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珠江三角洲近年来经济高速发展,各地市政建设日新月异,但也暴露出基础建设资金的缺口问题。本文针对以下几个问题展开分析:一、基础设施项目的作用及工作特点。二、主要融资方式分析。包括(一)常规手段:1.信贷资金 2.自筹资金 3.发行基础设施建设债券融资(二)创新手段:1.设立珠三角海外基金和国内基金 2.发行外币证券 3.BOT 4.ABS 5.ADR 6.组合项目融资方式 7.权利转让 8.金融品种创新。三、保证融资手段顺利实施的若干建议。  相似文献   
As the golden anniversary milestone of ACES passes, this article addresses counselor education for the 1990s and beyond, something future leaders and members can reference.  相似文献   
IntroductionTheHitchcock’sTransportationProblem(HTP)canbeformulatedasaclassiclinearprogrammingprobleminwhichthesetofconstraintsisofaspecialstructure[1,2].TheHTPisapracticaltransportationprobleminproductiondistributionsector.Alotofpracticaltrans-portationandassignmentproblems,suchastheminimumcostroadnetworktrafficflowproblemwithsolidchargeinlogistics,canbeformulatedinthisway,anditisclearlythattheHTPmaybehasmorethanoneoptimalsolution.Itisveryimportantforadecision-makertoselectafavorableone…  相似文献   
"新农村学习型学校社区建设工程"是一项由政府、大学与非政府组织、学校与社区、城市与农村共同参与的大型伙伴协作项目。该项目的实施采用了一种演化渐进的取向,参与各方对目标的诠释各有侧重。从变革实施的"忠实观"和"调适观"两种观点来看,该项目取得了一定的成效。今后同类项目的实施可考虑在学校领导、社会参与及评价方法等方面做出改进。  相似文献   
在标本室研究和野外考察的基础上,对中国野青茅属Deyeuxia的一些种类进行了修订。归并了2个名称,即将Deyeuxia sikangensis Keng并入D. scabrescens (Griseb.) Munro ex Duthie作为异名; 将D. levipes Keng并入D. nivicola Hook. f. 作为异名。确认了D. dispar L. Liou和D. agrostioides L. Liou是两个未合格发表的名称,将前者归并于D. scabrescens,后者归并于D. diffusa Keng。  相似文献   
A protection system using a multi-agent concept for power distribution networks is pro- posed. Every digital over current relay(OCR) is developed as an agent by adding its own intelli- gence, self-tuning and communication ability. The main advantage of the multi-agent concept is that a group of agents work together to achieve a global goal which is beyond the ability of each individual agent. In order to cope with frequent changes in the network operation condition and faults, an OCR agent, proposed in this paper, is able to detect a fault or a change in the network and find its optimal parameters for protection in an autonomous manner considering information of the whole network obtained by communication between other agents.Through this kind of coordi- nation and information exchanges, not only a local but also a global protective scheme is com- pleted. Simulations in a simple distribution network show the effectiveness of the proposed protec- tion system.  相似文献   
中国和韩国都是东亚国家,双边关系互为两国最重要的双边关系之一。目前的韩中关系存在某些不容乐观的新状况,正处在一个战略转折点上,是回到良性发展的轨道,还是继续摩擦与对立,这需要引入新的视角和研究方法。对韩中关系在理论层次上进行抽象、概括、总结、分析,以建构主义国际关系理论来展开研究,可以说是一个恰当的选择。  相似文献   
Biclustering is a method of grouping objects and attributes simultaneously in order to find multiple hidden patterns.When dealing with a long time series,there is a low possibility of finding meaningful clusters of whole time sequence.However,we may find more significant clusters containing partial time sequence by applying a biclustering method.This paper proposed a new biclustering algorithm for time series data following an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model.We assumed the plaid model but modified the algorithm to incorporate the sequential nature of time series data.The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method was used to estimate coefficients of ARMA in each bicluster.We applied the proposed method to several synthetic data which were generated from different ARMA orders.Results from the experiments showed that the proposed method compares favorably with other biclustering methods for time series data.  相似文献   
The science academies of the world are mounting a global initiative on the solutions to problems of sustainability transition in the 21st century. With population and environment as over-arching themes, they have identified food, energy, health, consumption, water and education and information as the six most important issues. The author argues that education should really be an over-arching theme, citing the experience and lessons from the Asian economic crisis and the social, economic and behavioural issues involved in achieving sustainable consumption in the developed world and sustainable development in the developing world. The efforts of science, engineering and technology (SET) in helping the world to a sustainable future must be underpinned by equity, morality and higher human values. The author appeals for a new SET unity and a return to engineering unity with a humane face, and urges engineering educators and practitioners to devote time to community service and involvement and to focus on lifelong continuous engineering education and continuous professional development leading to global reach and mobility of the professional engineers.  相似文献   
基于影响因素的复杂性、幼儿障碍的特殊性、治疗方法的局限性、治疗人员的专业性等方面的考虑,学前特殊儿童宜采取综合干预策略进行针对性的训练.综合干预策略主要包括场所中心综合干预策略、儿童中心综合十预策略、项目中心综合干预策略、多维中心综合干预策略等,其作用主要表现为:可以促进不同专业人员之间集思广益,可以提升单一干预的效果,可以促进特殊婴幼儿某一方面或多方面能力的发展.  相似文献   
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