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The growth of Smartphone usage, increased acceptance of electronic learning (E-learning), the availability of high reliability mobile networks and need for flexibility in learning have resulted in the growth of mobile learning (M-learning). This has led to a tremendous interest in the acceptance behaviors related to M-learning users among the information systems researchers. Despite a large amount of significant research in the field of M-learning, the measurement of user acceptance of M-learning has not received attention. This research study intends to develop and validate a survey that measures users’ acceptance of M-learning. A total sample of 806 university and higher college students from different institutes in Oman participated in this study. This research study was conducted in two stages. The first stage using a sample size of 388 students initiated a generic questionnaire, and examined factorial validity and reliability. The second stage that was conducted using different sample of 418 students employed confirmatory factor analysis to establish factorial validity and measurement invariance. A correlated six-factor model (Flexibility, Suitability, Enjoyment, Efficiency, Economic and Social) was fit using maximum likelihood estimation. The internal consistency and item reliability of Mobile Learning Acceptance Measure was found to be at acceptable level for both samples.  相似文献   
In this paper, a method to under-approximate finite-time reachable sets and tubes for a class of continuous-time linear uncertain systems is proposed. The class under consideration is the linear time-varying (LTV) class with time-varying integrable system matrices and uncertain initial and input values belonging to known convex compact sets. The proposed method depends upon the iterative use of constant-input reachable sets, which results in convergent under-approximations in the sense of the Hausdorff distance. As a consequence of the convergence, it is shown that interior points of reachable sets are attainable using piecewise constant inputs. The computational complexity of a zonotopic implementation of the proposed method is discussed and comparisons with existing under-approximation methods are established. Finally, the proposed approach is illustrated through two numerical examples.  相似文献   
The study is aimed at predicting objective criteria based on a statistically tested model for admitting undergraduate students to Beirut University College. The University is faced with a dual problem of having to select only a fraction of an increasing number of applicants, and of trying to minimize the number of students placed on academic probation (currently 36 percent of new admissions). Out of 659 new students, a sample of 272 students (45 percent) were selected; these were all the students on the Dean's list and on academic probation. With academic performance as the dependent variable, the model included ten independent variables and their interactions. These variables included the type of high school, the language of instruction in high school, recommendations, sex, academic average in high school, score on the English Entrance Examination, the major in high school, and whether the major was originally applied for by the student. Discriminant analysis was used to evaluate the relative weight of the independent variables, and from the analysis three equations were developed, one for each academic division in the College. The predictive power of these equations was tested by using them to classify students not in the selected sample into successful and unsuccessful ones. Applicability of the model to other institutions of higher learning is discussed.
Zusammenfassung In Dieser Studie wird versucht, objektive, auf einem statistisch getesteten Modell basierende Kriterien zur Zulassung von Studenten zum Beirut University College herauszufinden. Diese Hochschule muß sich mit zwei Problemen auseinandersetzen, zum ersten nur einen Teil der wachsenden Zahl von Bewerbern zulassen zu können und zum zweiten die Anzahl der Studenten auf akademischer Probezeit zu reduzieren (gegenwärtig 36% der Neuzulassungen). Von 659 neuen Studenten wurden 272 Studenten (45%) fur die Studie ausgewählt: alle vom Dekan erwählte Studenten und Studenten auf akademischer Probezeit. Das Modell beinhaltet zehn unabhängige Variablen und ihre Interaktionen und basiert auf akademischer Leistung als abhängige Variable. Unter diesen Variablen sind: die Art der Sekundarschule, die Lehrsprache an der Sekundarschule, Empfehlungen, Geschlecht, Sekundarschulnoten, Leistungen beim English Entrance Examination (Leistungstest in Englisch), das Hauptfach der Schüler und ob das Hauptfach das vom Schüler ursprünglich gewählte ist. Die statistische Analyse wurde zur Bewertung der relativen Bedeutung der unabhängigen Variablen angewandt, und es wurden drei Gleichungen aus der Analyse entwickelt; eine für jede akademische Abteilung der Hochschule. Die Gültigkeit dieser Gleichungen wurde getestet, indem man sie für die Aufteilung von nicht in die Studie einbezogenen Studenten in erfolgreiche und nicht erfolgreiche Studenten anwandte. Abschließend wird die Anwendbarkeit des Modells auf andere Einrichtungen der Höheren Bildung diskutiert.

Résumé La présente étude vise à prédire les critères objectifs fondés sur un modèle statistiquement vérifié pour l'admission des étudiants à l'Université de Beyrouth. Cette dernière fait face à un problème dual: devoir sélectionner une fraction seulement d'un nombre croissant de candidats et essayer de minimiser le nombre d'étudiants inscrits à l'essai (soit actuellement 36 pour cent des nouvelles admissions). On a sélectionné un échantillon de 272 étudiants sur 659 nouveaux inscrits (soit 45 pour cent). Ces étudiants étaient tous ceux inscrits sur la liste du doyen ainsi que ceux inscrits à l'essai. Avec la performance scolaire comme variable dépendante, ce modèle comptait dix variables indépendantes et leurs interactions. Ces variables incluaient le type d'école supérieure, la langue d'enseignement pratiquée dans celle-ci, les recommandations, le sexe, la moyenne scolaire, la note obtenue à l'épreuve d'anglais de l'examen d'entrée, la matière principale à l'école supérieure, et indiquaient si cette matière avait été choisie par le candidat. On a utilisé F analyse discriminante pour évaluer le poids relatif des variables indépendantes. On a ensuite développé trois équations à partir de ces variables, une pour chacune des sections du collège universitaire. La force prédictive de ces équations a été testée en les employant pour classer les étudiants ne faisant pas partie de l'échantillon sélectionné en deux catégories: ceux ayant réussi et ceux ayant échoué. On discute de l'applicabilité de ce modèle à d'autres instituts d'enseignement supérieur.
Exposure to various organic compounds including drugs and environmental toxins causes cellular damage through generation of free radicals. Carnosine a dipeptide was used in this study to evaluate its effect against CCl4-induced nephrotoxicity. Sixty male albino rats were involved in this study and were equally divided into four groups. CCl4 (3 ml/kg body weight; biweekly for 4 weeks) was given to group II and III. Carnosine (10 mg/kg body weight; once daily for 4 weeks) was given to group III and VI. Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) level by immunoassay and Smad3 mRNA level by real-time PCR were estimated in addition to cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) activity, renal functions, redox status assessment and histopathological examination of the kidney. Carnosine significantly improved kidney function, renal redox status, decreased renal CYP2E1 activity, TGF-β1 level and Smad3 gene expression when compared to CCL4-intoxicated group. The protective effect of carnosine was confirmed by histopathological study. In conclusion: carnosine has the ability to protect against CCl4-induced nephrotoxicity possibly by alleviating oxidative stress, normalizing kidney histopathological architecture in addition to the disruption of the inflammatory and fibrotic response induced by CCl4.  相似文献   
Child abuse was diagnosed in two Jordanian children. The first was a 15-month-old female infant admitted with a history of convulsions and loss of consciousness. The child had previous head and limb injuries resulting in bilateral subdural hematomas and fractures at different stages of healing of femur and pelvis. The second was a 3-year-old male admitted with history of head injury due to an alleged fall. Examination revealed fractured ribs, bruised eye and face, hemothorax, subperiosteal and subdural hematomas. Both children have sustained physical and mental handicaps. This is the first report of child abuse in Jordan. In Jordan, as in the rest of the world, a high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose child abuse early enough to save the affected child its serious sequelae.  相似文献   
In this paper the results of a study conducted to determine the perception of counselling needs by primary school teachers in Malaysia and Lesotho are reported. To this end, teachers were asked about the special needs of students they teach, how they cope with these students, what assistance they would like to have in teaching, and the best approach for dealing with student concerns. Teachers in Lesotho are dealing with larger numbers of special needs students and thus are having more difficulties than Malaysian teachers. Malaysian teachers appeared to be more interested in improving their teaching effectiveness. There was some variation in the perceptions of how to best deal with student concerns.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relations among child factors, classroom factors, and the percentage of observations that preschoolers with and without special needs spent in teacher-directed group play. Differences in the number of observations for other types of play (e.g., playing with a teacher or playing cooperatively with peers) between children with and without special needs also was examined. Additionally, the percentage of observations spent by children with and without special needs in different classroom activities and centers was examined. Participants were 48 typically developing children and 22 children with special needs. A scanning method was used to assess play types for the children. Results indicated that girls were more likely to play cooperatively in teacher-directed groups than boys. And, children with special needs were more likely to play with a teacher and less likely to play cooperatively with peers than their typically developing classmates. Children with and without special needs frequently engaged in play in the following areas: art, blocks, science, making food, talking with classmates. In future studies, investigators should observe the different types of child and teacher behaviors related to increased interactions between children who have special needs and their typically developing classmates.  相似文献   
This study assessed information literacy perceptions of undergraduate students at Sultan Qaboos University in their use of social media. A quantitative approach was used to collect data from undergraduate students. The study consisted of 1,142 completed questionnaires by randomly selected participants. The results demonstrated overall moderate levels of perceptions toward the evaluation of information, information ethics, legal issues, and privacy issues. In evaluation of information, credibility of information was considered as an important factor to decide whether to use information for academic purposes. This study signifies the importance of understanding perceptions of information literacy among undergraduate students in a specific socio-cultural context. The results can also be generalized to similar academic institutions worldwide. It is also hoped that the study's findings will assist in developing contextual training programs or information literacy quizzes to promote information literacy in the social media environment.  相似文献   
Metacognition, a construct with strong empirical and theoretical foundations, is integral to successful learning. Research on metacognition has provided convincing evidence supporting its importance in the instruction and learning processes. In this article, research on several aspects of metacognition are briefly reviewed and analyzed, examples of metacognitive strategies are provided, and implications for instructional design are described.  相似文献   
This paper examines the work done in the field of comparative education in the Arab region and analyses its conceptual and theoretical assumptions. It also analyses the work done by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALESCO). The author argues that there is very little influence from sociology on the comparative education research carried on in the Arab region, though there is some influence from the functionalist school. There is heavy reliance on the economics of education, especially in the work of those utilising the concept of human capital. Most of the research carried out is practice-oriented research, aiming at policy formation and the provision of factual data for policy-makers, and mainly concerned with the internal working of educational systems in the Arab region.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel untersucht die auf dem Gebiet der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft in der arabischen Region geleistete Arbeit und analysiert ihre konzeptuellen und theoretischen Voraussetzungen. Außerdem werden die Tätigkeiten der Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation der arabischen Liga (ALECSO) analysiert. Es wird festgestellt, daß die Soziologie sehr wenig Einfluß auf die vergleichende erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung in der arabischen Region ausgeübt hat; nur die funktionalistische Schule hat sich bis zu einem gewissen Grade ausgewirkt. Starker Nachdruck liegt auf der Bildungsökonomie, vor allem in der Arbeit von Wissenschaftlern, die das Konzept menschliches Kapital benutzen. Überwiegend ist die betriebene Forschung praxis-orientiert. Ihr Ziel ist, zur Erarbeitung einer Bildungspolitik beizutragen und den Bildungspolitikern faktisches Material zu liefern. Daher befaßt sie sich hauptsächlich mit dem internen Erziehungswesen der betreffenden Länder in der arabischen Region.

Résumé Cet article examine le travail effectué dans le domaine de l'éducation comparée dans les Etats arabes et analyse ses présomptions conceptuelles et théoriques ainsi que le travail de l'Organisation Arabe pour l'Education, la Culture et la Science (ALECSO). L'auteur soutient que la sociologie n'exerce qu'une influence très restreinte sur la recherche concernant l'éducation comparée menée dans les Etats arabes, quoique l'on y constate une certaine influence de l'école fonctionnelle. On place une grande confiance dans l'économie de l'éducation, surtout dans le travail de ceux qui utilisent le concept de capital humain. La majeure partie de la recherche est orientée vers la pratique, visant à l'élaboration d'une politique d'action, à la fourniture de données factuelles aux décisionnaires, et elle s'intéresse surtout au travail interne des systèmes d'éducation dans les Etats arabes.
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