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Novel high torque bearingless two-sided rotary ultrasonic motor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Applications are limited at present because the currently available ultrasonic motors (USMs) do not provide suffi-ciently high torque and power. The conventional travelling-wave USM needs the bearing to support, which required lubricant. To solve the above problem, a bearingless travelling-wave USM is designed. First, a novel structure of the two-sided USM consisting of a two-sided teeth stator and two disk-type rotors is designed. And the excitation principle of the two-sided travelling-wave USM is analyzed. Then, using ANSYS software, we set up the model of the stator to predict the excitation frequency and modal response of the stator. The shape of the vibration mode was obtained. Last, the load characteristics of the USM are measured using ex-perimental method. The maximum stall torque and the no-load speed were obtained. The results showed that the characteristics of the two-sided USM are better than those of the conventional one-sided USM.  相似文献   
Contemporary international higher education scholarship tends to focus on the global financial crisis,on massification,privatization,cross-border education,university ranking,and student mobility.However,few studies deal with the development of liberal arts programs around the world and they are often related to Western systems of higher education or that of the US,where liberal arts education has long been seen as a fundamental issue.Comparative studies,however,could help scholars to become aware of critical trends and reforms,also the impact they might have on a global society.  相似文献   
Drawing on the literature and developments in Lifelong Education in the 1960s and 1970s, this paper seeks to offera contribution to the updating of the concept to address the pressing new needs of the 1980s for integrated policies for the preparation of educational personnel. Such policies are seen as necessitating the ability to forge new curricula across sectoral boundaries, linking education and economic activity, school and community, and achieving delivery in different modes and locations. The article offers a conceptualization of policy options for such preparation, comprising four major dimensions, each comprehending tendencies to conservation and change. The author proceeds to illustrate the conceptualization by reference to programmes provided, often on an inter-agency basis, in the United Kingdom by the Manpower Services Commission. The paper concludes by highlighting the continuing disjuncture between education and training and between education and national needs in many developing countries, partly as a legacy of colonial concepts of schooling, and points to the requirement for comprehensive and coherent policies which can link education and the economy and schooling and training, harnessing them to the response to pressing national needs.
Zusammenfassung Gestützt auf die Literatur und Entwicklungen im Bereich des Lebenslangen Lernen in den 60er und 70er Jahren versucht der Verfasser dieses Artikels eine Aktualisierung des Konzepts, um auf die dringenden neuen Bedürfnisse der 80er Jahre für integrierte Richtlinien zur Vorbereitung des Erziehungspersonals einzugehen. Schwerpunkte dieser Richtlinien sind: neue Curricula über Sektorengrenzen hinweg zu entwickeln, Bildung und wirtschaftliche Aktivität sowie Schule und Gemeinschaft miteinander zu verbinden und auf verschiedene Art und Weise und an verschiedenen Standorten zu vermitteln. Im nachfolgenden Artikel wird eine Konzeptualisierung der Optionen bei Richtlinien für eine derartige Vorbereitung angeboten, die aus vier Hauptdimensionen besteht. Jede diese Hauptdimensionen enthält Tendenzen zu Erhaltung und Veränderung einschließen. Der Verfasser veranschaulicht die Konzeptualisierung mit einem Verweis auf die im Vereinigten Königreich von Manpower Services Commission angebotenen Programme, die häufig auf einer Vermittlungsbasis zwischen den verschiedenen Regierungsstellen beruhen. Abschließend betont der Verfasser die fortdauernde Trennung zwischen Bildung und Ausbildung sowie zwischen Bildung und nationalen Bedürfnissen in vielen Entwicklungsländern, die teilweise als ein Erbe kolonialer Entwicklungskonzepte weiterbestehen. Es besteht ein Bedarf nach umfassenden und kohärenten Methoden, die Bildung und Wirtschaft sowie Erziehung und Ausbildung verknüpfen und sie an eine Antwort auf dringende nationale Bedürfnisse koppeln.

Résumé S'inspirant de la littérature et des développements de l'Education Permanente enregistrés au cours des années soixante et soixante-dix, cet article s'efforce d'apporter une contribution à la mise à jour de ce concept afin de présenter les nouveaux besoins pressants apparus dans les années quatre-vingts aux politiques intégrées pour la formation du personnel enseignant. On considère que de telles politiques nécessitent la capacité de forger de nouveaux curricula à travers les limites sectorielles, établissent des liens entre l'éducation et l'activité économique, l'école et la communauté, et opèrent de diverses manières et en différents endroits. L'article présent offre une conceptualisation des options politiques pour une telle préparation, qui englobe quatre grandes dimensions, chacune d'elles renfermant des propensions à l'invariabilité et à l'évolution. L'auteur illustre ensuite cette conceptualisation en se référant aux programmes offerts, sur une base interopérationnelle souvent, au Royaume-Uni par la Commission des Services de la Main-d'Oeuvre. Il conclut en soulignant l'incohérence constante entre l'éducation et la formation, l'éducation et les besoins nationaux que de nombreux pays en développement ont hérités en partie de concepts coloniaux d'éducation et il met en relief la nécessité de politiques générales et cohérentes capables de nouer des liens entre l'éducation et l'économie, l'instruction et la formation, les exhortant à répondre aux besoins nationaux urgents.

I am indebted to a Unesco Seminar for a number of the ideas contained in this paper. See Unesco,Interregional Symposium on Integrated Policies and Plans for the Training of Educational Personnel. Paris: Unesco, 1985.  相似文献   

No one discipline has a monopoly on the truth, especially in the analysis of a complex subject such as equality. If we are to deepen our understanding of inequality in education, we must open a dialogue with other disciplines, most especially with egalitarian theory. Bearing in mind the limitations of writing in a majority language tradition, the article explores the potential for creating a dialogue about equality between sociologists and critical and feminist egalitarian theorists. What sociologists can gain from egalitarian theory is a deepening of their understanding of the interface between the ethical and the empirical, of the interrelationship between fact and value in social life. In addition, egalitarian theory has the capacity to broaden our understanding of inequality in education beyond the distributive view of social justice that has dominated thinking in education to date. Drawing on the work of egalitarian theorists the article outlines four particular interpretations of equality that have relevance for researchers in education.  相似文献   
This article explores the way in which the World Bank has worked effectively with China in higher education. It investigates whether or not the cooperation between the two has changed in line with their changing relationship. More specifically, it discusses whether the World Bank’s China agenda reflects the reform package of socio-institutional neoliberalism which the World Bank has tended to promote worldwide in the era of the Post-Washington Consensus, and how China’s higher education reform has been influenced by the agenda. The article argues that as China is transferring its role from that of a recipient country to that of a donor country, it is increasingly important to position itself as a global player. Other than mastering the game rules of the international community, China should also expand its influence within and through these major international organizations.  相似文献   
This paper explores ways to enhance overseas Chinese graduate employability by taking Finnish-educated Chinese students/graduates as an example. In so doing, it understands that graduate employability development is a joint effort of multiple stakeholders including students, graduates, academics, program coordinators, employers, and policymakers. Accordingly, it provides arguments and suggestions for how to enhance the employability of these graduates in terms of the labor market context, employers’ beliefs and actions, the responsibilities of higher education institutions, and student/graduate commitment. It also points out two major challenges faced by overseas Chinese graduates as well as their educational providers, which are linked respectively to gaps between what graduates acquire in higher education and what is required in the labor market, as well as gaps from the employers’ perspective: areas where employers need to understand more about universities and catch up with new ideas generated by them.  相似文献   
Students experience a variety of emotions following achievement outcomes which stand to influence how they learn and perform in academic settings. However, little is known about the link between student outcome emotions and dimensions of performance feedback in computer-based learning environments (CBLEs). Understanding the dynamics of this relationship is particularly important for high-stakes, competency-based domains such as medical education. In this study, we examined the relationship between medical students’ (N = 30) outcome emotion profiles and their performance on a diagnostic reasoning task in the CBLE, BioWorld. We found that participants could be organized into distinct emotion groups using k-means cluster analyses based on their self-reported outcome emotion profiles: an expected positive emotion cluster and negative emotion cluster and an unexpected low intensity emotion cluster. A clear relationship was found between emotion clusters and diagnostic performance such that participants classified to the positive emotion cluster had the highest performance; those classified to the negative emotion cluster had the lowest performance; and those classified to the low intensity emotion cluster had performance outcomes that fell between the other two. Our discussion focuses on the theoretical implications of emotion classification and design recommendations for learning environments and emotional interventions in computer-based contexts.  相似文献   
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