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中国高考评价体系的“四层”包括:核心价值、科学素养、关键能力、必备知识,把握四层的涵义能高效引导课堂教学.2020年北京新高考改革,物理学科变为“学业水平等级性考试”,试题紧密围绕四个层次的要求进行命题,极佳地体现了等级划分能力,充分落实了课程标准的各项要求以及高校人才选拔要求,取得了北京新高考改革的“开门红”.  相似文献   
加强和改进大学生就业指导对策分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
近几年大学生就业难问题日渐突出,高等学校应主动适应经济社会发展对人才的需求,采取切实有效的措施,加强和改进大学生就业指导,重视就业指导队伍建设,构建大学生就业信息网络平台,注重大学生就业指导向“全程化”、“科学化”发展,在培养大学生全面素质的基础上,努力提高大学生的就业能力,促进大学生充分就业。  相似文献   
学前教育专业见习对于学前教育专业人才培养具有重要价值,本研究基于OBE教育理念,以学生的学习成果为基础,反向设计学前教育专业见习目标、内容、组织实施以及评价,关注学生在见习结束后在教育教学行为表现和能力方面的增长,运用问卷调查法对198名高职学前教育专业学生见习前的准备状况、见习中遇到的问题、见习后的感受与收获进行了调查,对学生见习前、见习中、见习后的情况进行了详细的数据分析,从学校、幼儿园、学生三个方面提出了改进的建议,以促进学前教育专业见习质量的提升,为我国培养高素质善保教的幼儿园教师队伍。  相似文献   
以血糖调节为主线,利用相关资料作情境,通过分析胰岛素和糖皮质激素对血糖的调节作用及机理,构建激素调节血糖机理的概念模型,帮助学生深入理解反馈调节等重要概念,重点培养学生获取信息的能力,提升归纳与概括等科学思维,形成稳态与平衡的生命观念.  相似文献   
韩愈《进学解》一文提出的"记事者必提其要"为学方法,千古以为美谈。然而细细考究,这个概念含义并不明确。前人对"记事者必提其要"做了各种阐释和解读,经过梳理,认为它大体有三种不同的理解,即对史籍一类的著作要抓住其纲要;采摘经史,据事以类义;整理史实要含咀英华、删除冗赘。  相似文献   

Due to budget constraints, schools in the United States have increasingly turned to community arts organizations for support. School-community arts partnership stakeholders collaborate because of shared missions to provide students with valuable arts learning experiences. Investigations of these initiatives indicate that these partnerships improve arts learning opportunities and increase public support and resources for arts education. However, not much is known about the experiences and perspectives of the arts organizations that participate in these partnerships. Coordinating collective efforts with a multitude of institutions and interests poses challenges. In this study, we examine survey data collected from arts organization administrators who participated in a large-scale school-community arts partnership initiative. We find that these organizations are generally positive about their impacts on students’ educational outcomes, but there is substantial variation in these views. We also find that organizations differ in their levels of support for these collective efforts. Sources of this variation appear to be attributable to organizations’ preexisting resources and extent to which they are established. While this difference in levels of support is potentially inevitable, we find evidence that the operations handled by the “backbone” organization, i.e. the initiative’s facilitators and overseers, can significantly influence organizations’ levels of support for these efforts. Organizations are more likely to support these collaborative efforts when they believe the backbone organization ensures transparency with initiative operations, provides regular, effective communication, and effectively resolves competing priorities.  相似文献   
因果要素关联视域下社交媒体倦怠用户画像模型构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义]探究社交媒体倦怠的原因要素和结果要素标签,分析各要素间的相互作用关系,扩展用户信息行为的理论研究范畴,为企业深入了解用户社交媒体倦怠发展态势提供指导。[方法/过程]基于信息生态理论,提取"信息人、信息、信息环境和信息技术"4个信息生态因子维度的社交媒体用户画像标签;根据用户心理特征和行为表现,抽取用户画像情感和行为标签,构建社交媒体倦怠用户画像模型。[结果/结论]透过社交媒体用户消极使用和负面情感变化的典型社会现象,对用户画像模型进行整合分析与关系凝练,证明本研究社交媒体倦怠用户画像模型与S-S-O理论框架具有一致性,并根据实际进行理论上的拓展和应用。  相似文献   
本立足于翻译的标准和原则,结合笔的翻译实践,从语体角度阐述英汉翻译中的语言美现象。  相似文献   
This study investigated the combined role of instructor communication variables (nonverbal immediacy and self-disclosure), instructor credibility (competence, caring, and trustworthiness), and student personality traits (extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness) in predicting students’ uncivil behaviors in class. A total of 406 students completed online questionnaires regarding the instructor of the class they attended prior to the one in which the study was administered. Personality and instructor behavior variables contributed approximately equally to explaining variance in student incivility. Students’ conscientiousness and agreeableness had direct negative relationships with incivility, whereas instructors’ amount and negativity of self-disclosure had direct positive relationships with incivility.  相似文献   
Race walking is an Olympic event where no visible loss of contact should occur and the knee must be straightened until midstance. The purpose of this study was to analyse ground reaction forces of world-class race walkers and associate them with key spatiotemporal variables. Nineteen athletes race walked along an indoor track and made contact with two force plates (1000 Hz) while being filmed using high-speed videography (100 Hz). Race walking speed was correlated with flight time (r = .46, p = .049) and flight distance (r = .69, p = .001). The knee's movement from hyperextension to flexion during late stance meant the vertical push-off force that followed midstance was smaller than the earlier loading peak (p < .001), resulting in a flattened profile. Athletes with narrower stride widths experienced reduced peak braking forces (r = .49, p = .046), peak propulsive forces (r = .54, p = .027), peak medial forces (r = .63, p = .007) and peak vertical push-off forces (r = .60, p = .011). Lower fluctuations in speed during stance were associated with higher stride frequencies (r = .69, p = .001), and highlighted the importance of avoiding too much braking in early stance. The flattened trajectory and consequential decrease in vertical propulsion might help the race walker avoid visible loss of contact (although non-visible flight times were useful in increasing stride length), while a narrow stride width was important in reducing peak forces in all three directions and could improve movement efficiency.  相似文献   
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