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In the current experiment, we examined optimal focus for novices during a movement sequence in which performance was measured on accurate movement form/technique. A novel gymnastics routine was practiced under either an internal skill-relevant, internal skill-irrelevant, external, or no attention focus. Retention and transfer tests were then completed. During acquisition, adopting an internal irrelevant focus significantly improved performance, whereas an external focus degraded performance. There were no significant group differences in the retention and transfer tests. This suggests that learning of movement form/technique did not benefit from a specific focus of attention. The results are interpreted via an attentional capacity viewpoint and the notion that form tasks do not always contain obvious movement effects central to common coding and the constrained action hypothesis.  相似文献   
经济学专业是各个院校不断发展壮大的专业,但其课程设置缺乏特色,不能很好的培养出面向地方、服务基层的应用性人才。本文通过探讨应用型经济专业人才的培养标准,解析构建应用型高校经济学专业课程群的必要性,找到应用型高校经济学专业课程体系设置存在的问题,提出高校经济学专业课程群构建的基本思路,力图为应用型高校经济学教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,商品房价格的不断攀升,城镇低收入家庭的住房问题成了社会普遍关注的亟待解决的问题,而廉租住房建设就是解决这一问题的关键。近几年,我国廉租住房建设虽然取得了阶段性成果,但在实施中还存在着一些问题,对此本文提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
朱九思曾执掌华中工学院30余载,将一所初建于20世纪50年代的新兴工学院打造成为一所声名远扬的多科综合性大学。经历了临危受命-蓄势待发的初创期、首当其冲-艰难前进的发展前期、休戚与共-不断超越的发展中期以及老骥伏枥-再创辉煌的发展后期,华中工学院在朱九思的领导下,坚持科研是"源",教学是"流";强调综合发展,发挥多科性优势;主动延揽人才,重视师资队伍建设;积极优化环境,建设完备校园资源;探索拓宽口径,推动国际交流与合作。这些办学实践与改革,使华中工学院抓牢了发展机遇、增强了综合实力,得以迅速崛起,与国内外一流大学比肩。朱九思之喻家兴学丰富的价值意涵为我国现代大学的发展与改革提供了有益启迪。  相似文献   
论元代王恽的科学活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中从四个方面讨论了王恽的科学活动:(1)王恽的科技工作与对某些自然现象的认识;(2)与李冶的关系;(3)与郭守敬的关系;(4)对农业的倡导与反对庸医  相似文献   
尤荻  戚安邦 《未来与发展》2011,34(9):97-102
本文基于对天津地区科技企业孵化器和其中200余家在孵企业的调研结果,就其在组织结构、组织和管理机制方面的问题进行分析,并在此基础上提出了项目导向型科技企业孵化器这一概念。通过从组织结构、管理机制、企业文化和管理能力四个方面对这种组织模式的内涵、特点和构成要素进行阐释,说明了该新型组织模式与创新活动的匹配性以及对科技企业孵化器企业管理能力的提升作用,这将为孵化器企业进行组织变革和提高竞争力提供有利借鉴。  相似文献   
This article describes a study of how Chinese preservice teachers unpacked a learning goal pertaining to adding fractions and understanding the concepts underlying the operation. Based on work in the USA by Morris, Hiebert, and Spizter (Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40(5), 491–529, 2009), 50 Chinese preservice teachers completed a task, anticipating an ideal student response, in the context of four representations: (1) fraction pieces, (2) graph paper, (3) common denominator algorithm, and (4) pennies. Like the US-based study, this study shows that Chinese preservice teachers’ ability to unpack a learning goal was highly influenced by how the problem was represented. The pennies and graph paper problems provided more supportive contexts for unpacking the learning goal; the algorithm problem provided the least supportive context. The main difference between the preservice teachers from these two countries was the US preservice teachers chose the pennies and graph paper problems as having the most potential for revealing students’ understanding of the learning goal; while the Chinese preservice teachers chose the algorithm problem despite the problem’s unsupportive context. Chinese preservice teachers’ preference suggests that they privileged algorithmic/symbolic representations over pictorial/concrete representations. Based on our results, we argue that it is time for cross-cultural comparative research to refocus on the common barriers, challenges, and benefits as related to mathematics teacher preparation and professional development. A cooperative instead of competitive orientation will lead to richer and deeper dialogues among mathematics educators.  相似文献   
真人秀与“现场追述”   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
现场追述是真人秀节目特有的一种叙事手段,即利用节目的参与者在事后追述节目中曾经发生的事件,并穿插在事件进行当中讲述故事.现场追述的出现,解决了真人秀节目真实和虚构紧密结合的矛盾,将记录叙事和虚拟叙事的特点结合起来.从理论上看,通过画外音完成叙事的真人秀节目其实是在坚守着传统的"电影模式"话语方式,而由现场追述完成的真人秀叙事则是一种将"电影模式"和"艺术语言模式"结合在一起的话语方式.现场追述在电视史上的创新价值正在于此.  相似文献   
中国古代曾出现的将神话传说本身改造成历史的神话历史化运动 ,使中国古代的体系神话不同于古希腊的体系神话 ,并且由于神话历史化内容不仅是将神话传说的内容改造成历史甚至是现实内容 ,而且还包含着将现实的人物神化、将现实内容非现实化倾向 ,致使中国古代的叙事文 ,无论是历史叙事文、志怪类叙事文 ,还是文学叙事文都受其影响  相似文献   
论语言艺术在歌唱教学与训练中的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言艺术对歌唱教学与训练有着特别重要的作用。如何把握歌唱与语言的关系.并运用到教学与训练的实践中去,是本文探讨的主要内容。本人将就语言的重要性、语言艺术在歌唱教学与训练中的运用以及歌唱教师应具备的语言修养三方面进行分析研究。  相似文献   
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