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Bereits 1997 ist im damaligen Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr die Studierendenanwaltschaft, ?hnlich wie andere Sonderanwaltschaften des Bundes, eingerichtet worden. Mit der Einführung von Studiengebühren an Universit?ten und Fachhochschulen 2001 wurden ihre Agenden von einer reinen Informations- auf eine ministerielle Beschwerdestelle zur Meldung und Behebung von Missst?nden und Unzul?nglichkeiten ausgeweitet. Nach zehn Jahren T?tigkeit zeigen die Erfahrungen aus dem Alltag, dass überwiegend informelle Individualhilfe im Vordergrund der T?tigkeit dieser Einrichtung steht. Systemm?ngel sind schwerer zu beheben, da solche meist ressourcenbedingt oder mit einander konkurrierenden gesetzlichen Regelungen verbunden sind und es keine festgelegten Normen des Einschreitens innerhalb der offiziellen Rechtsaufsicht des Ministeriums gibt. L?sungen sind von der Kooperationsbereitschaft der Verantwortlichen vor Ort abh?ngig.  相似文献   
Assessing comfort of running footwear reliably is challenging. The purpose of this study was to compare the intra-rater reliability between different assessment types, to calculate intra-individual reliability scores and to evaluate the effect of rater selection based on individual reliability scores on group level reliability. Three assessment types: ranking, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and Likert Scale (LS) were provided twice in six separate sessions among 30 participants, who assessed comfort of five shoes after treadmill running. Spearman's rho provided an evaluation of inter-session relative reliability and typical error as a measure of absolute reliability for each assessment type. Ranking (r?=?0.70, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.61–0.78) yielded the highest relative reliability for overall comfort, followed by VAS (r?=?0.67, 95% CI 0.56–0.75) and LS (r?=?0.63, 95% CI 0.52–0.72), with large-scale overlaps of CIs between assessment types. The same order of assessment types was found for the percentage of reliable raters (r?≥?0.7) with 60% in ranking scale, 47% in VAS and 37% in LS. Forming subgroups corresponding to the intra-individual reliability substantially increased group level reliabilities. Based on measures of relative reliability, an extreme reduction in resolution as provided by the ranking from pairwise comparisons seems to be a valuable tool in footwear comfort assessments if assessment time is of minor importance. No preference can be provided for the two investigated rating scales. Besides the assessment type, a selection of the best raters in additional reliability checks seems to be a prerequisite for further comfort-related studies.  相似文献   
Non-circular chainrings theoretically enhance cycling performance by increasing effective chainring diameter and varying crank velocity, but research has failed to consistently reproduce the benefits in cycling trials. The aim of this study was (1) to investigate the effect of different chainring shapes on sagittal knee joint moment and sagittal lower limb joint powers and (2) to investigate whether alterations are affected by cadence and workload. Fourteen elite cyclists cycled in six conditions (70, 90 and 110 rpm, each at 180 and 300 W), for 2 min each, using three chainrings of different ovalities (1.0–1.215). Kinematic data and pedal forces were collected. For most conditions, only the chainring with the highest ovality (1.215) was characterised by smaller sagittal knee joint moments, smaller relative sagittal knee joint power contribution and larger relative sagittal hip joint power contribution, which suggests a change from maximising efficiency to maximising power production. Effect sizes increased with higher cadences, but not with higher workload. This study has application for athletes, clinicians and sports equipment industry as a non-circular chainring can change joint-specific power generation and decrease knee joint moment, but certain ovality seems to be necessary to provoke this effect.  相似文献   
The basic subject of this article is change, how one copes with it, how it can or cannot be guided. More specifically, the author, a Czech‐American scholar, examines the processes and the trauma of the post‐1989 transition in his country of birth with an eye to how education, particularly higher education, can contribute to a successful outcome to transition affecting all of society while undergoing transition itself. Crucial to the presentation and arguments of the author is his conviction that the period of communist rule in Czechoslovakia, as in the other central and eastern European countries, was intellectually and morally damaging. For the citizens of the Czech Republic as well as for those of the other central and eastern European countries who also experienced communism and who are now trying to recover from it, it is necessary that they develop a clear understanding of what communism really represented and what it did to them. For them to gain this understanding, the catharsis that goes with it, and the possibility of developing successful reforms that will move their countries forward in a constructive way, they must develop a number of cross‐cultural skills through familiarity with a number of social science and educational disciplines that were more‐or‐less closed to them. The author proposes ways in which these skills can be learned and education at all levels profoundly reformed.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the problem of relating distance and scale by way of alternative models of perception taken from the history of science.The intuitive patterns of modern school children in evaluating the Solar System are then compared with those in the history of science. Immediate experience and intuition by children often contradict scientific understanding. The children in this study, for example, do not see the rays of the Sun as being parallel and ignore the curvature of the Earth. The authors argue that children's understanding of the rays of the Sun as not being parallel as well as their ignoring the curvature of the Earth is due to the limitation resulting from the students' `actual activity zone', and not to their insufficient knowledge. This study makes specific suggestions to broaden the scientifically based `actual activity zone' of students. We suggest that laboratory work based on historical experiments using elementary geometry – as, for example, the determination of the radiusof the Earth by Eratosthenes – promotes a scientific understanding of astronomicalmeasurements....The scale of space and time, which we customarily observe on Earth, and which is part of time, we become aware of the vastness of our universe, we are awed and humbled. But if astronomers spent all their time speculating about the immensity of the cosmos and the prodigious interval of time necessary for the evolution of the stars, their accomplishments would be few. The primary concerns of the astronomer when studying the cosmos are physical and mathematical interpretations of observations, predictions of future observations, and the development and refinement of his instruments for such interpretation and prediction. To help him in the conceptualization of his problem, astronomer may, consciously or unconsciously, visualize a small model representing the cosmic system under investigation. Using this method, we can arrive at an understanding of the relative dimensions of the system and an understanding of the time intervals involved.Shklovskii I.S. and Carl Sagan (1966)Intelligent Life in the Universe  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung.   Die automatische Erkennung und Lokalisation von Objekten in digitalen Bildern ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil vieler praktisch relevanter Anwendungen. In diesem Artikel wird ein erscheinungsbasiertes Verfahren zur Erkennung starrer zwei- oder dreidimensionaler Objekte vorgestellt, dem eine statistische Modellierung zugrundeliegt. Im Gegensatz zu segmentierungsbasierten Verfahren, wie sie vor allem im Bereich der 3D-Objekterkennung eingesetzt werden, erm?glicht der erscheinungsbasierte Ansatz aufgrund der Modellierung der Intensit?tswerte oder davon abgeleiteter lokaler Merkmale eines Bildes die Erkennung komplexer Objekte. Die statistische Formulierung der Problemstellung bildet den mathematischen Kontext zur Bestimmung optimaler L?sungen. Die Form der Modellierung erlaubt neben der Einzelobjekterkennung auch die Berücksichtigung von heterogenem Bildhintergrund und Mehrobjektszenen. Die dazu ben?tigten lokalen Merkmale entstehen durch r?umlich begrenzte Transformationen des Bildes, wie beispielsweise Gabor- oder Wavelet-Transformationen. Die statistische Modellierung beschreibt die Verteilung dieser lokalen Merkmale anhand einer Dichtefunktion, die sich bei der Hintergrund- und Mehrobjektmodellierung als Mischungsverteilung der Einzelobjektverteilungen ergibt. Die Aufgabenstellungen des Erlernens und Erkennens von Objekten sind damit als Parametersch?tzprobleme formal darstellbar. Dabei werden im einen Fall die Modellparameter und im anderen Fall die Lageparameter beziehungsweise die Klassen von Objekten gesch?tzt. Die experimentelle überprüfung des Ansatzes anhand realer Objektaufnahmen durch CCD-Kameras zeigt seine Brauchbarkeit zur Erkennung von 2D- und 3D-Objekten bei homogenem und heterogenem Hintergrund. Eingegangen am 5. April 2000 / Angenommen am 20. Juli 2001  相似文献   
In order to construct the guidance strategy in a realistic nonlinear noise-corrupted interception endgame against a maneuverable target, a linearized zero-sum differential game is considered. Assuming perfect information in this game, sufficient conditions are established, which guarantee that a continuous interception strategy with memory (history-dependent) has the maximal capture zone. Two examples of such a strategy are analyzed: a modified super-twisting second-order sliding mode control and a modified integral sliding mode control. Simulation results of the original nonlinear interception endgame demonstrate that these strategies considerably reduce the chattering created by the classical game optimal bang-bang strategy without deteriorating the homing performance.  相似文献   
Theory of Mind Is Contagious: You Catch It from Your Sibs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This study investigated the relation between family size and "theory of mind." Results from an experiment with 3- and 4-year-olds showed that children from larger families were better able than children from smaller families to predict a story character's mistaken (false-belief based) action. Results from a second experiment on children with exactly 1 sibling failed to show any superiority of older over younger siblings in promoting earlier understanding of belief. The data are interpreted as suggesting that sibling interaction provides a rich "data base" for building a theory of mind, and this is discussed in relation to other studies showing that particular kinds of interaction between sibling and child, or caregiver and child, have a beneficial effect on the understanding of false belief.  相似文献   
The question is whether or not we or any student are allowed to define a measure of variability in some other way that is not written in textbooks and officially approved. We compare the sum of squares of all deviations against the usual sum of squares of deviations from the mean.  相似文献   
This study identified and compared the full body kinematics of different skill levels in the forehand groundstroke when balls were hit cross court and down the line. Forty-three three-dimensional retroreflective marker trajectories of six elite and seven high-performance players were recorded using an eight-camera 400 Hz, Vicon motion analysis system. The six highest horizontal velocity forehands with reliable kinematics of all participants were analysed for each specific situation (a total of 156 analysed shots). Significant differences (p < 0.01) and large effect sizes were observed between elite and high-performance players in linear velocity of the shoulder (2.0 vs. 1.2 m/s), angular velocity of the pelvis (295 vs. 168 degrees/s), and angular velocity of the upper trunk (453 vs. 292 degrees/s) at impact. The elite group showed a tendency towards higher racquet velocities at impact (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found in angular displacement of the racquet, hip alignment, or shoulder alignment at the completion of the backswing; nor did angular displacement vary significantly at impact. Irrespective of the group, different shoulder, hip, and racquet angles were found at impact, depending on the situation. The results should assist coaches when striving to improve their players' forehand.  相似文献   
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