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In an attempt to assess the importance of formal and nonformal education for the acquisition of skilled blue-collar jobs in the Brazilian modern industrial sector, 62 job applicants were interviewed in five factories in Salvador, Bahia. Data pertaining to the applicants' residential background, educational activities, industrial work experience, and the specific context of their applications were subjected to path analytic treatment, utilizing a fully recursive causal model. The analysis reveals that extended participation in nonformal education (mainly vocational preparation courses) performs two important functions on the labor market: it directs participants to the technologically and organizationally more complex factories, and it tends to increase the chances of being contracted. The amount of formal education received, on the other hand, fails to appear as an important predictor for the acquisition of employment. It is suggested that the relationships between formal education and the industrial labor market are of a complex non-linear nature: an effect of ‘academic over-qualification’, likely to occur with white-collar aspirations which are valued negatively by employers, seems to militate against the assumption of a simple linear contribution of formal education to obtaining industrial employment.  相似文献   
This article offers a tentative exploration of how working‐class students' mobility is affected by the push to enter middle‐class careers and lifestyles, and the pull of their working‐class origins. Based on a nine‐year qualitative longitudinal study of working‐class students at a Canadian university, I will show that few study participants experienced mobility as an uncontested or linear trajectory. Two key storylines can be identified: (a) a story of adjustment, modification and contentment; and (b) a story of conflict, loss, and struggle. For most, educational mobility was tempered by revisions of occupational ambitions, by returns to their home communities and by lifestyle choices that do not fit simple narratives of status mobility. And yet, all expressed a growing sense of self‐confidence, appreciated their education as an experience of personal growth, and achieved on their own terms, in post‐graduate education and newly discovered careers.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Anbetracht der hohen Kosten und zum Teil enttäuschenden Ergebnisse, die mit dem massiven Ausbau des allgemeinbildenden Schulwesens in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern verbunden sind, wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit sich für Arbeiter in brasilianischen Industriezentren außerschulische Bildungs- und Ausbildungsanstrengungen über den Erhalt eines entsprechenden Arbeitsplatzes auszahlen. Informationen über den Bildungs- und Ausbildungsgang von 149 Bewerbern um industrielle Arbeitsplätze in João Pessoa und Salvador werden zum Erfolg der Bewerbungen diskriminanzanalytisch in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei zeigt sich an beiden Orten, daß formale Schulbildung wohl die beruflichen Erwartungen der Arbeiter erhöht, nicht aber mit einer höheren Einstellungswahrscheinlichkeit einhergeht. Die Teilnahme an außerschulischen Bildungsmaßnahmen kovariiert hingegen bei den Facharbeitern positiv mit den Beschäftigungschancen, und zwar je nach Kontext aus unterschiedlichen Gründen: im industriell noch kaum entwickelten João Pessoa sind Programme, die keinen direkten Bezug zur angestrebten Position erkennen lassen, anscheinend ebenso wertvoll bei der Arbeitsuche wie beruflich einschlägige Kurse; dieser Befund verweist für den Kontext beginnender Industrialisierung auf die ökonomische Bedeutung, die sich mit der Teilnahme an Kursen außerhalb der Schule verbindet. Im wirtschaftlich höher entwickelten Salvador ist jedoch ein positiver Einfluß auf die Einstellungswahrscheinlichkeit nur noch für die außerschulische Berufsausbildung nachweisbar; hier setzen sich demnach an nutzbaren Fertigkeiten orientierte Entscheidungskriterien durch, die auch in westlichen Ländern gelten.
In view of the high cost and the often disappointing results achieved by the massive extension of general education in developing countries, this article investigates the extent to which out-of-school education and training courses assist workers in Brazilian industrial centres in obtaining employment. By discriminant analysis, information on the education and training of 149 applicants for industrial jobs in João Pessoa and Salvador is related to the success rate of their applications. It is shown that, while formal school education raises the vocational expectations of the workers in both towns, it does not coincide with a higher probability of securing employment. On the other hand, participation in out-of-school education or training correlates positively with employment opportunities, for different reasons according to the context. In João Pessoa, where industry is only in the early stages of development, programmes which appear to have no direct relation to the hoped-for job seem to be as useful in the search for employment as specific professional training courses. This indicates the economic importance of participation in out-of-school courses. In Salvador, however, which is economically more highly developed, out-of-school vocational training alone appears to have a positive influence on the chances of finding employment. Apparently, decision criteria here are oriented more to consideration of usable skills, as they are in Western countries.

Résumé Les auteurs de cet article, prenant en considération le coût élevé et les résultats souvent décevants de l'extension massive de l'éducation générale dans les pays en développement, examinent jusqu'à quel point l'éducation extra-scolaire et les cours de formation aident les travailleurs des centres industriels brésiliens à obtenir un emploi. L'information a été fournie grâce à une analyse discriminante qui a établi un rapport entre l'éducation et la formation de 149 postulants à des emplois dans l'industrie à João Pessoa et à Salvador, et les résultats positifs de leurs demandes. Il est montré que si l'éducation scolaire formelle dans les deux villes suscite des espoirs professionnels chez les travailleurs, elle ne coïncide pas avec une probabilité supérieure d'embauche. Par ailleurs, la participation à l'education extra-scolaire ou à la formation exerce une influence positive sur les chances d'emploi, pour diverses raisons, selon le contexte. A João Pessoa où l'industrie en est encore aux premiers stades du développement, des programmes qui paraissent n'avoir aucune relation directe avec l'emploi convoité semblent se révéler aussi utiles dans la recherche d'un emploi que des cours spécifiquement professionnels. Ceci démontre l'importance économique des cours extra-scolaires. Toutefois, à Salvador, qui est économiquement beaucoup plus développé que João Pessoa, seule la formation professionnelle extra-scolaire paraît exercer une influence positive sur les chances d'emploi. Là, apparemment, les critères de la décision prennent davantage en considération les compétences professionnelles, à l'instar des pays occidentaux.
Drawing on discourse analysis and critical literacy, this study calls into question prevailing assumptions about integration by examining talk in English and Humash classrooms as windows into the two worlds of a Modern Orthodox high school. The study found that the two subjects presented very different models of teaching and learning. Humash was grounded in a Discourse of authority, whereas English was grounded in a Discourse of autonomy. In lieu of integration, this article recommends “counterpoise,” programming for meta-knowledge in which school members confront and openly discuss the distinctions between their Discourses.  相似文献   
Becoming a history teacher requires the integration of pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and content knowledge. Because the integration of knowledge from different disciplines is a complex task, we investigated prompted learning journals as a method to support teacher students’ knowledge integration. Fifty-two preservice history teachers participated in the experimental study. They read a text about a historical event, a text about teaching history, and a text about cognitive learning processes. Then they wrote a learning journal entry about the three texts. To support the journal writing, the participants in the experimental condition received four integration prompts, whereas the participants in the control condition received no prompts. In the prompted condition, the students engaged more often in integration strategies at the cost of rehearsal and organization strategies. Rehearsal and integration strategies predicted students’ recall of knowledge and their ability to evaluate learning tasks. Integration strategies as elicited in the journals predicted preservice teachers’ performance when designing a learning task for history education. In solving this task, the prompted preservice teachers used the information from the three texts in a more balanced way than the unprompted students who strongly focused on content knowledge. The study illustrates the potentials of learning journals as a method to support knowledge integration in history teacher education.  相似文献   
Background: The Clinical Librarian (CL) Service at Brighton was established in 2003 with the aim of providing high‐quality evidence to designated teams and fostering an evidence‐based culture. Objective: To evaluate the CL service at Brighton and discuss the implication of the findings. Methods: A combination of internally collected data (n = 167), and an external evaluation of the service by questionnaires (n = 86) of users and non‐users and interviews (n = 9) of users. Results: Internal data suggest that the service is valued by its users and that patient care and continuing professional development are the most common uses for searches (confirmed by the external study); that searches generally result in some change in knowledge; and that this knowledge is disseminated. The external study found that visibility of the CL was crucial to the effectiveness of the role and that clinicians used the service mostly to get access to a wider range of resources and/or to save time. Users wanted the CL to include evaluative annotation with the results, and for the CL role to become more embedded in the team. Interview results expanded on the issues of integration of the CL and the need for annotation of results. Conclusions: To be most effective, CLs would be dedicated to one team, but financial constraints make this unlikely. Alternative working patterns are suggested as a possible compromise.  相似文献   
The main goal of this study was to investigate the influence of an established school programme with a high amount of physical education on visual-spatial ability in a secondary school. One hundred and forty-four adolescents, 69 from sport classes and 75 from regular classes, solved a cognitive processing speed task and a mental rotation task. The results reflect a better cognitive processing speed of the boys in the sports classes compared to regular classes but no differences for girls. Concerning the mental rotation performance, we found a significantly better mental rotation performance for boys and girls in the sports classes compared to regular classes due to an increased number of items worked on. Supposedly, motor expertise facilitates mental rotation performance by promoting a faster editing of the task. The benefits of sport classes in normal high school settings have to be investigated in further studies considering the effect on academic performance.  相似文献   
Completion rates are one measure of the success of apprenticeship training. But little is known about outcomes for youth who begin an apprenticeship in high school. This paper draws primarily on interviews with youth who did not continue training or work in their high school apprenticeship trade in two Canadian provinces. Our analysis focuses on why these youth decided to enrol in high school apprenticeship, why they did not continue and what they did afterwards. Findings suggest that a narrow focus on apprenticeship training completion diverts attention from the complex learning and work transitions experienced by most youth. Instead of assuming a linear pathway from school-to-trades work, we argue that partners involved in high school apprenticeship and policy-makers could do more to raise student awareness of multiple trajectories and skills transfer, make apprenticeship training more expansive, and increase the flexibility of pathways by providing greater articulation between different post-secondary education pathways and opportunities to change direction.  相似文献   
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