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通过对大学英语课堂教学活动中如何有效地实施统一、和谐、平衡和循环这些基本原理的运用 ,而达到提高教学效果的目的  相似文献   
千年历史沧桑和浓郁江南风情孕育的海盐,古韵绵绵,人杰地灵。如今,有梦想、能实干的海盐人大兴文化建设,描绘出一幅耀眼的文化画卷,而文化惠民则唱响了一曲动人的幸福赞歌。每到傍晚,当海风开始吹拂海盐这座滨海城市的时候,海滨公园的照壁前、秦山广场的花坛边、海盐大剧院的广场上……只要有音乐,有灯光,大家就翩翩起舞了。近年来,海盐文娱场所增多了,文化  相似文献   
2013年4月6日,浙江昆剧团在杭州举行考试,面向全国招收"第六代"传人。成立于1955年的浙江昆剧团,在原民间"国风苏昆剧团"基础上组建,曾出现过"传、世、盛、秀、万"五代同堂的兴盛时期。目前,声名卓著的"传"字辈老师已相继离开了舞台,"世、盛、秀"三辈担当起重任。本文介绍的沈世华就是当年浙昆"世"字辈演员、如今是在京授业传艺的昆曲代表性传承人。  相似文献   
许颜 《文化交流》2013,(9):62-65
中国电影事业的一位奠基者,在其53年短暂的人生里,共编导了31部电影和7部话剧,代表作《八千里路云和月》和《新儿女英雄传》,被誉为"为战后中国电影艺术奠下了基石"。他生于杭州,祖居海宁硖石横头街,小名"三宝",大名史东山。影片《八千里路云和月》,创造了当时中国电影的最高票房纪录;1951年编导的影片《新儿女英雄传》,获捷  相似文献   
陈敢 《文化交流》2013,(9):78-80
剪纸,一直以来都是平面的,做成立体的剪纸,这是"临海剪纸"传人张秀娟近年新创的手艺。创建立体剪纸,继承和发扬了中国传统民间剪纸艺术,丰富了当代剪纸的题材、形式与内容,深得大人和孩子们的喜爱。最近,当笔者来到临海市括苍镇"临海剪纸"传人张秀娟的民间剪纸博物馆时,立即被眼前那些大幅小幅的剪纸作品吸引住了:惟妙惟肖的虫鱼花鸟兽,栩栩如生的金陵十二钗,笔力遒劲的古典诗词篇章……  相似文献   
蔡荣 《文化交流》2013,(9):29-33
浙江人文荟萃,艺术创作尤其繁荣,自南宋以来即为中国书画重镇。"南宋四家"(李唐、刘松年、马远、夏圭)、赵孟頫、黄公望、徐渭、陈洪绶、任伯年、吴昌硕等都是在中国美术史上无论如何也绕不开的大师级人物。1927年11月,蔡元培选址杭州西子湖畔,于次年建立了中国第一所综合性国立高等艺术学府——国立艺术院(中国美术学院前身)。从此,20世纪的浙江美术发展历程就与这所高等学府相辅相成,可以说是"同呼吸,共命运"。浙江为中国美院的发展提供了良好的传统艺术积淀和氛围,以及众多的优秀师资、生源,而中国美院  相似文献   
钮骠 《文化交流》2013,(9):38-40
前不久,央视播出了8集电视纪录片《京剧》,向广大观众展现和解读京剧艺术。我作为一个从1948年开始学演京剧、至今已有65年的京剧人,当然倍加关注,殷切期待。认真地看了首播之后,心情是欣喜的。喜的是,央视以京剧为表现对象,精心拍摄出这样一部大型纪录片,这种做法在以往是从未有过的,并且将这宗国粹艺术向世界推介,其意义重大。中国  相似文献   
This paper discusses the development of economic higher education in Czechoslovakia from 1945 to 1953, ie before the emergence of new economic universities with the same name: University of Economics (Vysoká ?kola ekonomická) in Prague and Bratislava. Its aim is to determine possible similarities and differences in economic education between the Czech lands and Slovakia. Although the paper embraces the issue comprehensively, the main focus is on the comparison of two of the most important colleges, the Commercial College in Prague and Slovak College of Commerce in Bratislava. It concludes and claims that despite the Czechoslovak uniform policy in tertiary education, there were undoubtedly some national differences. Essentially, they stemmed from different networks and the number of economic schools in the Czech lands and Slovakia and from different prior traditions. Overall, Slovaks endeavoured to continue with the preceding development more than Czechs.  相似文献   
Teacher education in Czechoslovakia is part of a unified national provision of education; this covers in‐service as well as pre‐service training. The basis is that of training at Higher education level followed by life‐long upgrading.

The Marxist‐Leninist view is that the quality of the teacher is central to the educational process. Consequently, the initial and in‐service training of the teacher are of paramount importance, and the Czechoslovak system aims at an integrated approach to the entire process. In this process, acquisition of ideological, as well as professional, maturity, is seen as essential. Equally, the teacher must master his chosen discipline (s) in the scientific sense.

Additionally, it is important that the teacher be able to participate actively in the community—in, for example, family education, health care and concern for the environment.

Against this background of goals, the author outlines the Czechoslovak institutional provision for initial training, conditions for enrolment and the process of obtaining a post, before providing an in‐depth examination of the country's provision of in‐service education. A final section emphasises the position of the teacher in society, and specifically in socialist society. The teacher is, quite simply, a key figure and teacher education has to be built around this fact.

Svatopluk S. Petrá?ek is Professor of Education and Director of the European Centre of the Charles University for Further Education of Teachers.  相似文献   

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