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This study aimed to use an extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB), which incorporated additional self-efficacy and past behaviour, to predict the intention to engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and the MVPA level of Chinese adolescents. Questionnaires that focused on MVPA, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control (PBC), self-efficacy and past behaviour related to the MVPA engagement were administered to a sample of 488 young people. Multiple regression analyses provided moderate support for TPB. Three TPB constructs predicted 28.7% of the variance in intentions to engage in MVPA, and that PBC, but not intention, explained 3.4% of the variance in MVPA. Self-efficacy significantly affected intention and behaviour over and above the influence of TPB. Past behaviour had a small but significant improvement in the prediction of intention, but no improvement in the prediction of MVPA. Based on the results, interventions should target adolescent self-efficacy and PBC in physical activity participation.  相似文献   
目前,随着英语的普及,英语教育呈现出新的变化趋势,即英语学习者日趋年轻化,因此,培养高素质的小学英语师资力量成为时代的需求。本文结合笔者的教学实践,探讨了小学英语师资培训的基本教学思路,并分析了基本的教学模式。  相似文献   
提高西方经济学课堂教学质量之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对目前西方经济学课堂教学存在问题的分析与思考,就如何提高课堂教学质量,提出若干建议.  相似文献   
Partial discharge test on a transformer is carried out according to the items in IEC 60.During the test,unproved measuring system is calibrated by proved system at a voltage no less than 50% the rated testing voltage.The result is then extrapolated linearly,leading to an error related to the distribution of stray capacitance,which varies with the testing frequency,especially to large transformers.In this paper a factor,named the capacitive rise fact,is introduced to assess the rise.The factor can be adjusted to some extent by changing the reactance that is connected to the LV side of the testing circuit to lower the capacity of the power source.However,the factor changes when the voltage divider on the high voltage side is removed after the voltage ratio has been calculated,and a great error is resulted under unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   
中学生网络成瘾探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中学生使用网络,迷恋网络,主要受兴趣、好奇心、社会交往、自我实现以及外在等因素的驱使.通过对迷恋者培养积极兴趣创造成功体验、建立正确的自我评价认知范式、集体治疗及网络厌恶的干预手段,使他们正确使用网络而不至于成瘾.  相似文献   
21世纪中国崛起之依托:雄鸡发展战略模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"中国雄鸡发展战略模式"是从象形的角度假设命名的,即中国像一只昂首挺立于东方的雄鸡,并伸展着两个巨大的翅膀:"北翼"是上海合作组织,"南翼"是中国———东盟自由贸易区。实际上它是对中国在21世纪以更积极、更开放的姿态走向世界,迎接挑战,把握机遇,而投身于区域经济集团化浪潮中的发展战略总和的抽象概括。这种发展战略模式是以中国的崛起为前提的,也是以中国的崛起和发展为动力的,同时也是有利于中国的崛起和发展的"双赢"模式。随着这只雄鸡不断地茁壮成长,中国才能从容不迫地发挥一个世界大国的作用。  相似文献   
在工业4.0时代,劳动者驾驭智能化新型工业生产模式的数字能力成为实现国家发展策略的关键因素。因此,德国政府将劳动者数字能力培养提高到了战略层面并出台系列措施进行战略部署,包括:开展大型研究项目对工业4.0背景下数字能力概念的维度和内容进行深入解读;在分析实践困境的基础上,对企业、跨企业培训中心和职业学校各大办学主体分别给予扶持;参照工业4.0带来的全新任务领域对各个职业教育专业标准进行修订等。劳动者数字能力培养体现了在"人与机器"关系中以人为本的价值取向,代表了工业4.0背景下德国职业教育的改革重点和发展趋势,同时也凸显了德国政府顶层设计的作用。  相似文献   
经调研,发现多数中学生学习英语"苦练无果".自身学习存在弊端,针对这些存在的问题,本文提出了改进学习策略的几点建议.同时要彻底改变现状,追根究底必须深化"课改",指导学生学会学习、学会发展,获得终身学习能力.  相似文献   
河南作家李佩甫的《羊的门》和张宇的《软弱》都是以豫中平原作为故事发生发展背景的长篇小说,一写乡村,一写都市,把二者结合起来,可以从各侧面多角度地反映一定历史时期内豫中地区的社会文化生活,本文以这两部作品为例,对作品中蕴含的豫中文化展开论述,剖析其文化内涵和具体表现,以期对豫中文化做较为全面的阐释和总结,两位作家对豫中文化既有感性的直觉,又有理性的认知;既有认同肯定的地方,也不乏反思批判之处,从而使作品的文化主题得到了深刻的发挥和表现。  相似文献   
This paper addresses a dynamic portfolio investment problem. It discusses how we can dynamically choose candidate assets, achieve the possible maximum revenue and reduce the risk to the minimum level. The paper generalizes Markowitz's portfolio selection theory and Sharpe's rule for investment decision. An analytical solution is presented to show how an institutional or individual investor can combine Markowitz's portfolio selection theory, generalized Sharpe's rule and Value-at-Risk(VaR) to find candidate assets and optimal level of position sizes for investment (dis-investment). The result shows that the generalized Markowitz's portfolio selection theory and generalized Sharpe's rule improve decision making for investment.  相似文献   
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