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In the UK across all phases of education very different models of self-assessment are being introduced. The paper identifies three 'grammars' of self-assessment. The Business Excellence Model currently being implemented in UK schools is characterised by the 'creative' grammar. This paper examines the value of this self-assessment model, and its impact on teacher professionalism. The findings are that teachers using this model are compelled to redefine their professional roles. Self-assessment can offer a structure, and a language for understanding the critical process of continuing professional development. Au Royaume-Uni, à tous les niveaux d'éducation, des modèles très distincts d'évaluation commencement à être introduits. Cet article contient les trois 'grammaires' de l'auto-évaluation. Le 'Business Excellence Model' que l'on emploie actuellement dans les écoles du Royaume-Uni est caractérisé par 'une grammaire créatrice'. L'article examine la valeur de ce modèle d'auto-évaluation et son impact sur l'aspect professionnel de l'enseignement. Les résultats font apparaître que les enseignants utilisant ce modèle sont obligés de remettre en question leur rôle professionnel. L'auto-évaluation est en mesure d'offrir une structure et un langage pour mieux comprendre le processus critique du développement professionnel continu. En el Reino Unido, al interior de todas las fases de la educación, nuevos y distintos modelos de autoevaluación empiezan a introducirse. El artículo identifica tres 'gramáticas' de autoevaluación. El modelo de 'Business Excellence Model ' implementado actualmente en escuelas británicas se caracteriza por una gramática 'creativa'. El presente artículo estudia la validez de este modelo de autoevaluación, y su impacto en el profesionalismo de los maestros. Se concluye que los profesores que emplean este modelo se ven obligados a redefinir su rol profesional. La autoevaluación puede ofrecer una estructura y un lenguaje que permitan comprender plenamente el proceso crítico de un desarrollo profesional continuo. In Großbritannien werden in allen Ausbildungsphasen sehr unterschiedliche Modelle der Eigenbewertung eingeführt. Dieser Artikel identifiziert drei verschiedene 'Grammatiken' der Eigenbewertung. Das 'Business Excellence Model', welches momentan an britischen Schulen eingeführt wird, kennzeichnet sich durch sogenannte kreative Grammatik. Der Artikel prüft den Wert dieses Modells und untersucht die Auswirkungen auf den Profes sionalismus der Lehrer. Es scheint, daß Lehrer, die dieses Modell benutzen, gezwungen sind, ihre Rolle als Lehrfachkräfte neu zu definieren. Eigenbewertung kann eine Struktur und eine Sprache für das Verständnis des kritischen Prozesses der fachlichen Weiterbildung bieten.  相似文献   
This paper reports the findings of a study that explored how teachers manage a pervasive and disruptive classroom behaviour known as talking out of turn. The study found that talking out of turn occurred at story time in the 26 primary classrooms investigated. Comparisons between teachers showed that they used different strategies to manage classroom talk and that these strategies correlate with the frequency of talking out of turn in their classrooms. However, this is not a matter merely of some teachers being more skillful than others. Detailed analysis of each teacher's knowledge of teaching and learning showed that the skills that they used are inseparable from the knowledge they hold. It is suggested that teachers may change the frequency of an unwanted classroom behaviour, if they are helped to reflect on their professional knowledge.  相似文献   
Scholars report desirable outcomes for all participants in classrooms where diverse learners are welcomed members. Data suggest teachers leave the profession early because of the demands of their work made increasingly difficult by the diverse range of students, lack of assistance to support the diverse range of student needs and the resulting burnout. This paper presents qualitative data from six beginning teachers, juxtaposed with the author's personal narrative, to illustrate the ongoing problems beginning teachers face, contending with political, historical and cultural barriers when teaching students with diverse learning needs. Despite policy advances and mandated courses in inclusive education in initial teacher education, beginning teachers are overwhelmed by the magnitude of teaching diverse learners in contemporary classrooms. Of note in the data are the preservice teachers’ fluid conceptions of inclusive education. The polarity of success and failure of inclusive education is re-envisaged through Deleuze and Guattari's [(1987 Deleuze, G., and F. Guattari. 1987. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans Brian Massumi. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. [Google Scholar]). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans Brian Massumi. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.] rhizome. The data illustrate the challenges and messiness of learning to become an inclusive educator. It is important to listen to the experiences of beginning teachers given the value of supportive classroom environments for students with diverse needs and the impact creating these environments has on beginning teachers’ longevity in the profession.  相似文献   
Teacher educators describe a developmental process they use for preparing pre-service teachers to support preschool-age children with and without disabilities in becoming socially competent. Social competence is crucial in developing the “whole” child and may actually foster other areas of development. Using qualitative data gathered from multiple classes over several years, the authors explain ways they guide future teachers in learning how to provide positive social environments. They describe their observations of changes in students’ beliefs about their roles and responsibilities, which appear to be influenced by the guided experiences they have provided. Activities implemented in early childhood and early childhood special education courses are shared, as well as student work samples that illustrate developing awareness and understanding.  相似文献   
Preschool-age children's experiences within the mixed-age setting of family child care homes and the influences of these experiences on development were examined. Development variables included social and cognitive play, and receptive and expressive language. Consistent with Vygotsky's developmental theory, children's interactions with mixed-age peers were more powerful predictors of development than the mere availability of mixed-age peers. Interactions with older peers were associated with more complex cognitive play behaviors. Interactions with younger and same-age peers were associated with less complex social and cognitive play and lower receptive language scores. Characteristics of the child care setting appeared to moderate children's behavior in the mixed-age environment. Children in higher quality family child care homes with responsive caregivers were less likely to interact with younger children. No evidence was found of different developmental outcomes across developmental domains for older versus younger children.  相似文献   
In preparation for implementation of Part H of P.L. 99-457, the Indiana early intervention workforce was surveyed to determine the current status of the workforce and identify implications for policy making. A sample of 837 respondents generated information about the types of personnel providing services, their qualifications, compensation, and longevity in the field. Turnover rates for the personnel categories surveyed were also obtained. Education and licensure for teachers and aides showed considerable variation, with some personnel having training in areas related to early intervention and many with training in unrelated areas. Striking differences were seen in compensation favoring public school personnel over personnel employed in other types of agencies. Personnel turnover rates were high, averaging 30%. The data indicate the need for early intervention training programs and equitable compensation of trained personnel if Indiana, and presumably other states, are to meet the mandate of P.L. 99-457, Part H. The most critical needs are to develop strategies to attract, train, and support specialized early intervention personnel from a wide variety of disciplines.  相似文献   
A support group for newly qualified teachers (NQTs) was set up to facilitate collaborative practice and explore professional knowledge. The support group was monitored for a year and analyses found that a cooperative, rather than collaborative, group formed. Similarly, the NQTs (with one exception) experienced and enacted cooperation in their schools, which limited their opportunities to learn with teaching colleagues or to be recognised publicly as competent professionals. By the end of the year, most NQTs articulated knowledge of work practices that privileged isolation, privacy and individualism.  相似文献   
What does the category or the term “young people” evoke for teenagers who identify themselves in terms of their social group memberships? On the basis of two studies we were able to demonstrate that whereas for apprentices (positioned between school and the world of work) youth is defined in terms of various activities — one is young by virtue of what one is doing, for those pursuing studies in senior high school (the “lycéens”), one is young by virtue of how one thinks. In addition, while apprentices tend to value the group, high school students value the individual above all else.  相似文献   
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