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This study is part of a wider research program, which seeks to investigate the existence (or not) of relationships between sociomathematical and mathematical norms at different academic levels. Here, we consider the norms that arise in the interaction between primary student teachers when they solve a mathematical task related to the mathematical definition. We hypothesize that in the colloquial mathematical discourse between these students coexist two types of discourse as follows: sociomathematical and mathematical, each one with its specific norms. This coexistence can originate commognitive conflicts. We have been able to identify different commognitive conflicts that arose from the simultaneous existence of sociomathematical norms and mathematical norms linked to defining, approaching their generation.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the study of student teachers’ verbal interaction in learning situations generated in a classroom corresponding to a mathematics methods course. In our work, we incorporate two ‘ways of seeing’ a group: as an entity or as a set composed of individualities. We present an analytical framework that considers two dimensions connected with these ways of seeing the group and four variables corresponding to these dimensions, through which the verbal interaction between student teachers in a group can be considered. As regards the first dimension, the variables included are specific language, cognitive processing, social processing; the second dimension considers the relational variable. We describe each of the different variables that form the framework, and how this framework allows us to analyse the verbal interaction in three groups of student teachers. We believe that building analytic frameworks that allow the study of verbal interaction in detail is worthwhile in the educational field due to their important role in the analysis of learning-teaching processes.  相似文献   

El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido diseñar y comprobar empíricamente el efecto que tiene una Instrucción en Habilidades de Análisis de la palabra sobre la mejora en el aprendizaje lecto-escritor de niños disléxicos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la instrucción produce una mejora significativa en la escritura al dictado de frases sueltas y en el dictado de textos. Los entrenamientos favorecieron la adquisición del metalenguaje (tareas de inversiones, adiciones, omisiones). Y no se alcanzaron resultados satisfactorios en el nivel de lectura de los niños con ninguno de los tipos de instrucciones.  相似文献   

En este articulo, se revisan las descripciones clínicas y los estudios sistemáticos que tratan de establecer los rasgos que definen al lenguaje de los autistas cuando se les compara con el dé los sujetos normales o con otras clases de alteraciones. En la última parte de él, se analizan especialmente las semejanzas y diferencias entre el lenguaje autista y el de los niños con disfasia receptiva del desarrollo y anlizaremos la llamada «tesis de continuidad», que concibe el autismo como una especie de disfasia receptiva grave. En un trabajo posterior, se analizarán más específicamente algunas de las alteraciones más características del lenguaje de los autistas (p.e. ecolalia, inversión pronominal, problemas de comprensión) y se discutirán sus anomalías y retrasos en relación con los distintos componentes (fonológico, morfosintáctico, léxico, etc.) en que puede analizarse el lenguaje.  相似文献   
The global process of strengthening and harmonization of intellectual property rights (IPRs) systems has been intensified in the last twenty five years by the signing of trade agreements (TAs) that include chapters with intellectual property (IP) provisions and other trade-related issues. This paper provides a first exploration of whether and how the signing of TAs with IP chapters influences bilateral trade flows for a balanced panel of 110 countries and the period 1995–2013. We address methodological issues related to the assessment of the effect of TAs on bilateral trade. We use matching econometrics to evaluate the treatment of TAs with and without IP chapters. In addition, we estimate the effects of TAs on bilateral trade in a more dynamic fashion using a panel data approach based on the gravity model. Also, we perform our analysis for trade in low- and high-IP intensive products. We found that both types of TAs increase bilateral trade but TAs with no IPRs chapters have a stronger positive effect on trade. However, if we include lags to consider that TAs with IP chapters might need a longer implementation time, the net expected increase on trade is similar for both types of TAs. We also found that the effects depend on the development level of countries and on the IP intensity of products. We found a clear positive effect for developed countries, but we do not observe important gains for developing countries in all sectors and to all destinations derived from TAs with IP chapters. This raises the question of whether trade gains can compensate the effort related with IP reforms.  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to drive a rotary inverted pendulum by following a desired navigation instruction. This navigation is commanded by the user through a new electromagnetic device which is allowed to perturb the pendulum from its upright position. This apparatus consists of an electronic magnetic driving circuit to introduce commands and realized via two operated magnetic coils. So, the external programmed magnetic perturbation can be seen as external commandments. Therefore, the control problem statement is solved via a modified regulation control implementation, to maintain the pendulum on its upright position and giving free manipulation of the base of the rotary inverted pendulum. Hence, by using the corresponding H-linear matrix inequality technique, a static state controller is designed and tested experimentally so supporting our findings.  相似文献   

This paper is an ofrenda (offering), a testimonio (testimony) of the healing power of reconstituting severed relationships and reconstructing agentic creation stories in the pathology of soul-wounds where pictures and cuentos serve to mend genealogical traumas. This paper is a refusal of neglecting traumas, it is othermotherwork as an invitation of kin towards the healing soul-wounds by engaging my ageing father (apá), who has been battling a debilitating disease for over 30 years. In choosing to erase his memory and refusing well-being, I engage my apá by remembering and restoring cuentos (stories) retrieved from pictures in my abuela’s archival orange box. I retell the cuentos as told by my apá of his mother, father, great-grandmother and great-grandfather, while he offers an unexpected remedy for both our soul-wounds. In this exchange of ancestral herstories, it is an important move towards an Indigenous Else, transits beyond borders and separation, towards the restorative act of forging unity, love and compassion amongst my father, my ancestors and myself.  相似文献   

Se estudia la educación formal y «Literacy» con objeto de analizar diferentes aspectos del desarrollo cultural, así como la influencia de factores socioculturales en el desarrollo cognitivo de los adultos. Son escasos los trabajos realizados en este campo. Se seleccionó un grupo de mujeres pertenecientes al programa de Educación de Adultos de la Junta de Andalucía cuyas edades oscilaban entre 35 y 55 años. Los sujetos estudiados pertenecían a tres niveles educativos: alfabetización, pregraduados y graduados. La acción dirigida a meta es la unidad de análisis escogida y la metodología desarrollada tiene su base en la perspectiva sociocultural iniciada por Vygostsky y desarrollada por algunos psicólogos occidentales. La situación experimental se diseñó con objeto de analizar los componentes de las acciones de memoria que los sujetos podían utilizar para recordar un grupo de estímulos. Estos se podían incluir en diferentes categorías (animales, plantas y objetos). Componentes básicos de este tipo de acciones son: estrategias cognitivas, procedimientos de mediación semiótica y actitud social de los sujetos. A lo largo de las diferentes fases de la investigación fue posible observar transiciones microgenéticas de estos componentes así como cambios en las interacciones entre los mismos, (especialmente entre procesos cognitivos y procedimientos semióticos).  相似文献   
Teachers who attended unitary rural schools in northwestern Spain were asked to relate their early school experiences in the form of a personal reflective and analytical narrative. Our analysis of these narratives revealed some strikingly difficult conditions; nevertheless, students tended to relate these hardships with a strong sense of nostalgia, focussing on the sense of community that they experienced. These results shed some light on the relevance of personal relations and the broader social and physical environment to the school ethos, and provides practice and design implications for urban as well as rural schooling contexts.  相似文献   
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