl von Schülern pro Computer hat von 67 (Jahr 1997) auf 25 (Jahr 2002) abgenommen.  相似文献   
Research has identified factors associated with academic success by evaluating relations among psychological and academic variables, although few studies have examined theoretical models to understand the complex links. This study used structural equation modeling to investigate whether the relation between test anxiety and final course grades was mediated by personal control, self-efficacy, goal orientation, coping strategies, and self-regulation. Participants were 297 undergraduate students taking an algebra course designed for engineering students. Results indicated that the proposed theoretical model was supported by the data, although a modified model produced a better fit. Other competing models were also tested. Collectively, analyses revealed that the psychological variables played important roles in predicting students’ grades, as all the structural coefficients and R 2 statistics were statistically and practically significant. Findings suggest value in the development and testing of additional models that contribute to the expansion of intervention programs to enhance academic outcomes among students.  相似文献   
This paper reports a case study in which 53 adult refugees initiated their own forms of learning with the aim of strengthening their opportunities for integration into Swedish society. The overall research interest was to find out what theoretical implications can be drawn from a case study where two different forms of learning were implemented. One alternative was offered in a formal setting and another in a non‐formal setting where the group members shaped forms of learning themselves. The findings show that many features of non‐formal working procedures correspond with basic assumptions and key concepts of sociocultural theory. Furthermore, these features accord well with key concepts of authentic learning. In a similar way as theoretical aspects of “situated learning” can be seen as an integrated part of sociocultural theory, we discuss whether the notion “authentic learning” could be used as a dimension of supporting meaningful learning in contextualised inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   
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