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Language is a crucial feature of national and personal identity. Where Nationality is contested or controlled a particular language may be promoted or prohibited and the language of instruction is often informed by a ‘national’ political agenda. In Spain Franco attempted the suppression of Catalan identity prohibiting the public use of Catalan, schooling was conducted in Castilian. After Franco, in 1975 the new constitution promoted autonomy and self government for Catalonia. The regional government developed an educational policy, teaching Catalan to all children and using Catalan as the vehicular language in schools. The present population of Catalonia is approximately six million, over four million speak Catalan as their first language but there is significant population whose first language is Castilian. The article moves from a discussion of identity and nationalism, to an account of the dynamics of language in Catalonia and the development of Catalan education policy and its implications for questions of identity, nationality, education and language.  相似文献   
This article investigates the policy of setting that is commonly being seen as an organizational tool for effective delivery of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS). It is suggested that teachers are finding the increased amount of whole-class teaching to a diverse range of abilities, as prescribed by the NLS, problematic. This case-study researches both teachers' and children's perspectives on the Literacy Hour as taught in mixed-ability classes and in sets. Reflective commentaries and pupil questionnaires were used to collect data over two years. The results indicate a complex range of issues, both pedagogical and organizational, which need be considered before setting can be promoted as a strategy for literacy delivery. I conclude that there is a need for urgent research into the effectiveness of setting as a means of teaching the Literacy Hour.  相似文献   
This case study investigated the integration of laptop computers into an elementary classroom in a low socioeconomic status (SES) school. Specifically, the research examined classroom management techniques and aspects of authentic learning relative to the student projects and activities. A mixed methods approach included classroom observations, interviews with the teacher, interviews with the students, and analysis of student projects. The results provide insight regarding the benefits and challenges of integrating wireless technology in an elementary classroom with at‐risk students. In addition, the project resulted in a web site with sample lesson plans (including objectives, required materials, NETS competencies and extension activities), teacher reflections and training tips.

Les ordinateurs portables dans la classe élémentaire: un enseignement authentique avec des élèves ‘à risque’

La présente étude de cas porte sur l'intégration des ordinateurs portables dans une classe élémentaire d'une école pour enfants de milieux peu favorisés. La recherche a porté plus particulièrement sur les techniques de gestion de la classe et sur les aspects de l'apprentissage authentique qui sont liés aux projets et aux activités des élèves. L'approche mixte qui a été utilisée a comporté des observations de classes, des entretiens avec le professeur, des entretiens avec les élèves et l'analyse des projets de ces élèves. Les résultats fournissent un éclairage sur les avantages et les défis de l'intégration d'une technologie «sans fil» dans une classe élémentaire avec des élèves «à risque». Le projet a également abouti à un site Web comportant des plans de leçons (comprenant les objectifs,les matériaux requis,les compétences Réseau et les activités d'extension), les réflexions des professeurs et des «tuyaux» sur la formation.

Laptopcomputer im Grundschulunterricht: Authentische Anweisung für die Arbeit mit belasteten Schülern

Diese Fallstudie untersuchte die Integration von Laptopcomputern in den Grundschulunterricht einer Schule mit einem niedrigen sozioökonomischen Status (SES‐Schule). Insbesondere prüften die Wissenschaftler Unterrichtsmanagementtechniken und Aspekte authentischen Lernens in Bezug auf die Schülerprojekte und Aktivitäten. Ein Ansatz mit unterschiedlichen Methoden enthielt Beobachtungen im Klassenunterricht, Interviews mit dem Lehrer, Interviews mit den Schülern und Analysen von Schülerprojekten. Die Ergebnisse gewähren Einblicke in Nutzen und Chancen, drahtlose Techniken im Grundschulunterricht mit belasteten Schülern (‘at‐risk students') zu integrieren. Außerdem führte das Projekt zu einer Web‐Site mit beispielhaften Stundenplanungen (mit Angabe der Unterrichtsziele und der erforderlichen Materialien, NETS‐Kompetenzen und weiterführenden Aktivitäten), Reflexionen der Lehrer und Ratschlägen für Übungen.

Los ordenadores portatiles en aulas de primaria: una educación auténtica con alumnos de riesgo

Este estudio de caso se basa en una investigación sobre la integración de los ordenadores portátiles en una clase básica dentro de una escuela de bajo nivel socioeconómico. Más específicamente los investigadores examinarón las técnicas de administración del aula y los aspectos de aprendizaje auténtico relacionados con los proyectos y actividades de los alumnos. Con el enfoque sobre una metodología mixta, se pudo incluir observaciones de aulas, entrevistas con el maestro, entrevistas con los alumnos y un análisis de los proyectos de los alumnos. Los resultados ofrecen una comprensión de las ventajas y de los desafíos de la integración de una tecnología inalámbrica dentro de aulas de primaria con alumnos de riesgo. Otro resultado del proyecto fué la creación de un sitio web con ejemplos de planes de lecciones (incluyendo objetivos, materiales requeridos, competencias en redes y actividades de extensión) algunas reflecciones de profesores y informaciones sobre la formación.  相似文献   
Studies show that extending students’ mathematical thinking during whole-group discussions is a challenging undertaking. To better understand what extending student thinking looks like and how teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) supports teachers in their efforts to extend student thinking, the teaching of six experienced elementary school teachers was explored. During group discussions, all six teachers created opportunities for extending student thinking about important mathematical ideas and solution methods. Findings on the nature of these episodes include identification of individual instructional actions and the ways in which teachers’ MKT was connected to these actions.  相似文献   
This paper draws on data collected during a longitudinal collaborative project with teachers in England from schools and further education colleges. The project investigated ‘Learning to Learn’ in partnership with teacher–researchers with a focus on how metacognitive awareness can be improved by enquiring into creative combinations of pedagogy, environment and learners’ dispositions. The paper is an attempt to make clear the theoretical underpinnings of our belief that the project teachers were enacting something different, something metacognitive. We present a pragmatic model of metacognition development based on ideas collaboratively produced across the project. The five cycles of development are exemplified from the pedagogic and the professional learning perspective with quotes, vignettes and case study excerpts. We show a catalytic relationship between the pedagogies used by the teachers to develop their students’ metacognition and the teachers’ own learning and metacognitive knowledge and skilfulness.  相似文献   
The faculty and administration of a school of education in the mid-Atlantic region formally adopted a standards-based, conceptual framework that reflects the values articulated by the faculty and the outcomes for students as they prepare for and develop in their professions. Faculty and administrators agreed to use the framework as the basis for examining professional programs, academic courses, and professional experiences, as well as for governing interactions with one another as colleagues. This article describes the conceptual framework, its goals, research used to evaluate the framework, and the outcomes attained.  相似文献   
School is often considered an ideal setting for child social skills training due to the opportunities it provides for skills teaching, modeling, and practice. The current study evaluated the effectiveness of two variants of the Secret Agent Society social skills program for children with high‐functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD) in a mainstream school context. Sixty‐nine students aged 7–12 took part in one of two different 10‐week versions of the program (structured versus unstructured) to determine their relative effectiveness. Results suggested that both program variants led to improvements in emotion regulation abilities, social skills, and behavior at school and home, maintained at 6‐week follow‐up. However, the structured intervention generally led to superior treatment outcomes. These results suggest that improvements in social–emotional functioning can be achieved for students with HFASD through time‐limited school‐based interventions. Limitations of this study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Predictors of academic success at university are of great interest to educators, researchers and policymakers. With more students studying online, it is important to understand whether traditional predictors of academic outcomes in face-to-face settings are relevant to online learning. This study modelled self-regulatory and demographic predictors of subject grades in 84 online and 80 face-to-face undergraduate students. Predictors were effort regulation, grade goal, academic self-efficacy, performance self-efficacy, age, sex, socio-economic status (SES) and first-in-family status. A multi-group path analysis indicated that the models were significantly different across learning modalities. For face-to-face students, none of the model variables significantly predicted grades. For online students, only performance self-efficacy significantly predicted grades (small effect). Findings suggest that learner characteristics may not function in the same way across learning modes. Further factor analytic and hierarchical research is needed to determine whether self-regulatory predictors of academic success continue to be relevant to modern student cohorts.

Practitioner Notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Self-regulatory and demographic variables are important predictors of university outcomes like grades.
  • It is unclear whether the relationships between predictor variables and outcomes are the same across learning modalities, as research findings are mixed.
What this paper adds
  • Models predicting university students' grades by demographic and self-regulatory predictors differed significantly between face-to-face and online learning modalities.
  • Performance self-efficacy significantly predicted grades for online students.
  • No self-regulatory variables significantly predicted grades for face-to-face students, and no demographic variables significantly predicted grades in either cohort.
  • Overall, traditional predictors of grades showed no/small unique effects in both cohorts.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • The learner characteristics that predict success may not be the same across learning modalities.
  • Approaches to enhancing success in face-to-face settings are not automatically applicable to online settings.
  • Self-regulatory variables may not predict university outcomes as strongly as previously believed, and more research is needed.
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