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Community-based informal education, like other practices, is fundamentally shaped by the discourses under which it is constituted. In Scotland, since 1975, the practice has been formally established by government policy as an amalgam of youth work, adult education and community development under a discourse of informal education. This combination carries its own internal tensions alongside the continually contested relationship between the field of practice and the State. This study analyses key documents in order to chart the shifts in discourse around the constitution of Community Education/Community Learning and Development since 1975. The analysis reveals the force of managerialist discourses which transformed understandings of the practice from post-war welfare state discourses as a service, to its reshaping as technique under New Labour. Current discursive work is directed to its reconstitution (still somewhat ambivalently) as a profession. This ‘re-professionalisation’ connects with similar movements in medicine, social work, parole and teaching which are attempting to reduce the costs of actuarial disciplinary techniques (in record-keeping, reporting and the generation of outcome data) by returning professional trust and judgement to practitioners.  相似文献   
Diversity in its many guises is strongly championed in the adult education literature. To conceive a future for adult education that is not diverse and does not try to address the needs of diverse learners seems absurd. Yet, diversity is not a unitary concept, having many definitions and paradoxical effects. Questions arise about its future in a globalizing world. It is not obvious that all facets of diversity in adult education can thrive into the future. This paper attempts to explore the future of diversity in adult education. It applies two methodologies used in futures research to do so. One, causal layered analysis (CLA), enables the present to be analysed critically in order to explore possible futures. In this paper CLA is used to identify possible effects of globalization on diversity in adult education. The other methodology used is visioning. The adult education literature is examined for its visions of diversity. Four different visions are identified. Each theorizes diversity differently. One aims for individual personal development within an accommodating, non‐critical context. A second emphasizes personal development but within a context that is critical, striving for a more just society. A third envisions social learning facilitating change towards a critical, more just society. A fourth focuses on social learning but within an accommodating, non‐critical context. CLA and visioning enable some tentative statements to be made about the future of diversity in adult education. Chief among them is that diversity, when valued in the market place, will prosper, while diversity that is intended to act as an agent for social change will not.  相似文献   

Denmark has a strong and versatile tradition of adult education. Over a long historical period, adult education for public enlightenment and leisure, for continuing study and for vocational and professional competence have been developed, been made part of state policy and been used by citizens. But in recent years the public and political presence of Danish adult education has changed. While education policy issues generally abound in public and political debates, adult education is given much less attention than earlier. In this article, we trace the causes of this and conclude that it reflects a turn towards focusing on vocational types of adult education and a relocation of adult education policy to networks linking the state and the social partners. Drawing on theories of policy streams, policy networks and the competition state, we provide a historical analysis of Danish adult education reforms during the past two decades and document how the vocational turn has manifested itself.  相似文献   
In this paper we argue that interventions aimed at preventing social exclusion need to be informed by detailed analysis of the formation, disruption, reformation and support of trajectories of participation in the opportunities for action provided. We draw on evidence we gathered on the lives of two women who used an inner city drop‐in centre to discuss how resilience and trajectories of inclusion are built slowly over time in relationship with others. Using concepts derived from sociocultural psychology and activity theory, we interrogate the evidence to first ask whether there is a pattern of changes in participation over time and to then explore how the identity shifts these changes represent are supported. The analysis reveals that there is a pattern, but it is a pattern of using and giving support which suggests that such trajectories are likely to be recursive. This using and giving of support we term relational agency and argue that a capacity for relational agency, as both the supported and the supporter, is a crucial factor in the development of purposive identities and the building of resilience. We also suggest that it is likely to be encouraged in settings which can foster trust and reciprocity as flexible and open learning zones.  相似文献   
The UK government has encouraged schools and local authorities to promote school attendance because of its associations with academic attainment and antisocial behaviour. Legislation makes school attendance a parental responsibility. This small‐scale study collected data on parent–child interaction immediately prior to school absence to examine how such interaction influenced the development of attendance difficulties. Good and poor school attenders, of 12–13 years of age, were compared on quantifiable measures of their self‐reported requests to be absent from school, their perceived parents' responses, self‐reported whole‐day and lesson truancy, and expected parental reaction to truancy. School absence requests were significantly more frequent among the poor attenders, who gained more absence and whose parents were inconsistent in their responses to the requests. Education social work/welfare services and school pastoral staff need well‐formulated methods, backed by empirical research, if they are to work effectively with parents and young people and substantially raise their low attendance.  相似文献   

In an attempt to meet the challenges of increasingly diverse school populations and increased limitations on methods of instruction for pre‐service teachers, the Bilingual Training, Development, and Improvement Project at the University of Houston has developed five interactive video modules for linguistic‐minority students. Commercial videodiscs were repurposed using HyperCard, and the modules were field‐tested on fourth and fifth graders in inner‐city schools. Results from content and language measures indicated that students showed significant gains after viewing the modules. Students also responded favorably to the technology on attitude surveys. An interactive video program designed to inform pre‐service teachers of the needs of linguistic‐minority students was also developed.  相似文献   

The ongoing reforms in the Chinese media system have offered greater latitude for the development and operation of closed circuit community cable television. This research describes the structure and program content of one community system. Although similar to the national media model, the addition of a community channel offers a functional alternative. Local newscasts contain themes and production values similar to China Central Television (CCTV). Feature entertainment and music video request programs provide alternatives to the national and regional television channels. Increased access available through such systems has the capacity to expand the ideological range possible in Chinese life and exert pressure for further structural, operational, and ideological reform at the national level.  相似文献   
This study explores various elements in the struggle for a post-colonial refashioning of cultural identity through education. Drawing on experiences in Australia and the Caribbean, the author illustrates how educational systems undergoing decolonisation reflect socio-cultural tensions of race and power. The author discusses the complexities for comparative educators in engaging with suppressed knowledge, recognising the yearnings of the marginalised, challenging the conditions that lead to poverty, and refashioning education for social justice in an era when the achievement of justice seems increasingly difficult. She argues that comparative educators can benefit from using post-colonial thinking to understand cultural complexity and promote life-affirming practices in educational change.
Zusammenfassung KULTURELLE KOMPLEXIT?T, POSTKOLONIALISMUS UND P?DAGOGISCHE VER?NDERUNG: HERAUSFORDERUNGEN FüR VERGLEICHENDE P?DAGOGEN – Diese Studie erforscht verschiedene Bestandteile im Kampf um eine postkoloniale Neugestaltung von kultureller Identit?t durch Bildung. Unter Bezugnahme auf Erfahrungen in Australien und dem karibischen Raum illustriert die Autorin, wie Bildungssysteme unter dem Einfluss der Entkolonialisierung soziokulturelle Probleme wie Rassenspannungen und Machtstrukturen widerspiegeln. Die Autorin diskutiert die Schwierigkeiten für vergleichende P?dagogen darin, mit unterdrücktem Wissen umzugehen; darin, die Bedürfnisse derer, die gesellschaftlich am Rand stehen, wahrzunehmen; darin, den Bedingungen, die zur Armut führen, entgegenzutreten; und darin, die Bildung für soziale Gerechtigkeit in einem Zeitalter neu zu gestalten, in dem die Durchsetzung von Gerechtigkeit zunehmend schwierig erscheint. Sie legt dar, dass vergleichende P?dagogen aus der Nutzung von postkolonialen Denkweisen profitieren k?nnen, um kulturelle Komplexit?t zu verstehen und lebensbejahende Praktiken in der Ver?nderung des Bildungswesens voranzutreiben.

Résumen COMPLEJIDAD CULTURAL, POST-COLONIALISMO Y CAMBIO EDUCATIVO: RETOS PARA EDUCADORES COMPARATIVOS – El presente estudio explora diversos elementos de la lucha por una recomposición postcolonial de la identidad cultural a través de la educación. Haciendo referencia a experiencias hechas en Australia y el Caribe, la autora ilustra cómo los sistemas educativos que están pasando por la descolonisación reflejan las tensiones socioculturales de raza y poder. La autora expone las complejidades que tienen que encarar los educadores comparativos al enfrentarse con conocimientos reprimidos, reconocer las demandas de los marginados, desafiar las condiciones que causan pobreza y recomponer la educación para lograr la justicia social en una era donde conseguir justicia parece ser cada vez más difícil. La autora sostiene que a los educadores comparativos les podría resultar beneficioso utilizar un pensamiento postcolonial para comprender la complejidad cultural y para promover prácticas que mejoren la calidad de vida en el cambio educativo.

Résumé COMPLEXITé CULTURELLE, POSTCOLONIALISME ET CHANGEMENT éDUCATIF : LES DéFIS POUR LES éDUCATEURS COMPARéS – Cette étude explore les éléments divers de la bataille pour un remodellement postcolonial de l’identité culturelle à travers l’éducation. Se basant sur des expériences en Australie et aux Antilles, l’auteur illustre comment les systèmes éducatifs sous-tendant la décolonisation reflètent les tensions socio-culturelles de races et de pouvoir. L’auteur discute des difficultés pour les éducateurs comparés à s’engager pour des savoirs étouffés, à reconna?tre les désirs ardents des marginaux, à défier les conditions qui mènent à la pauvreté, à remodeler l’éducation en faveur de la justice sociale dans une époque où l’obtention de la justice semble extraordinairement difficile. Elle soutient que les éducateurs comparés peuvent tirer profit d’un usage de la pensée post-coloniale afin de comprendre la complexité culturelle et de promouvoir des pratiques soutenant la vie au sein d’un changement éducatif.

The author: Anne Hickling-Hudson teaches international and intercultural studies in education at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. As the immediate past President of the World Council of Comparative Education (2001–2004), she coordinated the council representing comparative education societies from over thirty countries and led the organisation of the 12th World Congress of Comparative Education. Her research interests focus on race relations and policy analyses of education, and on intercultural and postcolonial approaches in comparative and international pedagogy. Contact address: School of Cultural and Language Studies in Education, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove, Queensland, 4059 Australia. E-mail: a.hudson@qut.edu.au.  相似文献   
Obtaining funding to support community-based childbirth education programs can be a challenge for childbirth educators who may have little grant-writing experience. This article was written by two nurse educators/nurse-midwives who have been involved for over 10 years with a grant-funded parenting and childbirth education program for pregnant teens. It reviews the background of the Resource Center for Young Parents-To-Be, suggests grant-funding sources, and explains the building of partnerships in the community. The basic steps involved in the grant-writing process are presented as well as the importance of follow-up evaluations and reports. Grant-writing skills and the ability to forge partnerships with other community organizations can be important tools for childbirth educators and health-care professionals.  相似文献   
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